Know your worth and believe in it 100 percent

Importance of self confidence in life with Cheeringup.Info

Believe in your worth. To realise your true worth you have to believe in yourself. Where you finish in life is rarely about where you start. No one can believe in themselves 100 percent of the time but you can believe in yourself 100 percent some of the time. The key is to believe in yourself 100 percent more often. When you do not hit 100 percent confidence do not beat yourself up.

Cut yourself some slack. You may or may not get to where you ideally want to be when you set out but if you believe in your worth you will get further than where you currently are.

You can have and be anything you want to if you believe in yourself work hard and have a bit of luck along the way!


Your worth is what you can bring to the table. It is not about being cocky. It is about knowing what you are worth now and having the belief that you can grow in value in future.

Why is self confidence important to success in life and business in UK

theres more to life than being happy

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How to know your self worth? Self confidence and self esteem is critical to building self worth.

Some say it is important to fake it until you live it! To fake self confidence well you have to believe it. If you do not believe you are confident then how can anybody else who has never met you?

To live a better life you have to believe you are worth a better life. Know that you are worth more in life and business and you will find a way to be more successful in life.

Truly believe in yourself and you can reach for the stars. You may land on the moon but that maybe further than you would get without belief in your ability your habits and your work ethic. What you will experience along the way may not be all fun and laughter but if you want it work for it and believe in yourself you will be a success at whatever you choose to do in life.

Value your life as no one else does to maximise your worth to yourself and to others in your life


You will know your self worth when you start believing you are worth it. Do not listen to others opinions about you. Love yourself and look after yourself and you will achieve more in life. Start believing in yourself today to be worth more tomorrow.

What do you want out of life and how are you going to align more of your daily actions with achieving that objective?

So you think you are worth more than you currently exhibit at face value? Thats a good start! What is it that you want out of life in the UK?

If you cannot tell me in a sentence or two what you want in life specifically that you can measure progress to and tell me when you want that in your life then you need to think some more about what you clearly want in you life.

Once you have a clear picture of what you want what are you going to do each day to make it happen by the time you said you wanted it in you life? The steps to completing your life goals do not need to be leaps as long as you do make baby steps each and every day.

Break you life goal down into key milestones. Measure progress towards those milestones. If you are not making enough progress you need to be honest about why you are not making progress? What do you need to do differently to hit your life goals?

Once you have committed to your life goals believe in your plan and your ability to achieve your life goals. If you do not truly believe maybe you need a more achievable life goal. Change your thinking or change your goals.

When you have a clear roadmap to your life goals you can be more confident your will achieve them.

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CheeringupInfo Know your worth and believe in it 100 percent

Change your life or change the way you think about your life

Change the way you think to change the way you feel with Cheeringup.Info

You want to change your life then change the way you think

Do you want to life a happier better life? In the long run it is better to change your life to what you want out of life. In short term you may have to change the way you think about your life to feel happier. Put both together and you can start to feel happier today and live a better way for rest of your life.

Looking on the bright side of life is the short term solution. Shit happens but if you look for the good in your life and be grateful for it you will feel better. You might not feel great about life until you change it.

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Enjoy The Life

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Five Reasons Happiness Is Within Your Control

Happiness is a highly coveted and elusive state of being that many people strive for throughout their lives. Unfortunately, it can be all too easy to get stuck in negative patterns of thinking and behavior that prevent us from truly being happy.

If you feel like you’re stuck in a rut and are not satisfied with your life, it may be time to make some changes.

Here are the top five reasons why you might need to change your life or change the way you think about your life in order to be happy:

  1. Your current circumstances are not making you happy. If you are unhappy with your job, your relationships, or your living situation, it may be time to make some changes. This could mean finding a new job, ending a toxic relationship, or moving to a new location. While change can be scary, it can also be very empowering and lead to greater happiness in the long run.
  2. You are stuck in negative thought patterns. Our thoughts have a powerful influence on our emotional well-being, and if we are constantly dwelling on negative thoughts, it can be very difficult to feel happy. If you find that you are constantly thinking negative thoughts about yourself or your life, it may be time to work on shifting your mindset. This could involve practicing gratitude, engaging in positive self-talk, or seeking therapy to help you identify and change negative thought patterns.
  3. You are not taking care of yourself. Self-care is an important aspect of happiness, and if you are not taking care of your physical, emotional, and mental well-being, it can be difficult to feel happy. Make sure you are getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and taking time to relax and do things you enjoy.
  4. You are not pursuing your passions. Many people find that happiness comes from doing things they are passionate about. If you are not doing anything that brings you joy or fulfillment, it may be time to start exploring your passions and finding ways to incorporate them into your life.
  5. You are not living in the present. It’s easy to get caught up in regrets about the past or worries about the future, but this can prevent us from enjoying the present moment. Try to focus on the here and now and practice mindfulness techniques, such as meditation or journaling, to help you stay present and find happiness in the present moment.

In conclusion, if you want to be happy with your life, it may be necessary to make some changes or shift the way you think about your life. Whether this means making changes to your circumstances, shifting your mindset, taking better care of yourself, pursuing your passions, or living in the present, there are many ways you can work towards greater happiness.

Light and shade of life in UK

It is not possible to control everything in your life no matter how good it is. The uncontrollable elements can always bring shade into your life. Looking for the bright side of your life will reduce anxiety lift your mood and you feel happier.

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You need time to make radical changes for the better. In the meantime think about what you already have and be genuinely grateful for the light in your life. Accept the shade. You can do nothing about the rain storms. For now accept them as part of your life. Enjoy the silver lining in the clouds. It offers a moment of joy to be grateful for and tomorrow may be a sunnier day.

Looking for and being grateful for the good already in your life is a critical mental health improvement strategy to deal with negative emotions. It also helps you cope with the shit that is in your life for the time being! It can help cope with depression anxiety and negative mood. Gratitude for what you have will improve your satisfaction with life even if your life does not materially change.

Changing your life will take longer. You need to look at what you can realistically achieve. Do something everyday that that takes you one step closer to your ideal life. Eventually you will achieve the fundamental changes you want in your life. Getting a richer life slowly may not be ideal but it is better than not enriching your life at all?

See things in your life differently whilst changing your life a little each day will add up to a happier better life each and every day for the rest of your life.


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Life’s Tapestry: Woven with Threads of Time and Moments

Imagine life as a magnificent tapestry, intricately woven with threads of time. Each passing year, month, and day represents a horizontal strand, forming the vast canvas of your existence. But woven into this fabric are countless vertical threads – vibrant moments of joy, love, connection, growth, and even challenge. These precious threads, thick or thin, short or long, are what truly define the richness and texture of your life’s tapestry.

While the relentless passage of time may seem linear and quantitative, focusing solely on its metrics can leave us feeling empty and unfulfilled. It’s the quality of our experiences, the depth of our connections, and the intensity of our emotions that truly matter. As the poet Ralph Waldo Emerson eloquently stated, “It is not length of life, but depth of life.”

Shifting Your Perspective: From Clocks to Kaleidoscopes

To truly embrace this philosophy, we must shift our perspective from the rigid ticking of a clock to the kaleidoscopic nature of experience. Imagine each significant moment in your life as a piece of coloured glass within a kaleidoscope. Every time you revisit that memory, the fragments shift and reassemble, creating a new and unique perspective. The laughter shared with loved ones, the quiet triumphs, the heartbreaks weathered – these are the moments that hold the essence of who you are and shape your life’s narrative.

Embracing the Present: Cultivating Meaningful Moments

So, how do we cultivate these life-defining moments? It starts with a conscious decision to be present. Put down your phone, silence the mental chatter, and truly engage with the world around you. Savour the simple pleasures: the warmth of the sun on your skin, the taste of a delicious meal, the laughter of a friend. Be open to new experiences, step outside your comfort zone, and embrace the unexpected.

Mindfulness: The Key to Unlocking Life’s Treasures

Mindfulness practices like meditation and deep breathing can be powerful tools in cultivating present-moment awareness. By quieting the mind and focusing on the here and now, we become more attuned to the subtle nuances of our experiences. We learn to appreciate the beauty in everyday moments, and to navigate challenging ones with greater grace and resilience.

Gratitude: Fueling Joy and Appreciation

Developing a grateful heart is another key to enriching your life with meaningful moments. Take time each day to reflect on the things you’re grateful for, big or small. Write in a gratitude journal, express appreciation to loved ones, or simply pause to acknowledge the blessings in your life. Gratitude fosters a sense of contentment and joy, shifting your focus from what you lack to the abundance that already surrounds you.

Connection: The Spark that Ignites Life’s Tapestry

Human connection is a vital thread in the tapestry of life. Nurturing meaningful relationships with loved ones, friends, and even strangers enriches our lives in countless ways. Share your experiences, offer support, and celebrate each other’s victories. Remember, we are all interconnected, and the moments of joy, love, and compassion we share leave an indelible mark on our lives and the lives of others.

Living a Life Rich in Moments, Not Minutes

By embracing the philosophy that “Life is not measured by time but by moments in time,” we shift our focus from the relentless march of the clock to the quality of our experiences. We cultivate present-moment awareness, practice gratitude, nurture meaningful connections, and actively seek out new experiences. As we do, our lives become richer, more fulfilling, and woven with threads of joy, love, and growth that will forever define the vibrant tapestry of our being.

Remember, it’s the moments, big and small, that truly matter. So, go forth and create a life filled with them!

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Reflect on the past do not dwell on it

Things to do to prepare for the future with CheeringupInfo

You cannot change your past but you can change your future

You can learn lessons from the past. Dwelling on the past is not productive as you cannot change the past. Kicking yourself for past mistakes hurts you and no one else.

The past can inform future decision making to improve your life. Constantly rerunning the past in your head will only make you miserable. It will not change the impact of your past mistakes.

  • Learn the lessons from the past and move on
  • Focus your mind on enjoying the present
  • Plan for the future

Fixating on past mistakes does not solve anything and can lead to depression. Try to pick out the facts that led to your past mistakes rather than the emotion on the impact of your mistakes to get some benefit from past mistakes. From the perspective of hindsight you can look back with increasing dismay at your mistakes. However you cannot live a better life now based on the benefit of hindsight. If we had hindsight before we had to make new life decisions we could all be brilliant at living life well!

Make what remedies you can and move your thought processes forward.


Your position may allow you to make some remedial reparation but most people are entitled to move their life forward. You may have to end some relationships to do this but for mental and physical health you need to move forward from your mistakes.

Quotes To Inspire You To Live A Better Life In UK
Be Inspired To Live A Better Life

Work with the present to build a better future for yourself. Reflecting on your past is healthy. Be grateful for your positive life experiences is critical to life long happiness. Not repeating painful life experiences is sensible. However constantly looking back means you cannot look forward. Being too proud of what you have done so far may prevent you from stretching yourself to achieve even more. Dwelling on painful life experiences can only lead lead to unproductive anxiety and perhaps depressiion.

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5 Proven Strategies for UK Ambitionals to Overcome Unhappiness and Boost Productivity

Are you an ambitious person who is unhappy with your life and finding it hard to be productive? If so, you’re not alone. Many people struggle with feeling unsatisfied and unfulfilled, despite their best efforts to achieve their goals. But, it’s important to remember that happiness and productivity are intertwined and feeding one another. When you’re happy, you’re more likely to be productive and vice versa. In this article, we’ll discuss some strategies to help you overcome unhappiness and become more productive in life.

  1. Identify the source of your unhappiness: The first step in overcoming unhappiness is to identify what’s causing it. This could be anything from a toxic work environment, to feeling overwhelmed with responsibilities, to feeling unfulfilled in your personal life. Once you know what’s causing your unhappiness, you can start to work on finding a solution.
  2. Set achievable goals: Setting achievable goals can give you a sense of purpose and direction, and help you feel more in control of your life. Start small and work your way up to bigger goals. This will give you a sense of accomplishment and boost your confidence, helping you to feel happier and more productive.
  3. Prioritize self-care: Taking care of yourself should be a priority if you want to be productive and happy. This means making time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation, such as exercise, hobbies, and spending time with loved ones. By taking care of yourself, you’ll be better equipped to tackle the challenges of life and be more productive in the long run.
  4. Surround yourself with positive people: Surrounding yourself with positive, supportive people can make a huge difference in your life. They can provide you with encouragement and motivation, help you to see the bright side of things, and provide a sounding board when you need to vent. Seek out people who bring out the best in you, and make time for them in your life.
  5. Practice gratitude: Focusing on the things you’re grateful for, rather than dwelling on what’s making you unhappy, can help you to feel more positive and productive. Make a habit of writing down three things you’re grateful for each day, and reflect on them regularly. This can help shift your focus to the good things in your life and improve your overall happiness.

In conclusion, if you’re feeling unhappy and unproductive, it’s important to take action and start making changes in your life. By identifying the source of your unhappiness, setting achievable goals, prioritizing self-care, surrounding yourself with positive people, and practicing gratitude, you can start to overcome unhappiness and become more productive in life. Remember, happiness and productivity feed off each other, so by making changes in one area, you’ll start to see improvements in both.

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Strategies for Overcome Unhappiness and Boost Productivity To Enjoy Your Life More In UK

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CheeringupInfo Reflect on the past do not dwell on it

Using mental health tech to improve mental health in UK

How technology can assist in improving mental health in UK with Cheeringup.Info

e-Mental health latest news opinions and services reviews

Digital mental health tools can help improve mental health but are not a replacement of traditional ways of healing with human to human contact. They can also be useful tools prompting people to begin conversations leading to further support. They can make it easier to talk about emotional or serious subjects.

Some people feel they can be more honest with digital mental health tools compared to human to human contact. Chatbots can chat with their users on matters of mental health. They can over tips on how to improve mental health and emotional state. They are useful tools to help people but are not panacea.

More than twice as many people die in UK from suicide than are killed on all UK roads. Poor mental health causes many more lost days from work than physical illness. The personal cost and cost to business of poor mental health in the UK is enormous. There is a need to support people with mental health issues in the UK. Digital mental health tools are not the answer but they can be part of the answer.


Use of technology in treatment of mental disorders is increasingly being explored by sufferers and healthcare providers. Digital technology can effectively supplement to mainstream therapies for mental disorders. Mental health treatment is evolving. Digital mental health technology is becoming more accessible effective and affordable.

Looking at services targeting mental health problems that are delivered through online and mobile interactive websites apps sensor based monitoring devices computers and phones.

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eMental health tools offer a significant lifeline for many with mental health care needs. The technology can bridge the gap in access to mental health services. However eMental digital services will not meet every patients needs. They encompass everything from chatbots to live therapy via video calling with therapists.

Mental health technology can provide people with options when when traditional services are overstretched or unaffordable. It can support a mental health coping strategy that may help people to self manage their conditions while waiting for traditional mental health treatment.

Do not underestimate the hole that your absence would leave


Technology is transforming mental health treatment in the UK. Using technology to improve mental health is increasingly important for both patients and healthcare providers. Mental healthtech can improve accessibility to healthcare to more of the UK population.

Step Back From Suicide By Speaking To Someone Anyone About How You Are Feeling

Loneliness UK
Combating Loneliness UK
Never Make Permanent Decision Based On Temporary Emotion

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Improve Your Mental Health

Mental health is an essential aspect of overall well-being, and taking care of it is crucial for leading a happy and fulfilling life. While seeking professional help is always recommended, there are also several ways to improve your mental health on your own. In this article, we will discuss some effective strategies that you can use to improve your mental health.

  1. Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness is the practice of being present and fully engaged in the current moment. It is an effective way to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. You can practice mindfulness through various techniques like meditation, deep breathing, and visualization. Start by setting aside a few minutes each day to practice mindfulness and gradually increase the time.
  2. Exercise Regularly: Exercise is not just good for physical health but also has a positive impact on mental health. It helps to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. You don’t have to engage in intense physical activity; simple activities like walking, cycling, or swimming can also have a significant impact on your mental health.
  3. Eat a Balanced Diet: The food you eat can affect your mental health. A balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein can provide the essential nutrients that your brain needs to function correctly. Avoid processed and sugary foods, as they can contribute to mood swings and make you feel lethargic.
  4. Get Adequate Sleep: Getting enough sleep is essential for maintaining good mental health. Lack of sleep can cause fatigue, irritability, and even depression. Aim to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night. Establish a bedtime routine that allows you to wind down and relax before going to bed.
  5. Practice Self-Care: Self-care is an essential aspect of maintaining good mental health. Taking time out to do something you enjoy, like reading a book, listening to music, or taking a long bath, can help you feel relaxed and refreshed. It is essential to set aside time for yourself each day and prioritize your mental and emotional well-being.
  6. Connect with Others: Social connections are crucial for good mental health. Spending time with friends and family can provide emotional support and reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness. Join a social group, participate in a hobby or volunteer to connect with others who share similar interests.

In conclusion, taking care of your mental health is crucial for leading a happy and fulfilling life. These strategies are simple yet effective ways to improve your mental health. Remember that everyone’s journey is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. It is essential to find the strategies that work best for you and incorporate them into your daily routine. If you are struggling with your mental health, do not hesitate to seek professional help.

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CheeringupInfo Using mental health tech to improve mental health in UK

Do not waste your time feeling sorry for yourself

How to stop feeling sorry for yourself with CheeringupInfo

Feeling sorry for yourself only damages your life. Feeling sad for a period of time is healthy. There are many good reasons to feel sad. However there are no benefits in feeling sorry for yourself.

Self pity is not attractive to others and does not help you to live a better life. Feeling sad can help you to recover but self pity just delays living better. You are simply wasting your life away by feeling sorry for yourself.

Being grateful for what you do have in your life each and every day is critical to overcoming emotions of feeling sorry for yourself. Look for the good that is already in your life. Acknowledge the bad but celebrate and appreciate what you should be grateful for.

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CheeringupInfo Do not waste your time feeling sorry for yourself

Bite the bullet now is your time

Bite the bullet with CheeringupInfo

We are on the cliff edge of a new decade. Complete your life review and bite the bullet on life changes. Improve your life decisions. Sometimes you have to bite the bullet. Is now the time to bite your bullet. Experience a better new decade than the one about to leave us.

Force yourself to do something today your future self will thank you for


With change comes inevitable hard choices and some pain. If you are happy with your lot then you may not wish to seek out this pain. However if you do seek a better life then endure the pain to get the gain.

You cannot have your cake and eat it. You may need to sacrifice something to achieve more in your life.

Get your life in UK together

Organise your life in UK to achieve what you want for yourself. Reform your life to experience more of the things you want and fewer of the things you do not want.

Good Life Tips

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How to stop overthinking things

How to stop overthinking and worrying with CheeringupInfo

Reducing Stress with CheeringupInfo

Anxiety relief tips advice and support. Stop self induced stress stopping you! Learn the right balance of thinking and feeling and actually doing. It is important to have emotional intelligence but overthinking things can lead you into being a people pleaser. This can be destructive or at least obstructive in that it stops you achieving what you want in life. Get the right balance of thoughtfulness and selfishness into your life!

Hyper analysing everything is often accompanied with procrastination. The two together could mean you are blocking progress in your life and certainly making it less enjoyable.


Overthinking things can be present in perfectionists or people who believe that little failings in their mind are huge problems. Tackling overthinking means tackling the reality of your life not what you perceive to be failings or failure to achieve.

Rather than just think of the worst of yourself try to think of some positive things that could come out of your actions or words. You might be right in that something bad could happen but consider more positive outcomes too. At least think of some less impactful results of your decisions or actions that may not be quite as bad as your worst thoughts.

Restructuring your thought process can help make you life less stressful and more productive.

How to get rid of negative thoughts
Reduce stress and improve quality of life by eliminating negative self talk

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How do you strive for progress not perfection
Don’t focus on perfection, instead focus on making progress

If you are waiting for the perfect moment you will be waiting all your life

Perfect Moment: Myth or Reality?

The statement “If you are waiting for the perfect moment, you will be waiting all your life” implies that waiting indefinitely for the perfect circumstances or conditions can prevent one from taking action or making progress. It suggests that waiting for an ideal situation may lead to missed opportunities and a lack of achievement.

While it’s true that waiting for perfection can hinder progress, it’s also important to strike a balance. Rushing into things without thoughtful consideration or preparation can have its own drawbacks. Timing and preparation are crucial factors in many endeavors.

Instead of waiting indefinitely for the perfect moment, it can be more effective to focus on taking action based on the information and resources available at a given time. It’s often better to make progress and learn from experiences rather than waiting for conditions that may never align perfectly.

In essence, the statement serves as a reminder to avoid excessive hesitation and to embrace the opportunities presented in the present, rather than holding out for an elusive and potentially unattainable “perfect” moment.

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CheeringupInfo How to stop overthinking things

Fun ways to cure your boredom

How to overcome boredom in the UK with Cheeringup’Info

How to cure boredom in life in the UK with CheeringupInfo. Discover totally fun things to do when you are bored. If you are just at a loose end then pick up fun tips to entertain and amuse you. Everyone gets bored now and again. Life can be boring for everyone. If things are more fundamental than that you can be stuck in a lifestyle rut. Our life coaches may be able to help cure your boredom.

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Being free of resentful thoughts will give you contentment

How to live a happy life with CheeringupInfo

Resentful thoughts is self inflicted pain. The only person who suffers from your resentful thoughts is you. Giving up resentment can give you more contentment with your life. Do not let resentment overshadow your life goals.

Become more satisfied with your own life less judgemental of others lives and develop a more constructive thinking process that creates more feelings of contentment.


See how you can be happier with what you already have instead of constantly pursuing happiness from something you do not have and may not make you happy.

If you want to be happier accept life as it is. Dispel negative thoughts and being resentful of what others have or have done to you. Manage your thoughts better. Make sure you set smart goals you can achieve. Help yourself to be happier by being less resentful. Do something each day that may help you be prouder of yourself in future but remember you are good enough today.

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Helping others makes you feel good

Why giving makes you happy. The secret to happiness is helping others. Find new ways to improve your life in the UK. Connect and engage with others online to improve life living and business in the UK.

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CheeringupInfo Being free of resentful thoughts will give you contentment

Care about people approval and you will be their prisoner

The danger of being a people pleaser from CheeringupInfo

Fed up of pleasing others?

Are you constantly putting the needs of others before your own? Do you find yourself bending over backwards to please others, even if it means sacrificing your own happiness and well-being?

If so, you may be a people-pleaser.

Being a people-pleaser can have negative consequences for both our mental and physical health. We may feel resentful and unappreciated, and we may lose sight of our own needs and wants.

But there is hope. By learning to set boundaries, communicate our needs, and prioritise our own well-being, we can break the cycle of people-pleasing.

It’s important to remember that pleasing others should never come at the expense of your own happiness. We should strive for balance, and learn to say no when necessary.

So, if you’re a people-pleaser, don’t be afraid to take control of your life and make a change. Your well-being is worth it.

Do your best then step back knowing the result is the best you could achieve without seeking approval from people in your life. Focus on what you managed to achieve not what others may think of your efforts.

Stop trying to please people. People pleasers are forever captured by the people they are trying to please.


The people they are trying to please are rarely bothered whether you are happy or not. Therefore you will rarely be happier even if you are successful at pleasing people.

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Enjoy The Life

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If not you will eventually. That maybe at the end of your life. Looking back the most likely way you will feel disappointed with your life will be because you tried too hard to live the life others wanted you to live instead of the life you wished you had had!

That is not to say you need to thumb your nose at others. There is no suggestion here that you need to run over people to get what you want. Indeed arrogant lack of recognition of the importance of others is a possible cause of failure in life.

The suggestion here is that if you do not identify what you want out of your life and then act to achieve it then you will be buffeted about by what others want from your life.


People pleasers make decisions in life that suit the expectations of others. Everybody likes to be liked but trying to be liked by everyone is exhausting and ultimately unfruitful for the people pleaser and the person the people pleaser is trying to please.

How to overcome people pleasing

Stop sabotaging your own life goals for others. This self destructive behaviour is not satisfying you? If it is crack on! However if you want to learn how to stop being a people pleaser others can help you or you can pick up tips on CheeringupInfo.

  • You do not need to feel more uncomfortable in social situations.
  • You do not need to be the atmosphere absorber.
  • Neither do you need to pacify others needs to the detriment of your own.

Be confident and secure in your own skin without constantly seeking the approval of others. You are not being selfless you are being used and sometimes abused.

Instead of trying to make everyone around you happy make yourself happy


You are worth it! You do not need others to tell you that to feel happier. When you fully embrace your worthiness yourself you will also get the love and respect from others. That will be a double helping of happiness!

You may well become less accommodating when you stop being a people pleaser. That should not be the aim of stopping being a people pleaser. The aim should be to figure out what you want and then go and get it! If in the process you are perceived as less accommodating then so be it.

Saying no to others is part of rewarding personal care. Improving your self care will make you happier.

Do you often make decisions based on what you think will please others?

He who knows does not speak he who speaks does not know. People do not know the real you but if you do then what others think and say do not matter and are untrue anyway.

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Are you a People-Pleaser? Discover the Hidden Dangers and How to Break the Cycle

Easy Going Vs People Pleaser

Lifestyle Improvement Tips
Are you a People-Pleaser? Discover the Hidden Dangers and How to Break the Cycle

Being an easy-going person generally means that you are relaxed, flexible, and adaptable in your approach to life and interactions with others. This can be a positive trait as it allows you to go with the flow and not get overly stressed or upset by minor setbacks or changes in plans.

Being a people-pleaser, on the other hand, refers to someone who constantly seeks the approval and validation of others, often at the expense of their own needs and desires. This can be detrimental to one’s mental and emotional well-being as it can lead to feelings of resentment, self-doubt and lack of self-worth. Additionally, people pleaser may find themselves in situations of being taken advantage of.

While being easy-going can lead to more positive and harmonious relationships, being a people-pleaser can lead to a lack of boundaries and difficulty in asserting oneself. It’s important to find balance and learn to balance the needs of others with your own needs and wants.

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Life coach vs Health coach difference?

Life Coach vs. Health Coach: Understanding the Key Differences and Roles Explained

In today’s fast-paced and demanding world, many individuals seek professional guidance to improve their overall well-being and achieve their personal goals. This has led to the rise of various coaching disciplines, including life coaching, wellness coaching, mental health coaching, and health coaching. While these terms may appear similar, there are distinct differences between them. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the disparities and shed light on the roles and responsibilities of life coaches and health coaches. Furthermore, we will explore the alternative names for health coaches and delve into the core functions of health and lifestyle coaches.

Difference between Life Coach and Wellness Coach

To understand the dissimilarities between a life coach and a wellness coach, we need to examine the focal points of their practices. A life coach primarily works with clients to identify and achieve their personal and professional goals. They provide guidance and support, helping individuals gain clarity, develop strategies, and overcome obstacles to reach their desired outcomes. Life coaches may address various aspects of their clients’ lives, including relationships, career, finances, personal growth, and overall life balance.

On the other hand, a wellness coach focuses specifically on improving an individual’s overall well-being. They collaborate with clients to enhance their physical health, emotional wellness, and lifestyle habits. Wellness coaches often work in areas such as nutrition, exercise, stress management, sleep hygiene, and self-care. Their role involves educating clients about healthy choices, helping them set wellness goals, and providing accountability and support as they make positive lifestyle changes.

Difference between Life Coach and Mental Health Coach

While life coaches and mental health coaches both assist clients in improving their lives, they operate in distinct domains. A life coach concentrates on guiding clients towards achieving their goals and ambitions, helping them create actionable plans and providing motivation and accountability. They do not typically diagnose or treat mental health conditions but can offer support and encouragement to clients who are dealing with emotional challenges.

In contrast, a mental health coach specialises in supporting individuals with specific mental health concerns. They possess a deep understanding of mental health conditions and techniques to manage them effectively. Mental health coaches work collaboratively with clients to develop coping strategies, build resilience, and implement tools for emotional well-being. It is important to note that mental health coaches are not licensed therapists or counselors, but they play a vital role in complementing the work of mental health professionals.

Alternative Names for a Health Coach

Health coaches are professionals who promote holistic well-being and guide individuals towards healthier lifestyles. In addition to being called health coaches, they are known by several alternative names in different contexts. Some common terms used to describe health coaches include:

  1. Wellness Coach: The term “wellness coach” is often used interchangeably with “health coach.” These coaches focus on overall well-being and empower individuals to make positive lifestyle changes.
  2. Lifestyle Coach: Lifestyle coaches support individuals in making sustainable changes to their daily routines, encompassing nutrition, exercise, stress management, and other lifestyle factors that contribute to optimal health.
  3. Holistic Health Coach: Holistic health coaches take a comprehensive approach to well-being, considering the interconnectedness of physical, mental, and emotional aspects. They emphasise the balance and integration of various components to achieve optimal health.
  4. Integrative Health Coach: Integrative health coaches combine elements of conventional medicine with complementary and alternative approaches. They work with clients to develop personalised health plans that incorporate both traditional and holistic practices.

What Does a Health and Lifestyle Coach Do?

Health and lifestyle coaches play a vital role in guiding individuals towards improved well-being by addressing various aspects of their lives. Here are a few key functions and responsibilities that health and lifestyle coaches typically undertake:

  1. Assessing Client Needs: Health and lifestyle coaches begin by conducting comprehensive assessments of their clients’ current health status, lifestyle habits, and overall well-being. They gather information about their clients’ goals, challenges, and motivations to tailor a personalised coaching plan.
  2. Goal Setting and Action Planning: Coaches work collaboratively with clients to set realistic and achievable health goals. They assist clients in breaking down their goals into actionable steps, helping them create personalised action plans that incorporate nutrition, exercise, stress management, sleep, and other relevant lifestyle factors.
  3. Providing Education and Information: Health and lifestyle coaches educate clients about various aspects of health and wellness. They offer evidence-based information on nutrition, exercise, stress reduction techniques, sleep hygiene, and other relevant topics. Coaches empower clients with knowledge to make informed decisions and adopt healthier behaviors.
  4. Supporting Behaviour Change: Behaviour change is a key aspect of health coaching. Coaches provide ongoing support, motivation, and accountability to help clients make sustainable changes in their habits and lifestyle choices. They employ coaching techniques such as motivational interviewing, goal setting, and positive reinforcement to facilitate behaviour change.
  5. Developing Personalised Plans: Based on the client’s individual needs and goals, health and lifestyle coaches develop customised plans that integrate various dimensions of health, including physical, mental, and emotional well-being. These plans may include dietary recommendations, exercise routines, stress management techniques, and self-care practices.
  6. Monitoring Progress and Evaluation: Coaches regularly assess clients’ progress toward their goals, monitoring their adherence to the action plans and evaluating the effectiveness of the strategies implemented. They adjust coaching strategies as needed to ensure continuous improvement and success.
  7. Offering Emotional Support: Health and lifestyle coaches provide a supportive and non-judgmental environment for clients to express their concerns and challenges. They offer empathy, active listening, and emotional support to help clients overcome obstacles, manage stress, and maintain motivation throughout their wellness journey.

While life coaching, wellness coaching, mental health coaching, and health coaching share a common focus on personal growth and well-being, there are significant differences in their approaches and areas of specialisation. Life coaches primarily support clients in achieving their goals across various life domains, while wellness coaches concentrate on overall well-being and healthy lifestyle choices. Mental health coaches provide guidance specifically for managing mental health concerns, while health and lifestyle coaches adopt a holistic approach to improve overall health and quality of life. Understanding these distinctions can help individuals make informed decisions when seeking the appropriate support and guidance for their specific needs. Whether you seek a life coach, wellness coach, mental health coach, or health and lifestyle coach, finding the right professional can empower you to navigate life’s challenges and thrive in your pursuit of well-being.

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