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Central bankers across the world have been too late to take action when inflation took off, calling it transitory or something not to tackle head on before inflation runs out of control. Their delay in acting means inflation is out of control in many parts of the globe including Europe, USA and Uk. It is now impossible for wages to keep up with inflation meaning economic activity will reduce, or has already reduced. A full scale recession, perhaps depression is heading straight for the global economy. Companies across the broad spectrum of products and services feel they can get away with price rises. We as consumers have to show them they can’t to stop inflating their prices; and at the same time this could protect the businesses from going out of business due to falling demand in a recession or even depression.
We accepted price rises after pandemic, but enough is enough. We have to target profiteering businesses, stop buying from them and switch to retailers offering real value for money. This includes restaurants, pubs, grocery businesses, to gadgets and financial services. We must stop accepting that it is ok for prices to go up. If price goes up, switch or stop buying that product or service.

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