How do you cope with gaslighting

Ways to identify if someone is gaslighting you with CheeringupInfo

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How do you deal with gaslighting? Gaslighting behaviour examples include where being manipulated by a partner or someone close to you who knows you. They try to undermine your self belief in what you know to be true. They try to make you lose your mind. You feel as if you are insane even though you see what you see in plain light. You are made to feel neurotic and out of control of your life. You know what is true but you are made to feel it is not true. You are made to question your own judgement and even reality.

Stop second guessing yourself. You are right you know you are right and just because others start doubting you does not mean you are wrong. They will lie till they are blue in the face regardless of the evidence of the deception you put to them but that does not mean you are wrong.

Your lying partner will engage others to think you are the one who is crazy. You may well lose family and friends but stick by what you know to be true to retain your own sanity.

The gaslighter will claim that you are making it up and many will believe them but you are right. You know you are so stop second guessing yourself.

Expected to be blamed by the the gaslighter to everyone who will listen to them. This is to try to manipulate you to act the way they want you to act.

The gaslighter will try to convince you and others that they are blameless and that you have lost it.

A gaslighter will often appear top you and others to be exceptionally loving of you. This is part of the deception to isolate you and weaken your position. This does of course make you feel more vulnerable.

If you feel you may be a victim of gaslighting it is important to seek medical help from your GP in first instance who can direct you to others who can help you regain your confidence. You have been emotionally abused and it will take time to recover. However you are not at fault. You have your permission you seek help from medically qualified people.

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CheeringupInfo How do you cope with gaslighting