Making the age of retirement in UK work well 4 you

Retirement Age UK with Cheeringup.Info

How do you live your best life in retirement in the UK?

Do you think retirement is to be feared or enjoyed to the full before you die or worse become ill! Life is for living. No one can tell you how to live in your retirement. If you do not know then who will?

You can work as long as you want to. Nobody is forcing you to retire so if you retire make sure you make the most of it. If you do work in a job that does have a compulsory retirement age that does not mean you have to retire. You can change jobs if you need to work. Alternatively there are lots of ways to volunteer and continue in unpaid work.

If the thought of retirement fills you with dread maybe you should consider asking your employer if you can work more flexibly or part time to ease you into retirement.

However retirement in the UK should be embraced as an opportunity to live the life you want. If you want to sit outside a cafe and watch the world pass by then you should. If you want to travel the world then your should. What you should not do is waste your retirement.

Plan for the best retirement in the UK

Clearly identify how you want to live in retirement in the UK. Write your retirement plan down so you can return to it again and again to tweak and improve it.

If you are lucky you will live around a third of your life in retirement. That is a lot of life to live without structure. Many people need some kind of structure to their life to feel mentally and physically well.

When you retire action your retirement plan

You do not know how long you will have your health and wealth! Retirement is not the time for procrastination! Having put a lot of thought into planning the best retirement for yourself it would be a shame to live a retirement life that is substandard to your best.

Retirement Lifestyle Planning and Living Tips

Everything you need to know to retire well in the UK. CheeringupInfo provides retirement inspiration ideas and tips to live better in retirement in the UK. Subscribe to CheeringupInfo for free alerts bulletins and review sent to your email inbox.

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CheeringupInfo Making the age of retirement in UK work well 4 you

Unretirement Jobs Find New Job During Retirement Years In UK

Discover the best jobs after 55. Develop a new career after 55 with CheeringupInfo.

How can retirees in the UK return to work?

What is unretirement?

Unretirement is where retired people or people close to retirement decide to be part of the workforce through choice or necessity. The decision on unretirement is driven from financial, lifestyle, social and mental or physical health needs.

Career advice over 55s

Find the best jobs after 55 in the UK. Develop a new career after 55. Take a part time job in retirement. Or simply unretire yourself! What matters is what makes you happy and if that means working then maybe unretirement is best for you.

Unretirement Jobs UK Benefits

Unlock the Secrets of Semi-Retirement: How to Balance Income and Leisure in the UK

Unretirement jobs, also known as semi-retirement jobs, are a great way for retirees in the UK to balance income generation with free time to enjoy their retirement. These jobs are typically part-time or flexible, allowing retirees to work on their own terms and schedule.

One popular option for unretirement jobs is consulting. Retirees with a wealth of knowledge and experience in a particular field can offer their expertise as a consultant. This can be done on a part-time basis, allowing retirees to take on projects as they desire. Many retirees in the UK find consulting to be a great way to stay engaged and active in their field of expertise while also earning extra income.

Another great unretirement job option is teaching. Many retirees in the UK have a wealth of knowledge and experience that they can share with others. Teaching can be done on a part-time basis, and many retirees find that it is a great way to stay active and engaged while also earning extra income.

Many retirees in the UK also turn to small business ownership as a way to balance income generation with free time. Starting a small business can be a great way to use your skills and experience to generate income, while also enjoying the freedom and flexibility that comes with being your own boss.

For retirees with an interest in the arts, freelance writing, photography, or other creative pursuits can be a great option. These types of jobs can often be done on a part-time or freelance basis, allowing retirees to pursue their passion while also earning extra income.

In summary, unretirement jobs, also known as semi-retirement jobs, are a great way for retirees in the UK to balance income generation with free time to enjoy their retirement. Consultancy, teaching, small business ownership, and creative pursuits are some of the most popular options for unretirement jobs, which can be tailored to match the retiree’s skills and interests, allowing them to stay active and engaged in their fields of expertise while also earning extra income.

Is it worth working after retirement?

It depends on each persons particular circumstances. Working full time maybe necessary or advantageous for different reasons but full time is not only option in UK for retirees or those close to retirement from their traditional career path. Working part-time can give you a sense of being part of something constructive in your semi retired life without being tied to a career or stress of working longer hours.

How do retirees spend time in UK?

Some have chosen to work. Others prefer to relax full time. Picking up a new hobby or finding more time for an old hobby can be satisfying. Giving back via volunteering can be rewarding. Others just like to enjoy daily activities or the passing of time. If you can simply enjoy the passing of time without boredom, pain or pressure to do stuff that may be true retirement wealth.

Retirement Lifestyle Improvement UK

Retirement Club Brighton and Isle Of Mull

Develop a new career to improve your unretirement years in UK

Reentering the working world in UK after you retired. If you have had enough of retired life or are being forced back into work for personal finance reasons get more on Unretirement here. Get tips and tap into resources to find post retirement employment.

A lot of people in UK are returning to work after retirement Unretirement


Join the thousands of unretired in UK. Retirees are changing their minds and unretire. Get back into work from retirement years in UK. Many people who retire in UK have checked retirement life out and decide to start working again part time or full time.

People working in unretirement years could help solve the growing skills gap crisis in the UK economy. Retirees knowledge could boost the UK via increased taxation income and better productivity.

Read articles and watch videos on what older workers are doing and what they want from a job in retirement years. Find the right opportunity to work again at retirement age.

Register for job alerts and lifestyle tips for your unretirement years in UK

Make the most of your health and energy during your unretirement years in UK. Consider whether returning to work after retirement is right for you.

  • What work benefits do you need to attract older workers in UK?
  • What flexible working conditions can you offer retired people?
  • How do you attract retirees in UK back into work?

Register to attract retirement age workers more easily if you are an employer. Register if you in retirement age want to find a new career opportunity and improve your lifestyle in UK

Unretirement Jobs and Lifestyle Tips
Register for job alerts and lifestyle tips for your unretirement years in UK entering code #UnretirementJobs

Surviving Retirement In UK

Out with the old life and in with the new life of fun with help from
Are You Just Surviving Or Living The Best Life You Can

Flexible Retirement Ideas

Is your retirement life full and satisfying? What structure will your retirement life have so that it fulfils all your dreams of retirement? Are you sure full retirement is what you want? Could partial retirement be better for you? Working part of the time will bring tax efficient income with flexibility of more time to do other things with more leisure time.

Unretire Yourself

Sign up for free to unretirement job vacancy alerts. Go back to work on your terms – part time to full time job vacancies in the UK. Fill the skills gap employers are desperate to fill now. Our service is free for you to use and you stay in control of the hours you work.

You don’t pay us a penny! We simply keep you up to date with businesses who want to recruit more experienced people to fill the gaps in their business. You decide if you want to apply for part-time to full time jobs and deal direct with the businesses wanting to recruit people with the skills and experiences you already have. You may want to switch out of the career you have to date and start a new direction of employment. Pick a business which offers you a chance to start something new based on how they like you as the person you are now without any direct experience of the job but the ability to adapt.

Job Search Information

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Increasing numbers of over 50s returning to work in 2022

Some retirees are seizing on the lack of skills or high employment and record number of job vacancies to reenter the jobs marketplace. They were previously excluded from employment.

Some people who thought they could retire comfortably during the pandemic are now having to unretire and find work again to bring in some extra income and top up their pensions whilst they still can.


Others are experiencing now or fear imminent cost of living crisis impacting on their retirement lifestyle and are having to unretire to make up the lifestyle they want that has been under attack due to 40 year high record inflation eating into disposable retirement income.

Recommended retirement articles and videos

Retirement Planning UK Magazine
Improve your lifestyle in retirement in UK

Change the way you think about work and living in retirement in UK

Unretire yourself with more confidence with tips advice and support. Find more meaning from life and increased financial security during unretirement years.

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Cheeringupinfo Unretirement Jobs Find New Job During Retirement Years In UK

Elderly Loneliness UK

Improving retired life and retirement planning

Combating Loneliness In Older People In UK

Elderly loneliness statistics for UK is shameful. CheeringupTV is working with partners to beat back against the causes of loneliness in elderly in UK. Join the campaign to end loneliness in UK. Millions of elderly people in UK feel lonely.

Find out what causes loneliness in UK and how to tackle the problem of loneliness in elderly in UK. CheeringupTV helping to deal with social isolation leading to loneliness in the elderly UK.

The UK government backs scheme for GPs to prescribe art and cooking classes to beat loneliness

CheeringupInfo Retirement Magazine

Subscribe to CheeringupTV to learn how to help lonely elderly in UK

Find out more about UK elderly loneliness solutions. We are here to help overcome loneliness in elderly in UK. The majority of elderly people in the UK feel lonely often.

More than a million older people regularly go an entire month without speaking to anyone according to charity Age UK

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Elderly Loneliness Solutions
Subscribe to CheeringupTV to learn how to help lonely elderly in UK
Retirement Magazine
Loneliness In Retirement UK

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