Retirement Options UK

My Retirement Options

What are my retirement options in the UK?

How much will your retirement savings be worth when you retire in the UK? How long will your retirement fund last? Free retirement planning guide for people retiring in the UK.

  • Get retirement lifestyle insights
  • Pick up free UK retirement tips
  • Pick the best retirement income plan for your retirement lifestyle plan

Make the right retirement planning choice. Ask the right questions. Find the best way forward.

Retirement Income Options

Select from a range of retirement income options to suit your personal circumstances and attitudes to risk. Examples include

  • A lifetime annuity provides you with a regular retirement income for life – with the guarantee that the money will not run out before you die.
  • A significant minority of people are still using buy to let property to fund their retirement lifestyle
  • We explore a range of alternative retirement choices to help inform your retirement planning including pension cash lump sum choice and retirement income drawdown.

CheeringupTV can help guide you through the pension options available.

Make the most of your life savings with CheeringupTV

Explore which retirement options suit your needs and use our guides to inform your decision.

Your retirement options include guaranteed regular income for the rest of your life. Flexible access. Take the income you need when you need it. Cash lump sum payments. Have all your savings paid as a cash lump sum. Leave it for now. Put things off until the time feels right to you.

What you can do with your pension pot?

You can usually take 25 percent of your pension pot tax free and then choose from a range of options.

  • Maximise your retirement income. You have more choice and flexibility than ever when taking a retirement income. Understand what to consider and the options available for your retirement plan.
  • Plan your retirement income. Work out how much money you will get when you retire and plan ahead. Include UK state pension pension credit national insurance.
  • Saving for your retirement in the UK. Saving for retirement is essential but with so many options available how do you find the best option for you?

Take a look at our saving for retirement guide

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Retirement wise we can help you understand your options better.

Retirement Options UK
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