What not to do in retirement UK

Do you know what your retirement goals are? Without knowing what you want from your retirement makes it impossible to have the retirement find you need to live your retirement dream life. Make sure your retirement pal and retirement fund are realistic and effectively managed and deployed. Plan what you are going to do with your time in retirement in UK. Know what your retirement income and retirement expenses will be to give yourself the best chance to live the retirement dream. Take into account the boring stuff like retirement housing costs, utility costs and groceries as well as the retirement fun stuff costs.

Tips on how to make retirement fund cover your ideal retirement dreams

Pick up tips on how to fund Your dream retirement lifestyle. Create a financial plan to help you arrive at your best retirement. You may need to change your retirement plan to match a more realistic retirement goal or you can change how to build or use your retirement finds to deliver the optimum retirement life for you. Retirement planning advice advice may or may not be needed but you need to visualise what your ideal retirement is before you can deliver it for yourself.

Learn from retirees in UK

You may be able to learn from other people’s good tips. Think about the hobby, interest or activities you want to pursue in retirement and speak to retirees already doing them for tips on what to do and what not to do.

Get your pension pot and retirement plans in sync

Discover new ways to make your money last in retirement in UK. Register for retirement planning and retirement lifestyle newsletter and business reviews.

The information on our website is not personal advice. We don’t have the perfect formula for you to plan your retirement. We only provide retirement lifestyle planning and living tips to help you create the best retirement find for you and help you spend it more wisely! What we offer does not constitute financial advice. If you need financial advice you need to speak to a professional financial adviser in the UK.

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What not to do in retirement UK

How do you achieve health wealth and happiness?

Our UK lifestyle improvement hub is a free way to read lifestyle improvement articles and watch live and ondemand video stream to inform your decision-making for an easier better life in UK

When you are very young you are not really interested on such things. However as you grow older some contemplation on such issues can improve the quality of your life in UK:

  1. Focus on your now. Be in the present. Your past you can’t change and will only bring you anxiety trying to live there. Your future will never ever come and will only bring you fear to live there and most of your fears will not come true thus ruining your present worrying about the future.
  2. What is the worst that can happen? You are good enough. You just need to know what is enough for you.
  3. Stop chasing your future by knowing what you want in your life and then bringing it into your life, confidently know you are worth it and knowing it will come when the time is right. Allow yourself the luxury of contentment and gratitude for what you have already.
  4. Eat and drink well. Identify what your body and mind needs and feed yourself properly.
  5. Move about more! You do not need to train for a Channel swim, the London Marathon or immerse yourself in pain. Just move about more every single day.
  6. Sleep and rest. Chris Hoy won gold partly because he rested has hard as he worked!
  7. Love yourself more! Cut yourself some slack. You live in a difficult world with people who are difficult and who want to make your life complicated. Life is complex not complicated. We know what we need to do to be healthy wealthy and happy. You just need to do it instead of procrastinating or waiting for someone to help you. No one is coming. Practice self-care and good things will happen to you.

Your worth loving.

Love Taking Care Of Yourself
Make the most of your life

How are health and happiness related?

Lifestyle Magazine UK
Happiness Health Wealth

Happy people tend to live longer. It’s not automatically so. Happy people can and do die young, but your giving yourself a chance of a long life if you can lead a happier life.

Can you consider health as wealth?

Ask a billionaire how much he or she would pay to be healthier if their health was failing! The richest people on this earth are the ones who have good health. The greatest wealth is health. Health is wealth. How important is health a value to you?

Health Fitness Magazine

Health and Fitness Magazine: Read articles and watch videos on improving your health and fitness.

Moments when you feel Alive
Are You Doing Enough Of The Things That Make You Feel Alive
How to get rid of negative thoughts
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How do you achieve health wealth and happiness

I just want to go home but I don’t know where home is

What do you do when you want to go home but can’t?

Subscribe to Cheeringup.info for free for life improvement tips. Got anxiety about your life or just need some life tips or life hacks to find a better way through life today. Lacking comfort with your life can be a good driver towards a better life.

I just wanna go home but nowhere seems like home to me. Do you connect with this feeling? What are you going to do about it? What can you do about it? You can be happy and have this feeling but you can’t be content with your life?

If this feeling sounds like a bit of you, don’t doubt yourself. Use it as a catalyst to change your life for the better. Keep an open mind and remember to connect with others to talk through tour feelings if it will help bring clarity to your life decisions. Depression is a medical condition and we don’t offer medical advice. If you feel depressed you should seek medical advice asap.

Find out where your home is

You have to find your purpose in life. 99 percent of people have a simple purpose. Only 1 percent are destined to save the world. Of that 1 percent most do the opposite unintentionally!

Most peoples life from the outside is pointless. Their existence on this planet to others is or was pointless. What others think of your life is not your problem. Your problem in your life is to solve why you are here and what you are going to do to be content with your life.

When is your life enough for you?

  • When will you have enough money?
  • When will you have enough friends?
  • When will you have enough people liking you?

It’s not for other people to determine that. That is your job in life. Remember however, that if you are what you think other people think of you and not what you think of you, you will never be happy with your life. You will always be second-guessing what others think of you.

  • Normally you will be wrong about what other people think of you.
  • If you are right about what other people think of you, it is unlikely you will be able to change their mind what they think so you will always be unhappy with them and yourself
  • If you are wrong about what other people think of you, it is unlikely you will find that out but you will have wasted your life trying to change someones mind to like you when they already do like you

You see you are living a fools life even caring what other people think of you. What you have to do to feel content with your life, feel like you are home, is to like yourself. If you don’t like yourself you need to change that and only that. Knowing what to change is really up to you.

  • First of all you need to be clear what you want in your life, not just what you do want in your life
  • Secondly, you need to do at least one thing every single day that will make your life better that day or will make your life better in future. Don’t assume the stereotypical things representing a good life are is the best life for you. For example, life by the beach maybe one persons dream could be hell for someone who wants to make more money every day till they drop dead
  • Thirdly, you need to be consistent. At best your actions will create tiny improvement to your life. If you don’t do something every day to improve your life then your life will not get better. No one is going to come into your life and make it better. Only you can make your life better each day

Yes what you think will make your life better will change. Living your best life plan is like every single plan in life or business. No plan works in practice. Life changes the best laid life plan! However, you have to know what will make your life better each day and then do something that day – not tomorrow – that will make your life better.

One day near the end of your life you will realise that your effort each day to be a better person – for you – will have worked – for you. You might arrive at a totally different destination from where you thought you would when you set out. That is unimportant. What’s important is that you led the best life you could. You will feel content with your effort. You will feel you have arrived home.

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I just want to go home but I don’t know where home is

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Build the retirement fund you need to retire in the style you want. Make sure you develop the right strategy to meet your current and future needs. Live the life you want pre and post retirement in UK.

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Are You Happy?

Are you being honest with yourself about the enjoyment you do or do not derive from your life in the UK?

We investigate wellness and wellbeing for all ages in the UK to help you improve your physical and mental health.

Do not postpone enjoying your life! Are you killing yourself for a job that when you die will quickly be filled? Nobody cares at your work. You will not be missed. Take care of yourself cause your employer will not. Love yourself more. Respect you are not immortal. Your employer knows you are replaceable so you might as well accept this now. When you realise this reality, you will start to make better life decisions for yourself. You will improve your own life starting from today.

If you do not realise how expendable your skills in your job are, one day you may look back at your life and regret you did not prioritise your physical and mental health over your career.

You are going too run out of time. The biggest mistake people make in life is to think you have time! However, the good news is that your best new life can begin as soon as your attitude to your life changes.

Quotes To Inspire You To Live A Better Life In UK

Be Inspired To Live A Better Life

Read articles and watch videos for free to inform your lifestyle improvement in the UK. You choose what products or services may help you improve your life now or in future when you retire. If you are 18 or over and live in the UK we can help you be happier healthier and wealthier.

  1. Could you be happier with your life in the UK?
  2. Do you like to use the internet and apps to get the information you need to make better decisions about your life in the UK?
  3. Do you want free tips to help you improve your life in the UK?

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How to make your life happier in UK with Cheeringup.info

Happiness is a state of mind that we all aspire to achieve. However, sometimes it can seem elusive and unattainable. The good news is that there are simple things that you can do every day to boost your happiness levels. In this article, we will discuss easy ways to be happy.

Practice gratitude
Gratitude is a powerful tool that can help us shift our focus from what we don’t have to what we do have. Take a few moments every day to reflect on the things that you are grateful for in your life. This can be anything from the roof over your head to the people who love you. By focusing on the positives, you will find that your mood improves, and you feel happier.

Spend time in nature
Spending time in nature has been shown to have a positive effect on our mental and emotional well-being. Being surrounded by greenery and fresh air can help reduce stress, boost our mood, and increase our overall sense of well-being. Try to spend at least a few minutes every day outside in nature, whether it’s taking a walk in the park or sitting on a bench in your backyard.

Connect with others
Humans are social creatures, and we thrive on connection with others. Make time every day to connect with the people in your life, whether it’s having a conversation with a friend, calling a family member, or even just exchanging a smile with a stranger. When we feel connected to others, we feel happier and more fulfilled.

Practice self-care
Self-care is essential for our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Make time every day to do something that makes you feel good, whether it’s taking a relaxing bath, reading a book, or going for a walk. Taking care of ourselves is not selfish, but rather necessary to maintain a healthy and happy life.

Engage in activities you enjoy
Engaging in activities that you enjoy is an easy way to boost your happiness levels. Whether it’s playing a sport, painting, or cooking, doing things that bring us joy can help reduce stress and improve our mood. Make time every week to engage in activities that you enjoy, and you will notice a significant improvement in your overall well-being.

Get enough sleep
Sleep is essential for our physical and mental health. When we don’t get enough sleep, we can feel irritable, anxious, and depressed. Aim for at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night, and you will notice a significant improvement in your mood and overall well-being.

Practice mindfulness
Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment without judgment. When we practice mindfulness, we can reduce stress and anxiety, improve our mood, and increase our overall sense of well-being. Try to practice mindfulness every day, whether it’s through meditation, yoga, or simply taking a few deep breaths.

Volunteering is a great way to give back to your community and feel good about yourself. When we help others, we feel a sense of purpose and fulfillment that can boost our mood and overall sense of well-being. Look for volunteer opportunities in your community, whether it’s at a local food bank or animal shelter, and give back in any way that you can.

Practice forgiveness
Holding onto grudges and resentment can weigh us down and prevent us from feeling happy. Practice forgiveness every day, whether it’s forgiving yourself for a mistake or forgiving someone who has wronged you. Letting go of negative emotions can help us feel lighter and happier.

Learn something new
Learning something new can help us feel more confident and fulfilled. Whether it’s taking a class, learning a new skill, or simply reading a book on a topic that interests you, engaging in new learning experiences can boost our happiness levels. When we challenge ourselves to learn and grow, we feel a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment that can lead to greater happiness.

Laugh more
Laughter is often called the best medicine, and for good reason. Laughing has been shown to have a positive effect on our mood and overall well-being. Make time every day to engage in activities that make you laugh, whether it’s watching a funny movie or hanging out with friends who have a great sense of humor.

Focus on the present moment
Often, we get caught up in worries about the future or regrets about the past. By focusing on the present moment, we can reduce stress and anxiety and improve our overall sense of well-being. Try to practice mindfulness and focus on the present moment, rather than worrying about what may or may not happen in the future.

Exercise regularly
Exercise has been shown to have a positive effect on our physical and mental health. When we exercise, we release endorphins, which are natural feel-good chemicals that can boost our mood and overall sense of well-being. Make time every day to engage in physical activity, whether it’s going for a run, taking a yoga class, or simply going for a walk.

Eat a healthy diet
What we eat can have a significant impact on our mood and overall sense of well-being. Aim to eat a healthy and balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. Avoid processed foods and sugary drinks, which can contribute to feelings of sluggishness and fatigue.

Practice gratitude journaling
In addition to practicing gratitude every day, consider keeping a gratitude journal. Write down three things every day that you are grateful for, and reflect on them throughout the day. This can help shift your focus to the positives in your life and improve your overall sense of well-being.

Happiness is something that we can all achieve with a little bit of effort and mindfulness. By practicing gratitude, spending time in nature, connecting with others, engaging in activities we enjoy, getting enough sleep, practicing mindfulness, volunteering, practicing forgiveness, learning something new, laughing more, focusing on the present moment, exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet, and practicing gratitude journaling, we can boost our happiness levels and lead happier, more fulfilling lives. Start small, and incorporate one or two of these practices into your daily routine, and you will notice a significant improvement in your mood and overall sense of well-being.


Are You Happy?

12 Powerful Habits To Master For Success In Tips On Saving For Retirement UK

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If you need help with your retirement planning in the UK. Helping you pick your retirement date with least amount of compromise and most enjoyment from your retirement in the UK. Our retirement planning and retirement lifestyle articles and videos help you create the retirement fund you need for a successful 3rd and final act of your life in UK.

Make your life more interesting not longer

Retirement Planning UK and Making Most Of Your Retirement in UK

A change of mindset today may help you improve your life before your retire and after retirement:

  1. Know what you are planning for – a clear retirement plan will provide both motivation and a discipline to achieve what you want for yourself in retirement in the UK.
  2. Know what the retirement costs are – the retirement lifestyle you want maybe within your reach, and maybe not!
  3. Know what your priorities are – you need to know what is at the bottom of the list that can be sacrificed and what under no circumstances can be cut.
  4. Know what you will miss when you do retire – maybe full retirement is not a good idea for you? Perhaps easing into retirement via part-time working will help you adjust to retirement life more gradually so you have the best of both worlds.
  5. Incorporate the cost of inflation in your calculation of the size of the retirement fund you will need to maintain your retirement lifestyle until the end – for sometime now UK inflation has been relatively benign. However in the 1970s and 1980s UK inflation was more than 100 times the level it currently is. This could decimate your retirement lifestyle if it was replicated during a time you only had access to static retirement income levels.
  6. Do not put all your eggs in one basket – understand the importance of risk diversification. Not all assets will increase or fall in value at the same time. Spreading your retirement fund across diverse assets will give your retirement portfolio time to accommodate valuation fluctuations and still maintain the level of retirement lifestyle you want for yourself.
  7. Bear in mind relationship changes – divorce, death other than your own and other unwelcome curve balls can split your retirement fund in two or drastically cut your retirement income per year thus damaging your retirement lifestyle.
  8. What do you want to leave to your dependents or if you have no dependents what do you want to do do with the money you have not spent – restrictions in spending power or the realisation you need to spend every penny should influence your retirement planning.
  9. Saving a little over a long time is much better, on average, than starting to save for your retirement late in life – your retirement fund will hopefully grow faster over the long term without you needing to put as much money into the pot with features like compound interest supporting the increase in your retirement savings.
  10. Do not waste money over your working life – what is wasting money for one person may be critical to the next persons enjoyment of life. However, most things can be purchased cheaper with a little effort.
  11. Be clear on what your incomings and outgoings are – the difference may allow you to boost your retirement savings or alert you to a need to either change your lifestyle before retirement or change your plans for your retirement.
  12. Beware of the trade off between risk and reward – it is unfortunately a truism that if you want your retirement savings to grow without you contributing more to the pot yourself from your working life earnings then you must accept that low risk investments bring less return on money invested. Higher risk investments may bring greater returns, but could also mean you lose some or even all of your money.

There is now off the shelf retirement savings plan you can adopt. Even if there was, it may not work for you over decades as your life circumstances change over time. Your retirement savings plan needs to grow with you.

You can live the best life before retirement and after retirement. However you may need to work a little harder at making the best of your life to live the best life you can.

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12 Powerful Habits To Master For Success In Tips On Saving For Retirement UK