Understand yourself right now and become a better person

How to be a better person and be happy in the UK with Cheeringup.Info

Becoming a better person

You need to know where you are before you can plan for where you want to be in future. Get to know the real you now with help from CheeringupInfo. Accept the good and bad in you today then plan to improve.

Remember to be grateful every day for the good things in your life right now and the things you do in your life each day


If you were your friend and you were giving advice to this friend, what what you note about your friend/yourself? What advice would you give to improve your life? Write a couple of letters to yourself to say how good you are but also how to be better in future.

Develop new habits. You are already motivated to change. What you need to do with this motivation is create good daily weekly and monthly habits you can realistically stick to. The new good habits will remove bad old lifestyle. Your new lifestyle will make you a better person.

Do not procrastinate on improving yourself. Do not try to make yourself into something you can never be. Be realistic about who you are now and who you can become. Change and grow as a person. Try to become a little better each day.

  • Be present in the moment and connected to your world. Too often we waste time living in the past or planning for the future. Feeling each moment will help you understand what makes you feel happier.
  • Every day be grateful for what you have a congratulate yourself on little successes. You do not need to under Dark Matter! Just show a little appreciation of yourself for little wins.
  • Forgive yourself for little errors. You often learn more from your mistakes than your wins. Learn from your mistakes and move on. Do not beat yourself up about being human.
  • Love yourself. Do this with a little personal care. Looking after yourself is a manifestation of self love. Loving yourself first will make you more lovable.
  • Try to help other people have a better day. Helping others makes you a better person. You do not need to solve their problems. A good word or gesture or simply taking time to engage with someone may lift their day. The proportion of people who are lonely in the UK is high. A little word on passing may be a moment for others to feel more connected with society. Words are free.
  • Every day must start with 3 simple goals for the day. You do not need to solve the meaning of life. Just have a couple of practical goals you can possibly tick off by the end of that day. If you complete 3 things each and every day that are practical in your life then by the end of the month or year you will have become a better person living in a better life. It will also help you push yourself forward each day. From putting the bins out to updating your CV make your day productive in at least 3 ways with 3 daily goals will improve your life a little each day. Build the confidence to believe in yourself more.
  • Move more in terms of organised physical activity and just day to day life. Take the stairs instead of the lift.
  • Improve your diet. Eat and drink more healthily including drinking at least a litre of water.
  • Work at getting the right work life balance for yourself. If you want to work 12 hours a day to achieve your life goals then do so but if you have the wrong work life balance you will never be at your happiest.
  • Increase and improve your skills to improve your mind and life chances.

Know yourself first then work on becoming a better person with CheeringupInfo.

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CheeringupInfo Understand yourself right now and become a better person