How do you live your best life in retirement in the UK?
Do you think retirement is to be feared or enjoyed to the full before you die or worse become ill! Life is for living. No one can tell you how to live in your retirement. If you do not know then who will?
You can work as long as you want to. Nobody is forcing you to retire so if you retire make sure you make the most of it. If you do work in a job that does have a compulsory retirement age that does not mean you have to retire. You can change jobs if you need to work. Alternatively there are lots of ways to volunteer and continue in unpaid work.
If the thought of retirement fills you with dread maybe you should consider asking your employer if you can work more flexibly or part time to ease you into retirement.
However retirement in the UK should be embraced as an opportunity to live the life you want. If you want to sit outside a cafe and watch the world pass by then you should. If you want to travel the world then your should. What you should not do is waste your retirement.
Plan for the best retirement in the UK
Clearly identify how you want to live in retirement in the UK. Write your retirement plan down so you can return to it again and again to tweak and improve it.
If you are lucky you will live around a third of your life in retirement. That is a lot of life to live without structure. Many people need some kind of structure to their life to feel mentally and physically well.
When you retire action your retirement plan
You do not know how long you will have your health and wealth! Retirement is not the time for procrastination! Having put a lot of thought into planning the best retirement for yourself it would be a shame to live a retirement life that is substandard to your best.
Retirement Lifestyle Planning and Living Tips
Everything you need to know to retire well in the UK. CheeringupInfo provides retirement inspiration ideas and tips to live better in retirement in the UK. Subscribe to CheeringupInfo for free alerts bulletins and review sent to your email inbox.
Building wealth tips. How much wealth do you need to build to lead the life you want now or in future? Focus on your life goals to build wealth in UK more easily. Make better life decisions and become more financially independent.
Think differently about managing your life to create more personal wealth. Read lifestyle management articles on how to improve your life in UK. Learn about different options to increase wealth in the UK.
To become wealthy you need to earn more than you spend! If you love spending and are happy to be in debt then that is your choice. You will never be wealthy though! It is a hard fact that control over your money is key to becoming wealthy. Some people say you do not need money to feel well off. This is true but it helps to have money to be happy in the UK!
Building wealth starts with a clear written wealth management plan. At the outset be clear on what you want in your lifestyle how much you will need to live that lifestyle and what you will do or not do to achieve that lifestyle.
Once your wealth management plan is written create the daily and monthly habits you will need to build personal wealth. This can be automated like setting up standing order or direct debits but it also includes personal habits to make sure you are not wasting money and are seeking out new ways to save money.
Save money when buying stuff and finds ways to increase your income
We help people and businesses save money. Reduce your costs and outgoings to improve your standard of living in the UK. In addition maximise your income. Most people in the UK are thinking about changing jobs in the UK.
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Money saving tips and income generating ideas
To build wealth in the UK it is critical to first understand where you are now before you build wealth in future. Identify where your money goes every month and where you can cut back to make savings and grow your wealth faster.
Debt saps your financial strength. Paying off interest on debt before you can do anything with your income is demoralising.
Not all debt is bad. A mortgage is not fun but it can save you money on rent is not wasting money on rent and may build wealth if house prices rise which over decades they always have. Mortgages can also often be paid off quicker with overpayments and also save thousands in interest but you should pay off higher interest debt first like credit cards and personal loans. Paying off higher interest debt may allow you to rapidly improve your overall financial position on its own.
Make sure you are paid what you are worth.Many employers value your skills and experience. In the UK there is a skills shortage with record low unemployment. Without the supply of new people to the job market UK employers are having to pay more to attract new recruits. Get paid what you are worth and you can build your personal wealth faster.
Invest in your future. There are many investment vehicles. Historically stocks and shares have provided the best investment return despite suffering massive falls during periods like 2008 financial crisis and the technology bubble bursting around the year 2000. However investigate the investment vehicle you feel most comfortable then consider investment diversification. Spread your investment money over different investments to protect your overall wealth when markets fluctuate up and down.
Be careful to spend your money wisely! Unwisely spent money might feel good! If that works for you then good luck to you. If you want to build wealth then you can still enjoy spending money but do it wisely.
The power of compounding your money to build wealth faster
To exponentially increase your wealth you need to use the power of compound interest. Reinvesting your investment earnings in the investments you have means you make money on the interest you earned on your investments previously. 5 percent upon the 5 percent plus initial investment you earned last year and repeat repeat repeat more quickly builds wealth than spending the interest you earned on your investments. Even small amounts reinvested over decades can make you a very wealthy person.
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Money hacks UK. Do you want to save money and time in the UK? Discover the best ways to save money in the UK online. Grab the latest bargains in the UK first before the sell out!
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It is important to have an emergency pot of money to call upon at short notice. However after you have 6 month living costs saved up in the bank do not save more if you have outstanding debts which you are paying interest on.
Debt which is interest free is different. Managing this debt is still very important but debt that is interest free can help you save money in other areas of your life. For example pay off debt that you are paying interest on and spend money on interest free credit cards. Note that even the interest free debt will have to be paid off at some point but balancing your money to target expensive debt with high interest can save you a lot of money.
Be clear on the reasons for saving money in UK
If you have in mind the end purpose for saving money then it can help motivate you to save more money. Just saving money for the sake of it can result in unplanned spending because you have lost the focus off your money saving plans. An end goal for your money saving effort can spur you to save money when you might otherwise spend it.
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Put a proportion of money that comes your way regularly and consistently
Putting money by every time you get paid will create virtuous money saving habit. Having your saved money in a separate savings account can also reduce the chance you spend what you have saved diligently.
Money saving tips
Cutting out or cutting down on the bad things in your life can protect your hard earned cash from waste
Smoking drinking and gambling are the three worst offenders. However you can lump in fast food and even expensive coffees. You do not need to live a miserable life if your perception of saving money in these areas is that you are improving your life not cutting out good experiences. Change your perception to make it easier to cut out or cut down.
Looking at your monthly living costs to find ways to save money every month without trying too hard
Utility bills phone bills mortgage and the like that present a monthly debit from your bank account are a useful source of money saving opportunities. Competition in the marketplace in the UK normally means that there are other businesses who want your business and are prepared to charge you less to get your business. Once done diary it for the next time you can swap suppliers then forget about it.
Self imposed austerity does not need to be miserable if you know why you are saving money and how to do it with least impact on your lifestyle
To give you an idea of how much to save each month spending about 50 percent on essentials like accommodation costs and food plus 30 percent on more luxury based spending will give you 20 percent to save each month.
For many people in the UK this money guideline is not manageable. If you cannot cut costs of living in UK then you can increase your income by changing jobs.
More than half of people in the UK are planning on changing jobs in 2020. There are many good reasons to change jobs but boosting your income is not a bad reason though could be if there are other things to consider. However looking about for a new job that pays more will help you measure your worth to an employer. Should you receive a new job offer you can still go back to your boss and tell them you have a job offer that pays more. He or she might give you a pay rise to stay in your current job.
There is near record low unemployment in the UK. There is a growing skills shortage. It is often better for a UK employer to pay more to keep employees who plan on leaving than to recruit a replacement. UK job hunters have the upper hand in wage negotiation. Whether you choose to exercise this power to try to improve your lifestyle is your choice. However if you do not look round and test the job market you will never know if you can realistically boost your income.
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12th February 2020 Switching Gas and Electricity May Become More Mistake Free Now That Utility Firms To Be Fined For Mistakes In Switching Provider
Gas and electricity customers will receive automatic compensation of 30 pounds from May 2020 if their switch to a new provider goes wrong.
Ofgem the regulator is trying to help consumers in UK shopping around for better deal by punishing providers for switch failings. 30 pounds will be paid to you if the switch is not completed within 15 working days. A mistake is made in switch or old supplier does not provide final bill in 6 weeks will also result in 30 pound penalty paid to consumer.
Achieving financial independence with Cheeringup.Info
What do you need in your lifestyle in retirement to live happily?
Learn how to become financially independent in UK. The best way to become financially independent depends on where you are now and where you want to be in future. Find out how to do whatever you want in life in the UK. You may not become captain of a world cup winning team but you can create a financially independent life for yourself. When that financial independence comes maybe later for some than sooner but you can achieve financial independence.
Almost anybody can achieve financial independence provided you are prepared to make tough changes to reach your goals. If you change your goals you maybe able to achieve financial independence even sooner.
The key to achieving financial independence is to be clear what you want to do with your financial dependence. If you are on minimum wage and want financial independence in 10 years time to go cruising in the Caribbean every year your unrealistic goal will not be achieved! However if you are on minimum wage and want to retire in 35 years time and live in Canary Islands during winter months every year and UK in summer then this is achievable.
Set realistic goals that can be achieved perhaps with some sacrifices. You may have to cut some of your spending habits to achieve your longer term financial independence. You may need to cut some luxury spending in retirement to retire earlier but still be financially independent.
Diversifying how you invest your available money will make it more likely you will achieve your long term goal of financial indpendence
You do not have to be super rich to achieve financial independence and the freedom to decide how to live your life. You do not have to work until you drop dead. You can choose the work life balance you want from retiring early to working part time to working until you drop dead? Whatever works for you is what financial independence means.
To give you an idea most people in retirement can easily live on £20000 a year in the UK. If you have built up retirement savings of £500000 then you are almost certainly financially independent. You can drawdown retirement income and your retirement savings pot will still grow enough to support you however long you live.
Luxury is a subjective assessment. Living financially independent does not mean you can live in luxury. If you want a luxurious lifestyle in retirement you will need to build a bigger retirement savings pot. Cut your cloth accordingly.
Realistically you will need to put aside at least 20 percent of your income into a retirement savings pot over 40 years. That does not need to be pension although pensions are very tax efficient and can therefore build a bigger savings pot quicker. That clearly means that many people would need to severely cut their current lifestyle spending.
Retirement Early Tips Advice and Guidance UK
Some may say they would rather live well now than save for financial independence later or that they just cannot save that much money each month. On the former then that is your choice. On the latter you maybe in the minority of people in UK who literally cannot change their spending habits to become financially independent at any point in their lives. However most people can cut their spending now to save more for later. It just depends on what life choices you want to make and what sacrifices you are prepared to make. Drinking smoking expensive coffee overeating holidays new stuff etc can all make your life worth living for you but if you want financial independence latter in life then many such things need to be cut out of your life now.
If you are prepared to cut things out of your life now to save for financial independence latter you cannot just put savings in the bank
UK banks do not pay interest at a rate that would even cover inflationary costs. In other words money in the bank is losing you money each year! You will never achieve financial independence by just putting your money saved for retirement in the bank. Your retirement savings pot will not grow fast enough to give you financial independence.
Historically stocks and shares are the best investments to build long term wealth. On average they grow in value and pay dividends to build your wealth. You need to reinvest the dividends to build wealth faster so when you get dividends you buy more shares you do not take the money out of that business.
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Stocks and shares in an ISA wrapper will save for your financial independence quicker. The capital growth and income from shares will be protected from tax. Your money invested will grow faster. Individual stocks and shares can be saved in an ISA wrapper as can tracker funds covering indices such as the FTSE 100 which have low management fees and spread the risk. Tracker funds can smooth out losses of some shares and the economy especially if you save regularly. Drip feeding your money into tracker funds when stock market falls means you buy more shares when price has fallen that can boost your savings when the investing cycle turns upwards.
Consistent saving in pension or stocks and shares ISA gives you the best chance of financial independence but is not a guarantee. Others prefer to invest in property like their own house or buy to lets. In the former you may have to downsize to access financial independence later in life. In the latter taxation can cut out achievable capital and income growth. Nothing in life is certain. However if you want financial independence you need to start your personal wealth plan now. The sooner you start the quicker it will be achievable.
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Financial Freedom Plan With CheeringupInfo
UK Financial Freedom Guide
The UK Financial Freedom Plan: A Comprehensive Guide to Achieving Financial Independence
Achieving financial freedom is a dream for many people in the UK, and it’s no wonder why. The idea of being able to live life on your own terms, without the stress of financial constraints, is incredibly appealing. Fortunately, there is a plan that can help you achieve financial freedom in the UK, and it’s called the UK Financial Freedom Plan. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore what the UK Financial Freedom Plan is, how it works, and the steps you can take to implement it in your life.
What is the UK Financial Freedom Plan?
The UK Financial Freedom Plan is a strategic approach to managing your finances and building wealth with the ultimate goal of achieving financial independence. It involves setting specific financial goals, creating a budget, saving and investing wisely, and making smart financial decisions that align with your long-term objectives. The plan focuses on building multiple streams of income, reducing debt, and growing your wealth over time to reach a point where your investments generate enough passive income to cover your living expenses, allowing you to have the freedom to choose how you spend your time and money.
Why is Financial Freedom Important?
Financial freedom is the state of being able to live life on your own terms without being limited by financial constraints. It means having enough money to cover your basic needs, as well as your discretionary expenses, without having to rely on a paycheck to meet your financial obligations. Achieving financial freedom provides you with greater flexibility and autonomy over your life, allowing you to make choices that align with your values and goals, rather than being forced to make decisions based solely on financial considerations. Financial freedom also provides you with a sense of security and peace of mind, knowing that you have a solid financial foundation to fall back on in case of unexpected emergencies or changes in your circumstances.
The Benefits of the UK Financial Freedom Plan
The UK Financial Freedom Plan offers a number of benefits for those who follow it diligently. Here are some of the key advantages of implementing the plan:
Increased Financial Security: By setting specific financial goals, creating a budget, and diligently saving and investing, you can build a strong financial foundation that provides you with increased financial security. This means having an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses, paying off debt to reduce financial stress, and building a portfolio of investments that generate passive income to cover your living expenses.
Flexibility and Autonomy: Achieving financial freedom gives you the flexibility and autonomy to live life on your own terms. You can choose how you spend your time and money, without having to rely on a 9-to-5 job or living paycheck to paycheck. This can allow you to pursue your passions, travel, start your own business, or take time off to spend with loved ones, among other things.
Wealth Building: The UK Financial Freedom Plan focuses on building wealth through strategic saving and investing. By following the plan, you can accumulate wealth over time, which can provide you with financial security, opportunities for growth, and the ability to leave a legacy for future generations.
Peace of Mind: Achieving financial freedom can provide you with peace of mind, knowing that you have a solid financial plan in place that can weather unexpected events or changes in your circumstances. This can reduce financial stress and anxiety, allowing you to enjoy greater peace of mind and well-being.
Early Retirement: One of the ultimate goals of the UK Financial Freedom Plan is early retirement, which means being able to retire before the traditional retirement age of 65. By diligently saving and investing, you can potentially achieve financial independence and retire early, giving you more time to pursue your passions and enjoy life on your own terms.
The Steps to Implement the UK Financial Freedom Plan
Implementing the UK Financial Freedom Plan requires a strategic approach to managing your finances and making smart financial decisions. Here are the steps you can take to implement the plan:
Set Specific Financial Goals: The first step in the UK Financial Freedom Plan is to set specific financial goals. These goals should be realistic, achievable, and aligned with your long-term objectives. Examples of financial goals include paying off debt, saving for an emergency fund, investing in retirement accounts, and building an investment portfolio. Setting clear financial goals provides you with a roadmap to follow and helps you stay focused on your financial priorities.
Create a Budget: A budget is a crucial tool for managing your finances and tracking your spending. Start by tracking your income and expenses for a month to get a clear understanding of your spending habits. Then, create a budget that allocates your income towards your financial goals, such as saving and investing, paying off debt, and covering your living expenses. Make sure to review and update your budget regularly to ensure you are staying on track with your financial goals.
Reduce Debt: Debt can be a significant barrier to achieving financial freedom. As part of the UK Financial Freedom Plan, focus on reducing your debt as much as possible. Start by paying off high-interest debt, such as credit card debt or payday loans, first. Then, prioritize paying off other types of debt, such as student loans or mortgages. Consider using the debt snowball or debt avalanche method, where you either pay off the smallest debt first or the one with the highest interest rate, respectively. As you pay off your debts, allocate the extra money towards your savings and investments.
Build Multiple Streams of Income: Relying solely on a paycheck may not be enough to achieve financial freedom. Building multiple streams of income can provide you with additional sources of money to save, invest, and cover your living expenses. This can include starting a side business, investing in rental properties, or earning passive income from investments, such as dividend stocks or real estate investment trusts (REITs). Diversifying your income sources can provide you with greater financial stability and resilience.
Save and Invest Wisely: Saving and investing are essential components of the UK Financial Freedom Plan. Start by building an emergency fund that covers at least three to six months of living expenses. This fund acts as a safety net for unexpected events, such as job loss or medical emergencies. Once you have an emergency fund, focus on investing in retirement accounts, such as a pension or individual retirement account (IRA), as these accounts offer tax advantages and can grow your wealth over time. Additionally, consider investing in a diversified investment portfolio that includes a mix of stocks, bonds, and other assets based on your risk tolerance and investment goals. Regularly review and rebalance your portfolio to ensure it aligns with your financial objectives.
Live Below Your Means: Living below your means is a fundamental principle of the UK Financial Freedom Plan. It means spending less than you earn and avoiding unnecessary expenses. Look for ways to cut costs in your daily life, such as by cooking at home, using public transportation, and shopping for deals. Be mindful of your spending habits and avoid unnecessary purchases that can derail your financial goals. Instead of focusing on material possessions, prioritise building wealth and investing in experiences that align with your values.
Continuously Educate Yourself: Financial literacy is crucial to successfully implementing the UK Financial Freedom Plan. Continuously educate yourself about personal finance, investing, and wealth building. Stay up-to-date with financial news, read books, take courses, and seek advice from financial professionals when needed. The more knowledge you have about managing your finances and making smart financial decisions, the better equipped you will be to achieve financial freedom.
Stay Disciplined and Patient: Achieving financial freedom takes time and discipline. It requires patience and perseverance to stick to your financial goals and make smart decisions consistently. Stay disciplined in following your budget, paying off debt, saving and investing, and living below your means. Avoid impulsive spending or making emotional financial decisions that can set you back. Remember that achieving financial freedom is a long-term journey, and it’s important to stay committed to your plan even when facing challenges or setbacks.
Seek Professional Advice: Managing your finances can be complex, and it’s okay to seek professional advice when needed. Consider working with a financial advisor who can provide personalised guidance on creating a financial plan, managing investments, and optimizing your overall financial strategy. A financial advisor can help you navigate through the complexities of personal finance and ensure that you are making informed decisions aligned with your financial goals.
Review and Adjust Your Plan Regularly: Your financial situation and goals may change over time, and it’s important to review and adjust your financial plan accordingly. Regularly assess your progress towards your financial goals and make adjustments as needed. For example, if you receive a pay raise or a windfall, consider allocating a portion of it towards your savings or investments. If your expenses increase or your financial situation changes, reevaluate your budget and make necessary adjustments to stay on track with your financial goals.
Benefits of the UK Financial Freedom Plan
Implementing the UK Financial Freedom Plan can provide numerous benefits that can positively impact your financial well-being and overall quality of life. Some of the benefits include:
Financial Independence: Achieving financial freedom means that you have enough savings, investments, and income streams to cover your living expenses and financial goals without relying on paycheck-to-paycheck living or accumulating debt. It provides you with the freedom to make choices about how you want to live your life and pursue your passions and interests without being tied to financial constraints.
Improved Financial Security: The UK Financial Freedom Plan emphasises building an emergency fund, paying off debt, and diversifying income sources, which can significantly improve your financial security. It provides a safety net for unexpected events and helps you navigate through financial challenges with confidence.
Wealth Building: Saving, investing, and living below your means are fundamental elements of the UK Financial Freedom Plan that can help you build wealth over time. By consistently saving and investing, you can benefit from the compounding effect and grow your wealth exponentially.
Flexibility and Choices: Achieving financial freedom provides you with flexibility and choices in how you use your time and resources. It allows you to have more control over your life and make decisions based on your values, rather than being solely driven by financial obligations.
Reduced Stress and Anxiety: Financial stress is a common source of anxiety for many individuals. Implementing the UK Financial Freedom Plan can help reduce financial stress and anxiety by providing you with a clear plan to manage your finances, pay off debt, and build a secure financial future. It allows you to have peace of mind and focus on other aspects of your life.
Improved Financial Literacy: The UK Financial Freedom Plan encourages continuous education and learning about personal finance and investing. By educating yourself about financial concepts and strategies, you can make informed decisions, optimise your financial plan, and become more financially literate, which can have a long-term positive impact on your financial well-being.
The UK Financial Freedom Plan is a strategic approach to managing your finances and achieving financial independence. It involves setting specific financial goals, creating a budget, reducing debt, building multiple streams of income, saving and investing wisely, living below your means, continuously educating yourself, staying disciplined and patient, seeking professional advice when needed, and regularly reviewing and adjusting your financial plan.
Implementing the UK Financial Freedom Plan can provide numerous benefits, such as financial independence, improved financial security, wealth building, flexibility and choices, reduced stress and anxiety, and improved financial literacy. It requires commitment, discipline, and patience, but the long-term rewards are worth it.
Remember that achieving financial freedom is a personal journey, and the timeline may vary for each individual. It’s important to set realistic financial goals and create a plan that aligns with your unique circumstances and lifestyle. Be willing to make adjustments along the way and stay focused on your long-term financial vision.
The UK Financial Freedom Plan is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and it’s important to customise it to your specific situation. Consider working with a financial advisor who can provide personalised guidance and help you create a financial plan tailored to your needs and goals.
The UK Financial Freedom Plan is a comprehensive approach to managing your finances and achieving financial independence. By setting clear financial goals, creating a budget, reducing debt, building multiple streams of income, saving and investing wisely, living below your means, continuously educating yourself, staying disciplined, seeking professional advice when needed, and regularly reviewing and adjusting your financial plan, you can take control of your finances and build a secure financial future. Start implementing the UK Financial Freedom Plan today and take steps towards achieving financial freedom and enjoying the peace of mind that comes with it. Your financial freedom journey begins now!
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Money Saving Tips and New Ways To Improve Your Family Lifestyle In UK
Tips on how to get out of debt in UK. Debt management advice for people living in UK. Online debt help. Expert debt advice to reduce the stress from debts.
Managing Debt Better Tips 2023
Managing debt can be overwhelming, but it’s an important part of maintaining financial stability. Here are some tips to help you better manage your debts:
Make a budget: Creating a budget can help you understand where your money is going and where you can cut back. Make a list of your monthly income and expenses and see where you can reduce spending in order to free up money to pay off your debts.
Prioritise your debts: If you have multiple debts, prioritise which ones to pay off first. It may make sense to focus on paying off high-interest debts first, as they will cost you more in the long run.
Negotiate with creditors: If you are struggling to make payments, don’t be afraid to reach out to your creditors and see if they can work with you. They may be able to offer you a lower interest rate or a temporary reduction in payments.
Consider consolidation: If you have multiple debts with different interest rates, it may be beneficial to consolidate them into a single loan with a lower interest rate. This can make it easier to manage your debts and potentially save you money in the long run.
Seek professional help: If your debts are overwhelming and you don’t know where to turn, consider seeking professional help from a financial advisor or a credit counselling service. They can help you develop a plan to pay off your debts and get back on track.
Be proactive: Don’t wait until you’re in financial trouble to start dealing with your debts. Be proactive and start working on a plan to pay them off as soon as possible. This will help you avoid accumulating more debt and prevent financial stress.
By following these tips, you can better manage your debts and take control of your financial situation. Remember, it may take time and effort to pay off your debts, but with a little discipline and determination, you can get back on track and achieve financial stability.
At least lower your monthly payments on your debt in the UK and even explore writing off debt.
If you can not write off debt find out how to reduce your outgoings. Understand your personal credit score to improve your credit score which may make your debt cheaper. It will become easier to pay off your debt. Get help to reduce the pain of debt.
Which debt management solution is right for you will depend on your level of debt and personal circumstances.
Get help to understand your options for paying off debts quicker
If you owe people money your creditors you can make arrangements to pay your debts. Your options depend on the amount of money and assets you have.
You can pay your debts in instalments by setting up:
a Debt Management Plan which is an agreement with your creditors managed by a financial company
an Administration Order when you’ve had a county court judgment (CCJ) or a High Court judgment (HCJ) against you for debts under £5,000
You may also have the option of reaching an informal agreement with your creditors.
Where you can get help with debt problems for free
It is rarely advisable to pay for debt management advice especially as there are options to get debt advice for free in the UK.
The Money Advice Service MAS has information about debt management and offers free debt advice. Speak to a free debt adviser today to start the process of managing your debt better.
Other contacts to get free debt management advice
National Debtline National Debtline provides free advice and resources to help people deal with their debts. Advice is available over the phone online and via webchat.
Tel: 0808 808 4000
Opening Times: Mon – Fri 9am to 8pm, Sat 9.30am to 1pm
Government Debt Help Scheme Loans and Advice
Some debt management companies use phrases in adverts like ‘government debt consolidation’ and ‘government debt advice’ to wrongly suggest they are endorsed by the Government. In fact, there’s no such thing as government debt consolidation or government debt advice.
People are misled by these adverts into thinking these debt consolidation services are free or official. In reality these companies charge a fee to provide the same debt management services that are available for free from charities like StepChange Debt Charity.
Get help to know where you stand with your level of debt. The quicker you take control of your debt the better it will be for you in the long run. Make a plan to pay your debts quicker.
Experts give their tips on how to pay back your debts quicker
Tap into personal finance experts talking about debt management in the UK.
Hopefully you voted at the recent General Election! Simply by being on the voting register will help your credit rating. Although the next election opportunity is not until May 2020 it is a good idea to register to vote now if you want to work towards cheaper debts and paying off debt faster.
If you can pay off debt it makes sense to pay off the most expensive debt first. This is often credit card or store card debt. Make sure you will not have any penalties for paying off other forms of debt early like loans. It is usually better to pay off debt before savings though a certain amount of savings is wise to cover unexpected events that could push you into unplanned expensive additional debt.
Find the latest deals discounts and special offers in the UK. If you can lower your outgoings you will have more money to pay off debt which makes it easier to pay off more debt!
If you are living alone disabled or on a low income you maybe entitled to a big reduction in your council tax. Contact your local council to find out if you are due a tax reduction. Instead of banking any reduction use the money saved to pay off more debt which could make your total outgoings reduce even faster.
Make sure you are claiming all the tax credits and benefits you are entitled to. Many people fail to do this. In effect you are missing out on free money you could use to pay off your debts faster!
Do not apply for more debt before you know where you stand now and know your credit score. However 0 percent credit cards could buy you months even years of free credit which can be used to pay off expensive forms of debt you may have. Beware! Though a useful debt management tool 0 percent credit cards should be used as part of an overall debt management plan not an excuse to put off your debt problems for a few months.
A debt consolidation loan may be right for you but only after you are clear what total debts you have and the cost of each existing debt. When you know this you can then calculate whether a new debt consolidation loan is right for you. Taking a trip to you local Credit Union could land you the most competitive way to consolidate debt. A PayDay loan is rarely going to be the best answer to your debt problems.
Remortgaging with a debt consolidation element is often the cheapest way to pay off debt faster but it carrys the risk that you could lose your home. If you do save money by remortgaging it is better to use the extra money to pay off either your mortgage via overpayments or other more expensive debt instead of using the extra money each month to spend on your lifestyle.
It is always better to do your research before managing your debts better. There are free debt advisers to guide you. It is better to speak to them BEFORE you make any debt management changes. They will help you to deploy the best debt management tools without you closing them down as an option on your own.
It can feel desperate to be in debt but do not pay for someone to help you manage your debt in the UK.
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Compare Prices on
How to Compare Prices for Online Shopping on
The rise of e-commerce has revolutionized the way we shop, offering convenience and a wide range of products at our fingertips. However, with countless online retailers competing for our attention, it’s essential to compare prices to ensure we’re getting the best deal. is an informative platform that provides valuable insights on various aspects of online shopping. In this article, we will explore how to effectively compare prices on, enabling you to make informed purchasing decisions and save money.
Understanding is an online platform that aims to empower consumers by providing them with comprehensive information on products, deals, and prices across multiple retailers. It serves as a one-stop destination for shoppers, offering insights, reviews, and comparisons to help them make informed decisions.
Utilising Price Comparison Tools provides users with a range of price comparison tools that simplify the process of finding the best deals. These tools aggregate information from various online retailers, allowing users to quickly compare prices for a specific product. By inputting the desired item into the search bar, users can access a list of retailers offering the product and their corresponding prices.
Moreover, often includes additional features, such as user ratings, reviews, and seller ratings. These features offer valuable insights into the product’s quality, seller reputation, and customer experiences. By considering these factors alongside the price, shoppers can make more informed decisions.
Comparing Prices Across Retailers enables users to compare prices across different online retailers, ensuring that they find the best available deal. When using the platform, it’s essential to consider the following factors:
a) Product availability: Different retailers may offer varying stock levels for the same product. provides real-time information about product availability, ensuring that users can purchase items that are in stock.
b) Shipping costs: The overall cost of a product includes not only its base price but also the shipping charges. helps users compare these additional costs across different retailers, enabling them to find the most cost-effective option.
c) Promotions and discounts: Online retailers frequently offer promotional deals and discounts. highlights these offers, allowing users to take advantage of limited-time deals and potentially save significant amounts of money.
d) Customer reviews: User reviews are an essential aspect of the online shopping experience. aggregates customer reviews from various sources, providing a comprehensive overview of the product’s quality, durability, and overall satisfaction.
Additional Considerations While price comparison is crucial, it’s essential to consider other factors when making a purchasing decision. provides additional information to help users evaluate their options effectively:
a) Return policies: Understanding a retailer’s return policy is crucial, especially when purchasing items with potential sizing or quality issues. offers insights into the return policies of various retailers, enabling users to make hassle-free returns if needed.
b) Seller credibility: incorporates seller ratings to help users gauge the credibility and reliability of different retailers. This feature is particularly important when shopping on lesser-known platforms or purchasing from third-party sellers.
c) Product quality: offers product reviews and ratings from both experts and consumers. By considering these reviews, users can assess the quality and performance of the product they intend to purchase. is a valuable resource for online shoppers looking to compare prices and make informed purchasing decisions. By utilising the platform’s price comparison tools, users can quickly identify the best deals available, taking into account factors such as availability, shipping costs, promotions, and customer reviews. Additionally, provides information on return policies, seller credibility, and product quality, allowing users to consider these factors alongside price when making a decision. is a reliable platform for comparing prices and gathering essential information to make informed online shopping choices. By utilising the various tools and features offered by the platform, users can save both time and money by finding the best deals, considering product availability, shipping costs, promotions, customer reviews, return policies, seller credibility, and product quality.
However, it’s important to note that while price is a crucial factor, it should not be the sole determining factor in making a purchase decision. It’s equally important to consider other aspects such as product quality, reliability of the seller, and customer experiences. provides a holistic approach to online shopping, equipping users with the necessary information to make well-rounded decisions.
So, the next time you embark on an online shopping adventure, remember to visit and utilise its price comparison tools and valuable insights. By doing so, you can ensure that you not only find the best price but also make informed choices that meet your specific needs and preferences. Happy shopping!
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10 Best Interior Design Deals in the UK in August 2023
The summer months are a great time to refresh your home’s interior, and there are plenty of great deals to be found. Here are 10 of the best interior design deals in the UK in August 2023:
Sofa Sale at DFS
DFS is having a huge sofa sale right now, with discounts of up to 50% off. This is a great opportunity to get a new sofa at a fraction of the usual price.
Bedding Sale at John Lewis
John Lewis is also having a great bedding sale right now, with discounts of up to 50% off. This is a great chance to stock up on new bedding for your bedroom.
Lighting Sale at is having a great lighting sale right now, with discounts of up to 70% off. This is a great opportunity to get some stylish new lighting for your home.
Furniture Sale at Wayfair
Wayfair is having a great furniture sale right now, with discounts of up to 70% off. This is a great chance to get some new furniture for your home at a fraction of the usual price.
Homeware Sale at Amazon
Amazon is always having great homeware sales, and right now is no exception. There are discounts of up to 50% off on a wide range of homeware items, including furniture, bedding, lighting, and more.
Art Sale at Saatchi Art
Saatchi Art is having a great art sale right now, with discounts of up to 50% off. This is a great opportunity to get some original art for your home at a fraction of the usual price.
Plant Sale at Patch Plants
Patch Plants is having a great plant sale right now, with discounts of up to 50% off. This is a great opportunity to get some new plants for your home to add some greenery and life.
Upholstery Sale at The White Company
The White Company is having a great upholstery sale right now, with discounts of up to 50% off. This is a great opportunity to get some new cushions, throws, and other upholstery items for your home.
Curtain Sale at Roman Blinds
Roman Blinds is having a great curtain sale right now, with discounts of up to 50% off. This is a great opportunity to get some new curtains for your home to add some privacy and style.
Accessories Sale at Zara Home
Zara Home is having a great accessories sale right now, with discounts of up to 50% off. This is a great opportunity to get some new accessories for your home, such as rugs, mirrors, and lamps.
These are just a few of the many great interior design deals that are available in the UK right now. So if you’re looking to refresh your home’s interior, be sure to check out these deals.
In addition to these specific deals, there are a few general tips that can help you find great interior design deals:
Shop around. Don’t just stick to one retailer. Compare prices from different stores to find the best deals.
Look for sales and promotions.Many retailers have regular sales and promotions, so be sure to check for these before you make a purchase.
Sign up for email alerts. Many retailers offer email alerts when they have sales or promotions. This is a great way to stay up-to-date on the latest deals.
Shop online. You can often find better deals online than in-store.
Be patient. Don’t be afraid to wait for a great deal. If you’re patient, you’re more likely to find a deal that you love.
With a little bit of effort, you can find great interior design deals that will help you
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What is is a dynamic online platform that aims to bring the best deals, discounts, and offers to consumers in one place. It is a website that aggregates deals and discounts from various sources, such as online retailers, service providers, and financial institutions, and presents them in an organised and user-friendly format. The platform covers a wide range of categories, including travel, lifestyle, technology, finance, home and garden, fashion, beauty, and more.
The team behind is dedicated to curating the best deals and discounts for their users. They scour the internet to find exclusive offers and negotiate special deals with partners to ensure that their users can access the most competitive prices. strives to provide a seamless and convenient experience for its users, allowing them to easily search, compare, and take advantage of the best deals available.
How does work? is designed to be user-friendly and easy to navigate. The platform features a clean and simple layout, with deals and discounts organised by category. Users can browse through the categories or use the search bar to find specific deals or products. Each deal is accompanied by a brief description, relevant details, and a link to the partner website where the deal can be redeemed.
To access the deals on, users do not need to create an account or provide any personal information. The platform does not require any payment details or store any user data, ensuring that users can browse and take advantage of the deals anonymously and securely.
Once users find a deal that they are interested in, they can simply click on the link provided to go to the partner website and complete the purchase or redemption process. acts as an intermediary, connecting users with the best deals and discounts available, but the transaction itself is conducted on the partner website. Users can rest assured that they are dealing directly with the partner and that their payment details and personal information are protected according to the partner’s privacy and security policies.
Why use to find deals?
There are several advantages to using to find the best deals and discounts:
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Wide range of categories: covers a wide range of categories, from travel and lifestyle to technology and finance. This means that users can find deals and discounts on a diverse range of products and services, allowing them to save money on various aspects of their lives.
Exclusive deals: negotiates special deals and discounts with partners to provide exclusive offers to its users. This means that users may have access to deals that are not available elsewhere, allowing them to save even more money on their purchases.
User-friendly interface: features a clean and simple layout that makes it easy for users to browse and find deals. The platform is designed to be user-friendly, with intuitive navigation and search functionalities, making it accessible to users of all levels of technical expertise.
No account required: does not require users to create an account or provide any personal information. This means that users can browse and take advantage of the deals anonymously and securely, without having to worry about their data being stored or used for marketing purposes.
Trusted partners: partners with reputable retailers, service providers, and financial institutions to offer deals and discounts to its users. This ensures that users can trust the quality and reliability of the products and services they are purchasing through the platform.
Time-saving: saves users time by curating the best deals and discounts in one place. Users do not have to spend hours searching for deals or comparing prices on different websites. Instead, they can quickly find the best deals available on and make informed purchasing decisions.
Community-driven: encourages its users to share deals and discounts they find with the community. This means that users can benefit from the collective knowledge and experience of the community, helping them find hidden gems and lesser-known deals that they may not have discovered otherwise.
Stay updated with the latest deals: regularly updates its deals and discounts, ensuring that users have access to the latest offers. Users can subscribe to the platform’s newsletter or follow on social media to stay updated with the latest deals, ensuring that they never miss out on a great bargain.
Save money: The primary goal of is to help users save money. By offering exclusive deals, discounts, and offers, users can save a significant amount on their purchases. Whether it’s travel, lifestyle, technology, finance, or any other category, aims to provide the best deals available to help users stretch their budgets and get the most value for their money.
In today’s fast-paced and competitive online shopping landscape, finding the best deals and discounts can be overwhelming. However, is a reliable and convenient platform that can help users save money by curating the best deals and discounts in one place. With its wide range of categories, exclusive deals, user-friendly interface, and community-driven approach, is a valuable resource for savvy shoppers who want to make the most of their hard-earned money.
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