What is secret of happiness

According to Socrates the secret to happiness is developing the capacity to enjoy less

According to Socrates the secret to this is in developing the capacity to enjoy less

You must first of all be grateful for what you do have. Being content with what you have will make you one of the happiest people in the world. If you practice gratitude and contentment you may well find that the universe recognises what you need a gives you more of what makes you happy. If not you will still live in a solid state of happiness grateful for what you have already and content to live the rest of your life as you are.

The secret of happiness, you see, is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less


It is harder to express your gratitude and contentment with your life if your life is hard. However, many people with very little physical manifestations of monetary wealth are quite poor in happiness. The richest people in life are those who are happy with less in their life. Many people chasing more will never be truly happy, because they will never ever reach a stage in their life that they are content with what they have, so can never experience the true pleasure of gratitude with what they have already achieved.

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Finding the joy of having less

Is simple to do, but you may not find it easy. It can be hard in a busy life to take time to enjoy life! Most people in the western world probably aspire to achieve more, do more or be more to themselves, their boss, their family and their friends. However, the intense joy of having less is not about having less. It is about being happy with what you have.

When will you have enough

When is enough enough for you? For some enough is when they have a roof over their head, clothes on their back and food on the table. For others, it will be when they have made their first million. You need to know what is enough for you before you can be absolutely content.

Perhaps you will discover, upon reflection, you already have enough. Think for a moment how good you will feel when you reach the point of knowing you have enough in your life. Imagine if you realise you already have enough! Your struggle with life will be over and you will have true happiness, gratitude and contentment.

Appreciating less is more


Happiness does not depend on what is going on or is around you. The secret to happiness is inside your head. Once you know what happiness looks like for you, you can mould the things around you to make yourself even happier. Work on the things that are good for your soul not what others thing happiness looks like for them.

You can still have ambitions for your life

You just need to be sure your ambitions are right for you. Our Happiness Coaches can work with you to help you target a happier life. What is a happier life for you is not for everyone, but just for you. Most people are seeking happiness. It is the end goal of all activities for most people, but how each person gets there will be different.

Live In The Moment

Enjoy your life experiences as they happen and try not to get ahead of yourself, cause you may never arrive at where you plan to be whilst wasting the time you have now.

Too many people work too hard at achieving future goals and fail to enjoy the imperfect life they are most likely destined to live and experience forever.

What will you do if you arrive at your perceived perfect place in life and it turns out not to be the place you had envisioned.

What is secret of happiness