I just want to go home but I don’t know where home is

What do you do when you want to go home but can’t?

Subscribe to Cheeringup.info for free for life improvement tips. Got anxiety about your life or just need some life tips or life hacks to find a better way through life today. Lacking comfort with your life can be a good driver towards a better life.

I just wanna go home but nowhere seems like home to me. Do you connect with this feeling? What are you going to do about it? What can you do about it? You can be happy and have this feeling but you can’t be content with your life?

If this feeling sounds like a bit of you, don’t doubt yourself. Use it as a catalyst to change your life for the better. Keep an open mind and remember to connect with others to talk through tour feelings if it will help bring clarity to your life decisions. Depression is a medical condition and we don’t offer medical advice. If you feel depressed you should seek medical advice asap.

Find out where your home is

You have to find your purpose in life. 99 percent of people have a simple purpose. Only 1 percent are destined to save the world. Of that 1 percent most do the opposite unintentionally!

Most peoples life from the outside is pointless. Their existence on this planet to others is or was pointless. What others think of your life is not your problem. Your problem in your life is to solve why you are here and what you are going to do to be content with your life.

When is your life enough for you?

  • When will you have enough money?
  • When will you have enough friends?
  • When will you have enough people liking you?

It’s not for other people to determine that. That is your job in life. Remember however, that if you are what you think other people think of you and not what you think of you, you will never be happy with your life. You will always be second-guessing what others think of you.

  • Normally you will be wrong about what other people think of you.
  • If you are right about what other people think of you, it is unlikely you will be able to change their mind what they think so you will always be unhappy with them and yourself
  • If you are wrong about what other people think of you, it is unlikely you will find that out but you will have wasted your life trying to change someones mind to like you when they already do like you

You see you are living a fools life even caring what other people think of you. What you have to do to feel content with your life, feel like you are home, is to like yourself. If you don’t like yourself you need to change that and only that. Knowing what to change is really up to you.

  • First of all you need to be clear what you want in your life, not just what you do want in your life
  • Secondly, you need to do at least one thing every single day that will make your life better that day or will make your life better in future. Don’t assume the stereotypical things representing a good life are is the best life for you. For example, life by the beach maybe one persons dream could be hell for someone who wants to make more money every day till they drop dead
  • Thirdly, you need to be consistent. At best your actions will create tiny improvement to your life. If you don’t do something every day to improve your life then your life will not get better. No one is going to come into your life and make it better. Only you can make your life better each day

Yes what you think will make your life better will change. Living your best life plan is like every single plan in life or business. No plan works in practice. Life changes the best laid life plan! However, you have to know what will make your life better each day and then do something that day – not tomorrow – that will make your life better.

One day near the end of your life you will realise that your effort each day to be a better person – for you – will have worked – for you. You might arrive at a totally different destination from where you thought you would when you set out. That is unimportant. What’s important is that you led the best life you could. You will feel content with your effort. You will feel you have arrived home.

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I just want to go home but I don’t know where home is

Learn how to love yourself first before loving anyone else

Before loving someone love yourself with tips from Cheeringup.Info

Learn to love yourself first before loving others. Pick up tips to love yourself first. The key to fuller happiness is understanding who you are and loving what you are first. By being 100 percent the authentic you you will attract people that match you. Friends and lovers will add to your enjoyment of your life not subtract from it.

If you strive for perfection you increase the stress in your life not necessarily the happiness or life satisfaction. CheeringupInfo will help you decide what is right for you but we encourage lifestyle improvement not life perfection.

Have you worn yourself out physically and emotionally? Look after yourself. Personal care will not only make you feel better but other people are more likely to find you attractive.

Learn to accept your failings. No one is perfect. Your shortcomings can be worked on but do not kick yourself when you you are down! Accepting your weaknesses is part of improving yourself. Learning to love yourself warts and all is hard but an important step for a better life in future. Find out how to fall in love with yourself with CheeringupInfo.

Become more confident. People who are confident in themselves often come across better and are therefore more attractive to others.

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Look after yourself better. Pay attention to self care. Looking after yourself better may mean you are more able to look after others too. Neglecting yourself means you are less able to meet the needs of the people you love.

Not everyone you currently love will go on the journey with you. They may not like the new real you. You will be able to create relationships that will be closer and better than ever before. Do what you want to do with them. Live a full fulfilling life you want to live not the life you may think you have been given.

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Knowing yourself better can help you to be more authentic. The people you then attract to you will then like you for who you really are. Who are you?

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CheeringupInfo Learn how to love yourself first before loving anyone else