Energy Saving Tips

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Energy Saving Tips UK 2023

Saving money on energy bills in the UK

Energy bills can be a significant expense for households in the UK, especially during the winter months when heating and lighting needs increase. If you are looking to reduce your energy costs, there are several steps you can take to save money on your bills.

  1. Shop around for the best energy deals: energy prices can vary significantly between different providers, so it pays to shop around and compare deals before choosing a supplier. Look for deals that offer competitive prices, discounts, and incentives such as cashback or vouchers.
  2. Install energy-efficient appliances: replacing your old appliances with more energy-efficient models can significantly reduce your energy consumption and lower your bills. Look for appliances with energy efficiency ratings of A+++ or A++, as these are the most energy-efficient options on the market.
  3. Use energy-saving light bulbs: traditional incandescent bulbs are inefficient and use more energy than newer, energy-saving alternatives such as LED bulbs. Switching to LED bulbs can save you up to £35 per year on your energy bills.
  4. Insulate your home: poor insulation is a major cause of heat loss in homes, leading to higher energy bills. Insulating your loft, walls, and windows can help to keep your home warm and reduce your heating costs.
  5. Use a smart thermostat: a smart thermostat can help you to control your heating and hot water more efficiently, allowing you to set a schedule and adjust the temperature remotely using a smartphone app. This can help you to reduce your energy consumption and save money on your bills.
  6. Turn off standby power: appliances and electronics that are left on standby can use a significant amount of energy, adding to your energy bills. Make sure to turn off appliances and unplug chargers when they are not in use to save energy.
  7. Use a draft excluder: gaps around windows and doors can allow cold air to enter your home, making your heating system work harder and increasing your energy consumption. Using a draft excluder can help to seal these gaps and reduce your heating costs.
  8. Get a home energy assessment: a home energy assessment can identify where your home is losing energy and provide recommendations for improving its efficiency. This can help you to save money on your energy bills and make your home more comfortable.
  9. Consider switching to a renewable energy source: switching to a renewable energy source such as solar panels or a wind turbine can significantly reduce your energy bills. While the upfront costs may be higher, the long-term savings can be significant.
  10. Use energy-efficient modes of transportation: driving a fuel-efficient car or using public transportation can help to reduce your energy consumption and lower your energy bills.

Top 10 tips for cutting energy bills in 2023 in Britain

  1. Install solar panels: solar panels can provide a significant portion of your home’s energy needs and can reduce your energy bills significantly.
  2. Use energy-efficient appliances: as mentioned above, replacing your old appliances with energy-efficient models can significantly reduce your energy consumption.
  3. Install a smart thermostat: a smart thermostat can help you to control your heating and hot water more efficiently, saving you money on your energy bills.
  4. Insulate your home: proper insulation is essential for keeping your home warm and reducing your energy costs.
  5. Use energy-saving light bulbs: switching to LED bulbs can save you up to £35 per year on your energy bills.
  6. Turn off standby power: appliances and electronics that are left on standby can use a significant amount of energy. Make sure to turn

NRG Saver

We are an Energy Saving company that was established in January 2021. We have 1 product, which is a Gas Boiler Optimisation Unit, more commonly known as a Gas Boiler Optimiser. It’s a small electronic device which sits between the boiler and the wall mounted thermostat and takes over control of the customers boiler.

It is Solid State, which basically means, no moving parts. This in turn means the Gas Boiler Optimiser does not require any maintenance or servicing and will work for 30 -40years.

It has proven to save homeowners up to 33% on their gas bills. Typical savings are between £600 – £1,000 per year. £18,000 – £30,000 over the next 30 years and that’s not including any price increases during that period of time. It retails for £850.00 and usually achieves a full payback in 18 – 22 months.

Installation is very quick and usually takes no longer than 1 hour. after which time, savings are immediate. We also offer 6 months, 12 months and 24 months interest free credit. If the customer selects 24 months interest free, the savings made will pay for the Optimiser. All the customer needs to pay is the deposit of £85.

This is truly a wonderful product which pays for itself in under 2 years and then continues to make huge savings for the homeowner for the next 30 years+.

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Energy Saving Tips