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Sailing round Australia blog and vlog. If you want to travel round Australia by boat keep up to date with our trip to see what to do and perhaps even what not to do!
Introducing You To Caree
Leaving Manly Near Brisbane Sailing To Perth The Long Way Round Australia
Two Aussies ad a pomme tackle Australia anti clockwise from Brisbane to Perth over the next few months.
Mark Ballard and Keith Lewis On Watch
Catching Tuna Fish On First Day Of Sailing Adventure!
Two Aussies and Pomme Catch Tuna Fish From Sailing Boat Queensland Australia
Exploring The Whitsundays
Soak up the sun on Whitehaven Bay beach Whitsunday Island Australia
Looking towards the busiest end of Whithaven Bay beach on Whitsunday Island Queensland Australia! Keith and Mark on Whitehaven Bay Beach Whitsunday Island Australia
We moved over from the Whitsunday Island Whitehaven Bay beach anchoring for better protection from the howling wind.
View of White Bay Beach Haselwood Island Whitsundays Australia
Haselwood Island White Bay beach much much shorter than Whitehaven beach but it is still beautiful.
We stormed White Bay beach in our dinghy! Dug out the drone fpr some stunning high view pictures then went snorkling.
Unfortunately I managed to lose the underwater snorkelling footage! Whilst the view was not a patch on the best of the Great Barrier Reef – I was told be my fellow crew members – it was still great to get in the water and see some magical fish. As a bonus a shark didn’t eat me!
Three Old Men On A Boat Acting Like Kids!
Yeh but it was good fun to get off boat and have a play for a while.
We took the beach in a storm of glory! Dug out the drone then went snorkelling
Unfortunately lost the snorkelling footage! Although not the best place to snorkel on the Great Barrier Reef it was still fun to get into the water and see some fish all colours of the rainbow.
Champagne Sailing Conditions Whitsunday Island to Cairns
Strong winds blew us northwards to Cairns where we could switch off the engine and still maintain speed needed to sail round Australia quick enough.
In fact we had to reef up to try to reduce strain on helm and auto pilot system. Too much wind was activating warning on helm and disengaging auto pilot which was particularly inappropriate when sailing through Great Barrier Reef at night with accompanying large cargo vessels doing 25 knots to our 7 knots! Ask a friend to overtake your car in an articulated lorry at more than 90mph when you are doing 30mph and it will give you an idea of the threat to life and limb!
There was one universal quaint way to cope with a repeatedly failing auto pilot system – switch it off and switch it back on again!
How do you IT guys get away with big bucks for nothing? Criminal really!
Quickly reeled in another tuna catch but not quick enough!
Compared to our first catch this tuna was a tiddler but it was still a pretty big tuna. It was easier to reel in, particularly as a shark ate half as we reeled in in behind Caree. Proof if any was needed that sharks live off the coast of Australia!
The rest of the video is about Paul catching and cursing yet another tuna catch. Watch the video to find out why he cursed the day he caught a tuna on Caree.
The Last Few Miles Sailing To Cairns Queensland
Watch our video of the approach to and anchoring and subsequent berth in Cairns Cruising Yacht Club marina.
Follow our sailing adventure around Australia on or twitter @CheeringupTV or for more videos photos and sailing blog. Comment on the travelog – CLICK HERE