Stop Thinking Start Living

Enjoying life experiences now not in future

At some point you have to stop thinking about your life and start living life as best you can

Life is an ever-evolving journey and every person experiences it in their own unique way. However, sometimes in life, it’s easy to get lost in thoughts and worry about the future or dwell on the past, leaving little time to live in the present moment. The truth is, thinking about life is important, but at some point, you have to stop thinking and start living.

When you’re constantly thinking about your life, it can be hard to fully experience the present moment. You may miss out on the beauty of the world around you and the joys of life’s simple pleasures. This can lead to feelings of stress, anxiety, and even depression.

Living in the moment, on the other hand, means embracing the present and making the most of every opportunity that comes your way. It means letting go of worries and focusing on what you can control in the present moment. It also means being open to new experiences and trying new things, even if they may be outside of your comfort zone.

One way to stop thinking and start living is to be mindful of your thoughts and feelings. Take a moment to stop and reflect on what’s going on inside of you. When you notice yourself getting caught up in negative thoughts, try to shift your focus to something positive. This can be as simple as taking a walk in nature, listening to music, or doing something you enjoy.

Another way to start living life is to set achievable goals. Having something to work towards can give you a sense of purpose and motivation, helping you to focus on the present moment and the steps you need to take to achieve your goals.

Finally, it’s important to cultivate strong relationships with others. Having strong social connections can provide support and help you live a more fulfilling life. Spend time with people who make you feel good, and engage in activities that bring you closer together.

In conclusion, at some point, it’s important to stop thinking about your life and start living it. Embrace the present moment, be mindful of your thoughts, set achievable goals, and cultivate strong relationships with others. By doing these things, you can live a more fulfilling and meaningful life, filled with joy, happiness, and purpose.

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Good Times

“Good times” typically refer to moments or experiences that are enjoyable, pleasurable, or positive in nature. They can be associated with feelings of happiness, joy, satisfaction, and well-being. Here are some comments on “good times” from a psychological standpoint:

Positive emotions: “Good times” are often associated with positive emotions, such as happiness, excitement, and contentment. These emotions can have various psychological benefits, including improved mood, increased resilience, and enhanced overall well-being. It’s important to recognise and appreciate the positive emotions that come with “good times,” as they can contribute to our psychological health.

Social connections: “Good times” are often experienced in the context of social interactions and relationships. Spending time with loved ones, engaging in enjoyable activities with friends, and sharing experiences with others can foster social connections and promote a sense of belonging, which are important for psychological well-being. Nurturing and maintaining positive social connections can be beneficial for our mental health and can contribute to “good times.”

Mindfulness and present moment awareness: “Good times” are often characterised by being fully present in the moment and engaging in enjoyable activities with a sense of mindfulness. Mindfulness involves being aware of our thoughts, emotions, and sensations without judgment, and being fully present in the current moment. Engaging in “good times” with mindfulness and present moment awareness can enhance our ability to fully experience and appreciate the positive aspects of the moment, leading to greater satisfaction and well-being.

Balance and self-care: “Good times” can be seen as a form of self-care, as they provide an opportunity to relax, recharge, and indulge in enjoyable activities. Taking time for ourselves, prioritizing self-care, and finding balance between work, responsibilities, and leisure are important aspects of psychological well-being. Incorporating “good times” into our lives in a balanced and mindful way can contribute to our overall mental health and happiness.

Context and individual differences: It’s important to note that what constitutes as “good times” can vary greatly depending on the individual, their preferences, and their life circumstances. What might be enjoyable and pleasurable for one person may not be the same for another. It’s essential to consider the context and individual differences when discussing “good times” from a psychological perspective, as people have diverse needs, interests, and experiences.
In summary, “good times” can have psychological benefits, including positive emotions, social connections, mindfulness, and self-care. However, it’s important to consider the context and individual differences when discussing “good times” from a psychological standpoint. As a psychologist, I would encourage individuals to recognise, appreciate, and cultivate “good times” in their lives as part of their overall well-being and mental health.

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Mindfulness for Daily Life

Incorporating the principles of mindfulness into your everyday life can significantly improve your overall well-being. Here are the top 5 practices to be more mindful each day, incorporating reference to the mentioned keyword phrases:

  1. Start with the Basics: To cultivate mindfulness, it’s essential to understand the basics of mindfulness practice. Mindfulness involves intentionally paying attention to the present moment without judgment. Begin by focusing on your breath, sensations in your body, or the environment around you. This foundation will help you build a strong mindfulness practice.
  2. Engage in Daily Mindful Activities: Incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine by turning routine activities into mindful experiences. For example, while eating, pay attention to the flavours, textures, and smells of your food. During your daily commute, observe the sights, sounds, and sensations around you. By engaging your senses and focusing on the present moment, you can infuse mindfulness into your everyday life.
  3. Practice Mindful Breathing: Breathing exercises are an excellent way to anchor yourself in the present moment. Take a few moments each day to focus on your breath. Observe the sensation of the breath entering and leaving your body. Whenever your mind wanders, gently bring your attention back to the breath. This simple practice can help you develop a greater sense of presence and reduce stress.
  4. Cultivate Mindful Awareness: Develop a habit of bringing mindful awareness to your thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations throughout the day. Notice when you’re feeling stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed. Instead of getting caught up in these feelings, take a step back and observe them without judgment. By becoming more aware of your inner experiences, you can respond to them with greater clarity and compassion.
  5. Create Mindful Moments: Take intentional breaks during the day to create mindful moments. This can be as simple as stepping outside for a short walk, spending time in nature, or practicing a brief meditation. Use these moments to reconnect with the present moment and bring your attention to your surroundings. By regularly incorporating these mindful pauses into your day, you can cultivate a sense of calm and improve your overall well-being.

Remember, mindfulness is a skill that takes practice and patience. By incorporating these practices into your daily life, you can gradually develop a more mindful approach to each moment, leading to long-lasting benefits for your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

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Stop Thinking Start Living Life

Relaxation Techniques

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Learning how to relax is crucial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and good well-being.

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Shakti Mat

Relaxation Techniques UK
The Shakti Acupressure Mat

The Shakti Acupressure Mat is a daily self-care tool based on the Indian bed of nails. Contrary to popular belief, beds of nails have been used as a relaxation aid for 5,000 years. Relax your mind and body in 20 minutes.


Team Shakti is a New Zealand based e-commerce company that has expanded globally through the success of our flagship product – The Shakti Mat. We are purpose-led with strong commitments to charity, ethical production and providing fulfilling employment for our team. Our approach to e-commerce is driven by data-informed decision making and creative zeal.

Since the creation of The Shakti Mat in 2007 there have been many imitations, but few are crafted with the same values. Here are 5 reasons why The Shakti Mat is a worthwhile investment. 

1. Design
We believe effective acupressure mats are defined by the quality of their materials. That’s why Shakti Mats are crafted to be longer, sharper and more durable. This creates an acupressure experience that is powerful & effective. You can trust your Shakti Mat will last for years to come.

2. Manufacture

We believe everyone that creates The Shakti Mat should be provided with meaningful & fulfilling employment. That’s why we support all Shakti employees in India with a living wage, an emergency medical fund, and investment in the education of their children. When you lie down on your Shakti Mat you can relax knowing our well-being products look after more than just your own.

3. Charity

We believe that well-being involves more than just ourselves, it extends to how we look after others. That’s why Shakti donates 10% of profits to causes important to humanity. Your purchase creates positive change.

4. Craft

We believe in keeping tradition alive. That’s why we employ local craftspeople to make each Shakti Mat by hand. This process starts with a piece of cotton and ends with a product that’s individually created for you. You are part of a process that allows craft and quality to thrive.

5. Sustainability

We believe everyone is responsible for their environmental impact. That’s why we use organically certified cotton & dyes, and are committed to reducing our carbon footprint through donations to Cool Earth. Have peace of mind knowing that Shakti products are non-toxic to you and the environment. Feel proud of your purchase.

Sensitive Striver Personality: Pros Cons

What is a sensitive striver and what are the pros and cons to this personality type?

Sensitive Strivers: Understanding this Personality Type

The term “sensitive striver” is a relatively new concept in the field of psychology and refers to individuals who are highly sensitive, driven, and ambitious. This personality type is characterized by their strong desire for success, paired with an acute sensitivity to the emotions and needs of others. While sensitive strivers can bring a lot of positive traits to the table, they can also face a number of challenges that come with this combination of sensitivity and ambition.

Pros of Being a Sensitive Striver

  1. Empathy: Sensitive strivers are naturally empathetic and have a strong ability to understand the feelings of others. This makes them great at building relationships, communicating effectively, and creating a positive work environment.
  2. Drive: Sensitive strivers are driven to succeed and are often highly motivated to achieve their goals. They have a strong work ethic and are not afraid to put in the time and effort required to reach their full potential.
  3. Creativity: This personality type is often creative and imaginative, which can bring a fresh perspective to the workplace and help them find innovative solutions to problems.
  4. Adaptability: Sensitive strivers are highly adaptable and can adjust to new situations quickly. This makes them well suited to careers that require a lot of change and flexibility.

Cons of Being a Sensitive Striver

  1. Emotional exhaustion: Sensitive strivers often carry a lot of emotional weight and can become exhausted by the constant demands of their work and relationships.
  2. Perfectionism: This personality type can be prone to perfectionism, which can lead to high levels of stress and anxiety. They may also have a hard time accepting mistakes or failures, which can limit their progress.
  3. Conflict avoidance: Sensitive strivers may avoid conflict in order to maintain relationships and avoid upsetting others. However, this can lead to a lack of assertiveness and make it difficult for them to get their needs met.
  4. Overthinking: Sensitive strivers can be prone to overthinking and may spend a lot of time analyzing their thoughts and feelings. This can lead to indecision and a lack of confidence.

In conclusion, sensitive strivers are a unique personality type with a combination of sensitivity, drive, and ambition. While they can bring a lot of positive traits to the table, they can also face a number of challenges that come with this combination. It is important for sensitive strivers to find a balance between their sensitivity and their ambition, and to seek support when they need it. With the right support, sensitive strivers have the potential to achieve great success and make a positive impact on the world around them.

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Encalife offer trending, in-demand products to the market to promote a positive, healthy lifestyle. We stay in touch with our non-customers and customers consistently.

Encalife is a lifestyle brand dedicated to helping people function and lives better through the use of relaxation products that change the mood of their personal environment. Our products help people create a clear separation between work and personal life when they’re spending time at home.

Holistic well-being is at the core of everything Encalife does. Encalife values the importance of taking care of ourselves from the inside out and that any positive change begins within.

That’s why Encalife creates tools that give people a chance to spend time with themselves without the noise and disturbance of their work responsibilities—allowing them to feel emotionally nourished, recharged, and more in tune with themselves as they face life’s challenges.

Relaxation Techniques