Global Digital Nomad Magazine : Hoi An Vietnam

Discover the best of Hoi An Vietnam

Exploring Hoi An Vietnam

Come with us as we discover the best of Hoi An including best Hoi An accommodation, best things to see in Hoi An and Hoi An places to eat.

Hoi An Nightlife

Hoi An At Night

Why Visit Hoi An, Vietnam?

Hoi An, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is one of Vietnam’s most treasured destinations. Situated on the central coast of Vietnam, Hoi An was once a bustling trading port that connected the East and West, influencing its architecture, culture, and culinary landscape. Today, it stands as a living museum, offering a glimpse into the country’s rich history and diverse culture. For UK visitors, Hoi An presents a unique blend of historical charm, vibrant street life, and natural beauty. Here are several reasons why you should visit Hoi An and a detailed itinerary highlighting the nine best things to do during a week-long stay.

Hoi An at night

1. Historical Charm and Architecture

Hoi An’s Old Town is a well-preserved example of a Southeast Asian trading port dating from the 15th to the 19th century. The architecture reflects a fusion of indigenous and foreign influences, including Chinese, Japanese, and European. The Japanese Covered Bridge, the Chinese assembly halls, and French colonial buildings are among the many historical structures that tell the story of Hoi An’s cosmopolitan past.

Hoi An Things To Do

2. Culinary Delights

Hoi An Food

Hoi An is a food lover’s paradise. The city offers a range of unique dishes that reflect its diverse cultural influences. From the famous cao lau, a noodle dish that you can only find in Hoi An, to banh mi, the Vietnamese baguette sandwich, the local cuisine is rich, flavourful, and varied. Cooking classes are widely available, allowing visitors to learn how to prepare traditional Vietnamese dishes.

Hoi An Market
Egg Coffee Hoi An Viet Nam

What is egg coffee and why might you enjoy it?

Egg coffee is a unique Vietnamese beverage that combines strong coffee with a creamy, frothy mixture made from egg yolks, sugar, and condensed milk. It originated in Hanoi and is known locally as “cà phê trứng.” The drink is prepared by whisking egg yolks with sugar and condensed milk until it becomes a thick, creamy mixture, which is then gently poured over a hot cup of robust Vietnamese coffee.

You might enjoy egg coffee for several reasons:

  1. Unique Flavour Profile: The combination of rich, bitter coffee and sweet, creamy egg foam creates a distinctive taste that is both indulgent and satisfying.
  2. Texture : The contrasting textures of the smooth, velvety egg foam and the strong coffee provide a delightful drinking experience.
  3. Cultural Experience : Trying egg coffee offers a taste of Vietnamese culture and tradition, making it an interesting and immersive culinary experience.
  4. Aesthetic Appeal : The layered presentation of the coffee and egg mixture is visually appealing, adding to the enjoyment of the drink.

Overall, egg coffee is a must-try for coffee enthusiasts looking for something different and for those interested in exploring Vietnamese cuisine.

3. Tailoring and Handicrafts

Hoi An is renowned for its tailoring shops, where skilled tailors can create custom clothing in a matter of days. The city is also a hub for traditional handicrafts, including lanterns, pottery, and textiles. Visiting the local markets and artisan shops provides an opportunity to purchase unique souvenirs and support local craftsmen.

4. Festivals and Events

Hoi An hosts numerous festivals and cultural events throughout the year. The most famous is the Lantern Festival, held on the 14th day of each lunar month, when the old town is illuminated by colourful lanterns. The streets come alive with traditional music, dance performances, and food stalls, offering a magical experience for visitors.

Hoi An Riverside

5. Beaches and Natural Beauty

Just a short bike ride from the Old Town, you’ll find some of Vietnam’s most beautiful beaches, such as An Bang and Cua Dai. These pristine stretches of coastline are perfect for relaxing, swimming, and enjoying the tropical scenery. The nearby Cham Islands, accessible by boat, offer excellent opportunities for diving and snorkelling.

Nine Best Things to Do During a Week-Long Visit to Hoi An

Day 1: Explore the Old Town

  • Morning: Begin your adventure with a walking tour of Hoi An’s Old Town. Visit the Japanese Covered Bridge, a 400-year-old architectural marvel. Explore the nearby Sa Huynh Culture Museum, which houses artifacts from early settlers.
  • Afternoon: Continue to the Assembly Hall of the Fujian Chinese Congregation, known for its grand architecture and vibrant decorations. Wander through the narrow streets and alleyways, stopping at historic houses such as the Tan Ky House.
  • Evening: Enjoy dinner at a riverside restaurant, savouring local specialties like cao lau and white rose dumplings. Take a leisurely walk along the Thu Bon River, and admire the illuminated lanterns reflecting on the water.

Hoi An Things To Do
Hoi An Things To Do

Day 2: Experience Local Markets and Cooking Classes

  • Morning: Visit the Hoi An Central Market to experience the bustling atmosphere and see the wide variety of fresh produce, seafood, and local delicacies. Engage with the friendly vendors and try some street food.
  • Afternoon: Enroll in a cooking class at one of Hoi An’s renowned cooking schools. Many classes include a market tour to select fresh ingredients, followed by hands-on instruction in preparing traditional dishes.
  • Evening: Enjoy the fruits of your labour by dining on the dishes you’ve prepared. Spend the rest of the evening exploring more of the Old Town’s nightlife, perhaps with a drink at one of the many charming bars.

Hoi An Market

Day 3: Visit the My Son Sanctuary

  • Morning: Take a half-day tour to the My Son Sanctuary, an ancient Hindu temple complex built by the Champa civilization between the 4th and 14th centuries. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is located about an hour’s drive from Hoi An.
  • Afternoon: Return to Hoi An and have lunch at a local restaurant. Spend the rest of the afternoon exploring the quieter parts of the Old Town, or relax with a coffee at one of the many cafes.
  • Evening: Head to the night market to shop for souvenirs, such as lanterns, silk products, and handcrafted items. Enjoy the lively atmosphere and street performances.

Day 4: Discover Hoi An’s Countryside

  • Morning: Rent a bicycle and take a ride through the picturesque countryside surrounding Hoi An. Visit Tra Que Vegetable Village to see how local farmers cultivate their crops using traditional methods.
  • Afternoon: Continue your bike ride to the nearby Cam Thanh Village, where you can take a boat ride through the lush nipa palm forest. Try your hand at traditional fishing techniques or learn to paddle a bamboo basket boat.
  • Evening: Return to Hoi An and treat yourself to a seafood dinner at one of the restaurants near A Bang Beach. Relax and enjoy the serene beach atmosphere.

Rice Fields Hoi An Vietnam

Day 5: Beach Day and Cham Islands Excursion

  • Morning: Spend the morning at An Bang Beach, relaxing on the sand and swimming in the clear blue waters. Rent a sunbed and enjoy the laid-back vibe.
  • Afternoon: Take a boat trip to the Cham Islands, a group of eight small islands with stunning coral reefs and diverse marine life. Snorkelling or diving excursions are available for those interested in exploring the underwater world.
  • Evening: Return to Hoi An and have dinner at a beachside restaurant. Take a stroll along the shore and enjoy the cool evening breeze.

Day 6: Tailor-Made Shopping and Handicrafts

  • Morning: Visit one of Hoi An’s many tailor shops to get fitted for custom-made clothing. Choose from a wide selection of fabrics and styles, and the skilled tailors will create your garments within a few days.
  • Afternoon: Explore the local handicraft villages, such as the Thanh Ha Pottery Village and Kim Bong Carpentry Village. Learn about traditional crafts and purchase unique handmade items.
  • Evening: Enjoy a cultural show at one of Hoi An’s performance venues. Traditional music and dance performances provide insight into the local culture and history.

Day 7: Relaxation and Wellness

  • Morning: Pamper yourself with a spa day. Hoi An offers a variety of spas and wellness centers that provide massages, facials, and other treatments using traditional Vietnamese techniques and natural products.
  • Afternoon: Take a leisurely walk along the riverfront, visit the Hoi An Museum of History and Culture, or simply relax with a book at a cafe.
  • Evening: Enjoy a farewell dinner at a fine dining restaurant. Reflect on your week-long adventure and the wonderful experiences you’ve had in Hoi An.

Best Things To Do Hoi An Viet Nam

Practical Tips for Visiting Hoi An

Best Time to Visit

The best time to visit Hoi An is from February to April when the weather is warm and dry, making it ideal for sightseeing and outdoor activities. May to August is also good for beach activities, but it can be hot and humid. The rainy season, from September to January, can bring heavy rains and occasional flooding.

Hoi An at night

Getting Around

Hoi An is a compact city, and the best way to explore it is on foot or by bicycle. Many attractions are within walking distance, and biking is a popular mode of transport for visiting the countryside and nearby beaches. Motorbikes and taxis are also available for longer trips.

Hoi An Nightlife


The official currency in Vietnam is the Vietnamese Dong (VND). ATMs are widely available, and most hotels, restaurants, and shops accept credit cards. It’s advisable to carry some cash, especially for smaller purchases and at local markets.

Hoi An Nightlife


Vietnamese is the official language, but English is widely spoken in tourist areas. Learning a few basic Vietnamese phrases can enhance your experience and help you connect with the locals.


Hoi An is generally a safe destination for travelers. As with any travel destination, it’s important to take standard precautions such as keeping an eye on your belongings, avoiding poorly lit areas at night, and being cautious when crossing the streets.

Hoi An Accommodation

Dom Hostel & Bar Hoi An

Cute Dogs Of Hoi An Viet Nam


Hoi An is a destination that promises an unforgettable travel experience. Its blend of historical charm, cultural richness, and natural beauty makes it a must-visit for UK travellers. Whether you’re exploring the ancient streets of the Old Town, indulging in the local cuisine, or relaxing on the pristine beaches, Hoi An offers something for everyone. By following this week-long itinerary, you’ll be able to experience the best of Hoi An and create lasting memories of your visit to this enchanting Vietnamese city. Plan your trip to Hoi An and discover why it’s one of Vietnam’s most beloved destinations.

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