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UK State Pension Entitlement

The state pension in the UK is a government-provided pension that is available to individuals who have reached the state pension age and have made sufficient National Insurance contributions during their working life.

As of April 2021, the full state pension amount is £175.20 per week. To qualify for the full state pension, an individual must have at least 35 years of National Insurance contributions. If an individual has less than 35 years of contributions, they will receive a proportionate amount of the full state pension.

The state pension age is currently 66 for both men and women, and it is set to increase to 67 between 2026 and 2028.

It’s important to note that the state pension is subject to change based on government policies and budget.

Also the pension credit and universal credit can be claimed by pensioners who have low income, this can be checked at the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) website.

When will your finally finish work and retire?

Do you dream of travelling round the do you crave a simple comfortable retirement life with your friends and family all around you? What you want to do in your retirement is the starting point for retirement planning. It dictates the size of the retirement fund you will need to build before you retire.

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Our personal finance experts financial advisers and retirees Retirement Guide Forum for people planning to retire in the UK

You can live off a modest retirement fund but not if you want to live like a popstar! As a guide you are probably looking at building a fund of half a million pounds to retire comfortably in the UK.

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Retirement Lifestyle Guru

Living in the UK is fairly predictable in terms of cost of living. Inflation at the beginning of 2020 is relatively benign. This helps with retirement living budgeting. However this can change rapidly.

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Make sure you take advantage of all retirement age benefits. If they are on offer take them to live better in retirement in UK.

Furthermore any life at any age can be boring! We review ways in which you can enjoy your retirement even more. Read and watch reviews so you can pick the best activities experiences and products to enhance your retirement lifestyle. making life easier and better for free
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  1. Understanding the UK State Pension: What You Need to Know Before Retirement
  2. Maximising Your UK State Pension Entitlement: Tips and Tricks
  3. UK State Pension 101: A Beginner’s Guide
  4. Navigating the UK State Pension System: A Step-by-Step Guide
  5. The UK State Pension: What You’re Entitled to and How to Claim It
  6. UK State Pension Eligibility: How to Qualify and Apply
  7. UK State Pension Changes: What You Need to Know in 2023
  8. Retirement Planning with the UK State Pension: How to Make the Most of Your Benefits
  9. “UK State Pension: How to Check Your Entitlement and Claim Your Benefits”
  10. Preparing for Retirement with the UK State Pension: A Complete Guide

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How much do I need to retire in UK with Cheeringup.Info

Retirement and Life Options Coaching UK

Retirement and life planning tips to retire better in UK. Planning for retirement tips UK is free. Retirement options coaching assistance. When planning your finances for retirement do not just think about how much money you will have. When thinking about retirement life planning think about how much money you will need to enjoy the lifestyle you want when your are retired. Retirement calculators can spit out all sorts of numbers. However you will need to think how you want to live in retirement if it is to be a happy retirement. Then use a retirement calculator to try to figure out a realistic retirement plan.

Start with the end! What do you want to do in your retirement in the UK?

Retirement Planning UK Magazine
Improve your lifestyle in retirement in UK

Include everything including

  • monthly food bill
  • what fashion tastes do you have and estimate how much will that cost
  • what will you do to entertain yourself and others in your life in retirement
  • how often do you look to replace home style including interior design
  • where do you want to holiday how often and what do you do when you are on holiday
  • how much money do you want to give away whilst in retirement in UK
  • what type of normal transport will you use in retirement and what will the yearly cost be

However you live in retirement in the UK will dictate how much money you need to put aside now in your retirement financial planning now. Do not figure out how much money you will have with retirement calculator until you figure out how you want to live in retirement. You may discover that you will have to make radical changes to your life plans never mind retirement plans.

  • You may have to work longer before retirement if you are to finance your retirement plans. Alternatively you may need to change how you will live in retirement in the UK.
  • You may need to downsize your home to finance your retirement lifestyle which could mean changes you are not prepared to do so your retirement plans may need to change.
  • You may find you can retire earlier than you thought cause you are prepared to live more frugally in retirement without reducing your enjoyment of your retirement in the UK.
  • What happens if your physical or mental health is worse in retirement than you anticipated? This could mean radical changes to your finances in retirement but does not mean it needs to torpedo your enjoyment in retirement if you plan in a financial buffer.
  • You may have to plan into your calculations the aspirations and problems of a loved one or partner. If you are not financing their retirement lifestyle it may cause tension with your partner in retirement. Sitting down now and discussing what you actually want to do in retirement in the UK is critical to ensure that your retirement plan actually works when it needs to.

Do not put the cart before the horse!

Figure out how you want to live in retirement then figure out how you are going to pay for it

Money Magazine
Retirement Personal Finance Magazine

How much do you need to retire in the UK? That is a very bespoke figure. Do not settle for the retirement you can have when you could have the retirement you want!

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Retirement Magazine Articles

How do you plan for the life you want?

Life Planning Process: Plan For Best Life

Planning for the life you want involves a combination of introspection, setting goals, creating a roadmap, and taking action. Here are some steps to help you get started:

Reflect on your values and priorities: Understand what truly matters to you in life. Consider your core values, passions, and the things that bring you joy and fulfillment. This self-reflection will guide your decisions and help you shape your desired life.

Visualise your ideal life: Envision the life you want to live in detail. Imagine your career, relationships, personal growth, health, and overall lifestyle. Visualisation helps you clarify your aspirations and motivates you to work towards them.

Set specific and achievable goals: Break down your vision into smaller, actionable goals. Make sure your goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). For example, if you aspire to start your own business, a SMART goal could be to complete a business plan within three months.

Create a roadmap: Outline the steps required to achieve your goals. Break them down into smaller milestones and tasks. Consider the resources, skills, and knowledge you’ll need along the way. Having a roadmap provides a clear direction and makes your goals more manageable.

Prioritise and manage your time: Identify the most important activities that align with your goals. Eliminate or minimise distractions that don’t contribute to your desired life. Use time management techniques such as setting priorities, creating schedules, and focusing on one task at a time.

Seek knowledge and develop skills: Continuously learn and acquire new knowledge and skills related to your goals. Read books, attend courses, seek mentors, or join communities of like-minded individuals. Developing expertise and staying up to date will enhance your chances of success.

Take consistent action: Take deliberate steps towards your goals regularly. Break down your tasks into manageable chunks and consistently work on them. Even small actions add up over time and create momentum towards your desired life.

Embrace adaptability and resilience: Life rarely goes exactly according to plan, so be prepared to adapt. Stay flexible and open to new opportunities or changes in direction. Build resilience to overcome obstacles, setbacks, and failures. Learn from them and keep moving forward.

Build a support system: Surround yourself with supportive and like-minded individuals. Seek mentors or accountability partners who can provide guidance and encouragement along your journey. Collaboration and connection can boost your motivation and help you stay on track.

Regularly review and adjust your plan: Periodically review your progress and reassess your goals and priorities. Celebrate your achievements, learn from any missteps, and make adjustments as needed. Life is a dynamic process, and your plan should evolve accordingly.

Remember, planning for the life you want is an ongoing process. Be patient, stay committed, and enjoy the journey as you work towards creating a life that aligns with your dreams and aspirations.

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Retirement Questions To Ask

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What questions to ask about retirement? How do you make your retirement in UK as good as possible? Want to retire comfortably in UK? Read and watch our retirement guide. Pick up insights into how to plan for a comfortable retirement. What income are you likely to have in retirement? What income are you likely to need to fulfil your retirement plans?

According to research conducted by Which? you will need an annual household income of about 26000 pounds per annum to have a comfortable retirement in the UK


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Common Retirement Questions You Should Ask

What are the big questions to ask before you retire? Ask the right questions when your retirement plan is in your focus.

There are common retirement questions to ask. Find some of the answers on this website. If you are approaching retirement or planning for retirement in UK at some point at seemingly distant future get help to enjoy your retirement more for less money and hassle.

  • What retirement questions to ask yourself
  • What retirement questions to ask your employer
  • Early retirement questions to ask
  • Questions to ask about retirement benefits in UK

Retirement planning articles opinions debates and reviews across cheeringupTV and in our retirement planning blogs and vlogs.

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Frequently asked UK retirement questions do not always have common answers regardless of the person retiring in UK. However some do.

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Create the retirement lifestyle you want. What is the best strategy for building a retirement fund of sufficient size to live the retirement lifestyle you want for yourself? Retire with the biggest retirement nest egg you need.

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Setting Life Goals

Improve your life in the UK with Cheeringup.Info

If you are clear and certain what your goal in life is that would bring you most happiness health and wealth if you achieved it, then you have greater chance of being happy healthy and wealthy

Achieve more by setting clearer better more achievable life goals. Find out how to improve your life in UK with CheeringupInfo.

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What is your most important goal in your life and what is your plan to achieve it? Decide each day what you are going to do each day no matter how small a step forward to achieve your goal and make sure you complete that step each day. Develop the most important skill you need in life to achieve your goal and do one thing every day to sharpen your saw, be more skilled today and every day.

Planning for and achieving the life of your dreams more easily and cheaper

Do not live the life you are given. Live the life you want for yourself. First you need to know what life you want to lead. Many people sleepwalk happily through life. The key word here is happily. There is nothing wrong with happily sleepwalking through life.

100 life goals ideas

Setting Life Goals in UK CLICK HERE or email

However if you are not happily sleepwalking through life you need to set life goals down in written. This makes life goals more real. It is also the first step in making your life goals more easily to achieve.

Help to guide your life in UK

How you complete the life the life you dream of may change over time. Your life goals should not really change that much if you put in the effort at the beginning to truly signpost what you aspire to do in your whole life.

Identify and avoid common pitfalls that could hold you back. Sometimes life will get in the way of achieving your dreams. Life is what happens on route to achieving what you really want out of your life. You may need to go round the houses to get to your life goals because of life events but you will remain clear where you want to end up by time your life is at an end.

Taking the long route to complete your life goals is fine. You can not anticipate everything that is going to happen to you in your life. You will have to change how you get there but you will still arrive at where you want to be in life.

Make sure you do one thing each day to achieve your own life goals. No matter how small a step it is just make sure your take the next step to achieving your life goals every day. The step may even take you further away from your end destination in short term but it maybe a necessary step in your journey towards the end life goal.

100 Life Goals

Examining 100 life goals. Pick up tips ideas and inspiration to mould your own life goals. We look at other peoples life goals and find out how they managed life events to achieve them.

In addition we find ways to inspire your own life goals and explore how you could achieve them more easily. Just because you have not set or achieved your life goals does not mean you can not start today.

We are not suggesting you try to achieve other peoples life goals. We are suggesting other peoples life goals can open your eyes to what could be possible in your lifetime. You make some tweaks to fit your preferences and bingo you have your own bespoke life goals.

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Goal Setting

Effective Goal Setting

Goal setting is the process of identifying specific objectives or targets that an individual or organisation aims to achieve within a certain timeframe. It involves defining what you want to accomplish, creating a plan to achieve it, and taking action to make it happen. Goal setting is an important tool for personal and professional development, as it helps provide direction, motivation, and focus to work towards desired outcomes.

Here are some key principles of effective goal setting:

Specificity: Goals should be clear and specific, stating exactly what is to be achieved, by whom, and by when. This helps to create a clear target and provides a framework for measuring progress.

Measurability: Goals should be measurable, meaning that progress can be tracked and evaluated. This allows for objective assessment of whether the goal has been achieved or not.

Achievability: Goals should be realistic and achievable, considering available resources, constraints, and capabilities. Setting overly ambitious or unrealistic goals can lead to frustration and disappointment.

Relevance: Goals should be aligned with the overall vision, values, and priorities of the individual or organisation. They should be meaningful and relevant to the larger context in which they are set.

Time-bound: Goals should have a deadline or timeframe within which they are to be achieved. This helps create a sense of urgency and accountability, and prevents goals from being indefinitely postponed.

Flexibility: While goals should be specific and time-bound, it’s important to also allow for flexibility and adaptability. Circumstances may change, and it’s important to be able to adjust goals accordingly.

Action-oriented: Goals should be accompanied by an actionable plan outlining the steps needed to achieve them. Taking consistent action towards the goal is crucial for making progress.

Review and reflection: Regularly reviewing and reflecting on progress towards goals is important to assess what is working, what needs adjustment, and to stay motivated. Adjustments can be made as needed to keep moving towards the desired outcome.

By following these principles, goal setting can be a powerful tool for personal and professional growth, helping individuals and organisations achieve their desired outcomes.

Motivation and inspiration: Goals should be aligned with personal or organisational values, passions, and aspirations. When goals are personally meaningful, they can serve as a source of motivation and inspiration, driving individuals or organisations to take persistent action towards achieving them.

Break down into smaller goals: Large or complex goals can sometimes feel overwhelming. Breaking down long-term goals into smaller, manageable sub-goals or milestones can make them more achievable and easier to track progress. This also provides a sense of accomplishment as each sub-goal is achieved, boosting motivation to continue working towards the larger goal.

Share and communicate goals: Sharing goals with others, whether it’s a mentor, a coach, a friend, or a team, can provide external support, encouragement, and accountability. Communicating goals can also help to clarify and reinforce them, as well as gather feedback and perspectives that can further refine the goal-setting process.

Learn from setbacks: Setbacks and obstacles are a natural part of any journey towards achieving goals. Instead of getting discouraged, view setbacks as opportunities to learn, grow, and adjust strategies. Reflect on what went wrong, what can be improved, and how to overcome challenges to keep moving forward.

Stay focused and disciplined: Achieving goals requires consistent effort and discipline. Avoid distractions and stay focused on the tasks that align with the goals. Develop good habits and routines that support progress towards the goals. It’s important to stay committed, motivated, and resilient, even when facing challenges or setbacks.

Celebrate successes: Celebrating milestones and successes along the way can provide positive reinforcement and motivation to continue pursuing the goals. Acknowledge and appreciate the progress made, and reward yourself or the team for the hard work and achievements.

Review and revise regularly: Goal setting is not a one-time event, but an ongoing process. Regularly review the progress made, reassess the goals, and revise the plan as needed. As circumstances change or new opportunities arise, goals may need to be adjusted or replaced with new ones.

In conclusion, effective goal setting involves setting clear, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals, creating actionable plans, staying motivated and focused, and continuously reviewing and adapting the goals. By following these principles and incorporating them into your personal or organisational practices, you can increase your chances of successfully achieving your desired outcomes and fulfilling your aspirations.

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How To Choose Where To Live In Retirement In UK

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13th May 2020 Retirement Housebuilder Brings Fine Dining to Residents’ Doors with New Delivery Service

Leading retirement housebuilder McCarthy & Stone has launched a new food delivery service for residents at its Retirement Living PLUS developments to combat the restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The unprecedented situation with the coronavirus has meant their on-site restaurants and bistros have had to close. So to ensure RLP homeowners can still access the delicious and nutritious meals they enjoy, staff at these developments have been preparing and delivering different dining options right to their doorsteps. This also means residents don’t need to leave their homes and reduces the risk of them being exposed to or catching COVID-19.

The service has proved hugely popular, with up to 85% of homeowners placing orders on a daily basis. The fine dining options include 3-course lunches, evening supper plates and selections of lighter snacks and sandwiches.

On top of the meal delivery service, residents also have the option to procure vegetable boxes and food parcels containing essentials like bread, milk and eggs. These can also be delivered to residents and again means there’s no need for them to leave their homes to shop for ingredients.

Safety is of the utmost importance with this new service and all precautions are taken by staff to ensure social distancing measures are respected with both the food preparation and delivery. Food trays and parcels are delivered outside of apartments and meals come with disposable plates and cutlery to reduce the risk of cross contamination.

McCarthy & Stone’s Catering Director, Andrew Rowlands, offered his comments on the service and praised the efforts of those involved:

“Producing and delivering nearly 5,000 meals each day the Catering teams and the Estate teams at each development are working extremely hard to feed our residents.

“Chefs, Kitchen Assistants, Estate Managers, Duty Managers and Care & Support Workers are all working around the clock to make sure residents get at least one hot meal a day, which I know is very much appreciated by all.

Some developments are going above and beyond and have even been providing little treats to brighten up their residents’ days as best they can. So, a big thank you to everyone involved for going that extra mile and supporting our residents in this unprecedented time.”

McCarthy & Stone will be running this service at its Retirement Living PLUS developments throughout the continuing social restrictions.

About McCarthy & Stone

McCarthy & Stone are the UK’s leading retirement housebuilder. Over the past 40 years, it has built more than 51,000 apartments nationwide, regularly winning awards for work. Property development is at the heart of the business and as the needs of homeowners have changed, it has developed other services designed to help them enjoy a better retirement.

11th July 2018 Care Provider Failed To Adequately Train Staff and Carr y Out Risk Assessments

Accrington based Options Home Care has been put in special measures after being deemed unsafe by the health watchdog the Care Quality Commission CQC following an inspection.

CQC report found the companys assessments for patients who were at risk of falling failed to show how the danger was being managed and risk assessments were handwritten and difficult to read.


The firm operates across east Lancashire and cares for elderly and dementia patients.

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