What is right and wrong in life?

Who decides morality?

What defines whatā€™s right and wrong? itā€™s a straight forward question, but itā€™s not an easy answer. is our sense of right and wrong changing? Rightness or wrongness seems to be more in the eye of the beholder these days? Who decides what society perceives to be wrong and wrong these days? How do we determine what is morally right and wrong? Who decides morality? What is right and wrong in life?

How do you do decide what is moral and what is not?

What is right and wrong in life?

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What do I need to know about retirement?

Planning a better retirement in the UK with Retirement Magazine and Retirement TV

Donā€™t wait until you retire to start enjoying life! Focus your time and energy maximising your enjoyment of life now, not maximising your wealth in retirement. That said, you do need some money to live the retirement life you want. Accumulate the amount of wealth you need to live a life in retirement you want and not a penny more. Anything more means you have wasted part of your life building wealth you will not need to before you die.

How do you live your best retirement life

  1. Work out home much money you may need each year you live your ideal retirement life;
  2. Assess your retirement fund creation options and how likely you are to create the size of retirement savings you will need;
  3. Make a retirement plan, at least in your head, but preferrably written down so you donā€™t miss important details when you review your retirement plan at least annually. No retirement plan is 100 percent effective, so you need to know once a year at least what is working and what isnā€™t, so you can make adjustments and corrections.

Adjustments and corrections are likely after a few years and particularly as you approach your retirement age. Adjustments and corrections could be major in nature. If your retirement fund is not big enough to match your desired retirement lifestyle, you may need to change the lifestyle you live in retirement. Major changes to retirement lifestyle plans should not be necessary every year, even if your retirement plan investments have not performed as you expected over 12 months as bad years can normally be recovered over the longer term. However, if you are close to retirement age you want for yourself, you may not have enough time for your retirement savings to recover in time. 5 years before your planned retirement age you should alter your retirement savings strategy to prepare you for a smooth transition from working to retirement.

What should you not do in retirement

You should not make hasty rapid retirement fund decisions. You may feel a need to act due to something which happens to you or something which happens in the world at large. Acting in haste will give you plenty of time to repent at your leisure!

If you are in retirement or close to your retirement age, always seek professional financial advice or at least do your own thorough research and due diligence checks before making changes to your retirement fund. Sometimes the change can cause you to lose financially. For example, tax implications or financial penalties for making change can cut what you will have to spend in your retirement, whether what you moved your money to is a good investment or not. Whether an investment is a good one or not depends more on your personal circumstances than the investment vehicle itself.

Planning and preparing for retirement

Do you know what benefits you will get when you retire? There are benefits calculators and pension calculators galore. Make sure, before you retire, what the state effectively forecasts you will get in retirement benefits.

  • You want to make sure you do not draw more on your retirement fund you have created for yourself than you have to to finance your retirement lifestyle. What monies the state will give you need to be built in to your retirement planning.
  • There can be ways to boost your retirement benefits if you have underpaid. However, in addition, sometimes there is no point in filling in missing years, for example, if it will not actually increase the retirement benefit you will become entitled to in retirement.
  • Knowing what happens to your retirement benefits if you retire early or delay your retirement could influence when you retire.

Know what benefits you will be able to claim. Check what pensions and financial support you can get, and decide when to retire. Add this knowledge to your own knowledge of the retirement fund you create for yourself over your working life whether from pensions, property, Bitcoin, gold or just whatā€™s under the mattress!

How much should I save for retirement

Retiring is not just about clocking off from your working life to live a hopefully better life in retirement. Retirement lifestyle planning should facilitate a better retirement lifestyle is you complete an ongoing thorough retirement process you review periodically.

If you know how much you will have in your retirement, you will be much better placed to decide how to spend it.

Putting some money away every month, as early as possible in your working life is a good habit to start and continue over your whole working life. The powerful effect of compounding interest on retirement savings and investments will hopefully mean you will not have to put more money away from your working life and will mean you will have more money to enjoy before you retire.

A pension is simply a tax efficient wrapper you can put your money into to hopefully grow your retirement fund faster and/or mean you have to save more of your working life income. A pension may be the right way for you to save as much money as you will need for your chosen retirement lifestyle, but itā€™s not by any means the only or best way for everyone.

The right wealth planning at any time of your life should include an acknowledgement that you may never reach retirement age. Improving your life should include the discipline to improve your whole life not just your retirement life.

Early Retirement Factors To Consider Before Retirement UK

There are many factors to consider before retiring early in the UK. Some of the most important factors include:

  • Your financial situation: How much money do you have saved up for retirement? Will you have enough income to cover your expenses in retirement?
  • Your health: Are you in good health? Will you be able to afford the cost of healthcare in retirement?
  • Your lifestyle: What kind of lifestyle do you want to have in retirement? Will you be able to afford to travel, go out to eat, and enjoy other activities?
  • Your family and friends: What kind of support network do you have? Will you have people to spend time with and help you in retirement?
  • Your job satisfaction: Are you happy with your job? If you retire early, will you miss it?

It is important to weigh all of these factors carefully before making a decision about whether or not to retire early. There is no right or wrong answer, and the best decision for you will depend on your individual circumstances.

Here are some additional things to consider when planning for early retirement in the UK:

  • State Pension: The State Pension is a government-funded pension that is paid to people who have reached retirement age. The amount of State Pension you receive will depend on your National Insurance contributions.
  • Pensions: You may have a workplace pension or a private pension. Your pension will provide you with an income in retirement.
  • Savings and investments: You may have savings and investments that you can use to supplement your income in retirement.
  • Your home: You may be able to downsize your home or release equity in your home to generate income in retirement.
  • Other sources of income: You may be able to generate income in retirement from other sources, such as part-time work, rental income, or investments.

It is important to get professional financial advice to help you plan for early retirement. A financial advisor can help you assess your financial situation, create a retirement plan, and make sure you are on track to reach your retirement goals

What do I need to know about retirement?

How to be happy in life

What can you do to improve your life

Are you in control of your life, or is your life style controlling you? Even the best life plans will feel when they come up against real life. However, without any kind of self analysis or lifestyle planning, you are unlikely to fall upon your best life. What are the chances of you leading the best life possible for you by chance? Sure you can be happy. You may well be happy now, but are you living the best life possible for you? If living your best life possible itā€™s not that important to you, then scroll on in your search online.

What can you do to improve your life in the UK

Knowing when you have enough in your life to be happy is the key to the greatest comfort of ultimate happiness. If your current life is not enough for you to be happy then read on .

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Better Life Choice Making

Making better choices in life is a crucial aspect of personal growth and fulfillment. Here are some tips to help you make informed decisions that align with your values and goals.

  1. Identify your values: Your values are the beliefs and principles that guide your decisions and actions. By knowing what you stand for, you can ensure that your choices align with what is most important to you.
  2. Set clear goals: Setting goals gives you a clear direction and motivation to work towards. It’s important to have both short-term and long-term goals to work towards, as well as a plan to achieve them.
  3. Evaluate the potential outcomes of each choice: Before making a decision, take some time to consider the potential consequences of each choice. This can help you weigh the pros and cons and make a decision that is in line with your goals and values.
  4. Seek advice: Don’t be afraid to seek the advice of others, especially people who have gone through similar experiences. Getting a different perspective can help you see things from a new angle and make a more informed decision.
  5. Trust your instincts: Sometimes, despite all the information and advice, you just have to trust your gut. Your instincts are often based on past experiences and can provide valuable insight into what is best for you.
  6. Take action: Once you have made a decision, it’s important to take action and follow through. Taking consistent, small steps towards your goals can help you achieve them in the long run.

Making better choices in life requires self-reflection, commitment, and action. By following these tips, you can ensure that your decisions align with your values and goals, and help you achieve a sense of purpose and fulfillment in your life.

What are the things I need to improve my life right now?

Write down at least 20 things you need to improve your life. Everyone is individual, so everyoneā€™s list of 20 points should be different.

  • Try to be honest with yourself. Do you really need what you have just said you need?
  • Try to be realistic with yourself. In a month of Sundays are you truly possibly likely ever going to get what youā€™ve just said you need in your life?
  • Try to be innovative in what do you really need. Are you just going through the stereotypical list of good things that you need in your life?

Of the 20 things that are on your list, how many of them are you in control of? Cross off your list the things that you have no control of whatsoever. Of the ones that remain on your list, what can you do today to take you one small step towards what you need in your life. Of all the steps that you have identified that you could do today, identify the three things you could do today that are most likely to bring what do you need into your life. Make sure you do at least those three things today.

Do at least 3 things a day to make your life better


If you complete this exercise every single day, eventually you will have what you need in your life to make yourself healthier happier and wealthier.

Make sure you start your day by identifying at least 3 things to complete to make your life better. At the end of the day make sure you are grateful for any small thing you completed that day to make your life better.

Lifestyle improvement is more about what you can do every single day to improve your life in small consistent steps and not about occasional giant leaps or major changes to your life. Clearly if you are in a life-threatening situation and you get yourself out of that situation then that is going to be good for you. However for most people in normal lives, making small changes every single day 365 days a year will improve your life over the longer term. That is what is both good and hard about improving your life. Itā€™s good because itā€™s achievable for most people, and itā€™s hard because it requires you to be disciplined for the rest of your life. Even those people who win the lottery do not always find salvation. Sometimes good things can bring bad problems; and bad things can result in better life choices to improve your lifestyle in the long run.

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How does a recession impact retirees

Are you ready for the coming recession

How can I recession proof my retirement in the UK

Rising inflation may feel like a temporary pain, but it is here forever. Prices are unlikely to fall. Price increases may slow, but they are unlikely to fall.

What happens to your money in the bank during a recession?

It falls in value at the same rate as the level of inflation in the UK. If UK inflation is not already 10 percent it soon will reach then surpass it. this means the value of your cash in the bank is falling at an annualised rate of at least 10 percent.

How do you protect your assets during a recession?

During the coming recession, the best way to protect your assets is to be diversified in asset wealth creation and having enough cash available to cover your cost of living until better days arrive. When we see better days, it is unlikely that better days will arrive for many months, potentially years. The old rule of having enough cash to live for 6 months is no longer valid.

We are not suggesting that retirees liquidate any assets to create a cash Mountain, but be aware that cash availability increases your flexibility in response to a recession. What is rate for you will depend on your own personal circumstances and you should only act after seeking professional financial advice. However, we have created an online platform to research and develop your financial knowledge in order for you to make better financial decisions for yourself. There are so many storms coming in different disguises, that it makes sense to join forces to research the best way to protect yourself in retirement or planning for your retirement.

A diversified retirement fund and retirement savings also enables you to make choices based on more options. Most, if not all, asset classes are going down instead of up in terms of value. When we get to the other side of the recession, having a diversified asset portfolio may enable you to access your retirement fund more cost-effectively as you will have better options. If one asset class is still in the doldrums, another asset class may have recovered enough to enable you to liquidise some of the asset to provide income in retirement in the UK. The other poorer performing asset classes can then be left longer to recover and reduce the risk of your retirement fund being depleted.

How does a recession impact retirees?

It depends on how well you have managed to build your retirement fund. Retirees with no ability to increase their retirement income levels, will have a difficult time. with no extra money it means that rising inflation will impact more heavily. The money that retirees do have will not go as far. Budgeting will become more important. Finding savings will be beneficial in terms of maintaining retirement lifestyle standards.

  • Reducing monthly debt repayments will be helpful. Paying off more expensive higher interest debt first will be more beneficial quicker, assuming no penalties are imposed by lender for paying off debt.
  • Looking for better deals discounts and special offers can also maintain retirement lifestyle within your existing retirement income.
  • Cash is king! What may have been deemed emergency cash for a rainy day, may need to be used as a storm is on its way.

Get yourself organised to fight back against the rising cost of living. Keep in mind that you may also suffer a reduction of retirement income as some assets used by retirees may not pay the same level of retirement income due to the corporate sector making less profit during a recession. This is the double whammy of falling retirement income and rising cost of living.

The good news is that it is possible to protect or at least shelter from the recession storm coming. Few people if any will be unscathed by the global recession. Those people who act proactively and respond appropriately have a better chance of surviving the recession than those who bury their head in the sand. For some people with the option on unretirement may be sensible during a period of shortage of skills in the immediate future. Even this will change as the recession bites as unemployment will start to rise again.

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How does a recession impact retirees

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