Retirement : Dos and Don’ts

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Live Happily Healthily Wealthily In Retirement In UK

Retirement is a time to relax and enjoy the fruits of one’s labor, but to live happily, healthily, and wealthily in retirement, it requires proper planning and preparation. Here are some tips for those planning to retire in the United Kingdom:

  1. Plan for your financial future: The first step to a happy, healthy and wealthy retirement is to plan for your financial future. This includes considering your expected income, pensions, and other sources of retirement income. It is also important to think about your expenses, such as housing, food, transportation, and healthcare. You may also want to consult a financial advisor to help you plan and manage your finances.
  2. Stay active and healthy: Physical activity is crucial to maintaining good health in retirement. You can take advantage of the many leisure activities offered in the UK, such as walking, cycling, swimming, and other sports. Staying active not only helps you maintain good physical health, but also promotes mental well-being.
  3. Maintain social connections: Social connections are important to maintain a happy and healthy retirement. Keeping in touch with friends and family, volunteering, and joining clubs or organisations can help you maintain a strong social network.
  4. Pursue your interests: Retirement is an opportunity to pursue your interests and hobbies. This can include traveling, learning new skills, or simply enjoying time with family and friends. Whatever your interests, make sure to set aside time each week to enjoy them.
  5. Stay informed: It is important to stay informed about changes in the retirement landscape, such as changes in pension laws or healthcare policies. This will help you make informed decisions about your finances and your health.
  6. Be mindful of your spending: It is important to live within your means in retirement. This means being mindful of your spending and avoiding unnecessary expenses. You may also want to consider downsizing your home or reducing your debt to help you live more comfortably on a fixed income.

By following these tips, you can live happily, healthily, and wealthily in retirement in the United Kingdom. Remember, the key to a successful retirement is to plan ahead and make informed decisions. With proper planning and preparation, you can enjoy your golden years to the fullest.

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Retirement : Dos and Don’ts

Retirement Mindset

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Planning For Retirement UK

Are you in the best retirement mindset? If you are not in the right frame of mind it is harder to make retirement planning and retirement lifestyle improvement work well for you. Retirement life can be the greatest years of your life. The best age to retire depends on what will make you happy in retirement and the retirement fund you have to make it work for you. Exploring how to enjoy life after retirement in UK with

Retirement Planning Tips with CheeringupInfo
Look Forward To And Enjoy Retirement with CheeringupInfo

Preparing for better retirement in UK takes careful planning and being honest about what you really want out of life before you die!

Clever Retirement Travellers

Long-term retirement travel includes potential sacrifices like not being near family and friends. Annual holidays in retirement can be more expensive to see what you could see on a long-term retirement travel plan. There are trade-offs in most things in life and retirement life is no different.

Preparing For Retirement Emotionally UK

Retirement Information
Retirement Information Overload

You may may have picked up on emotional signs you need to retire. That does not mean you have to retire for good. Unretirement to go back to your career full time or just part-time is not a sign of failure to enjoy retirement. It may just mean you have recharged your batteries and you are happy to return to working life.

Alternatively, you may find inspiration to radically change career whilst in retirement or before you retire. Doing more of what you like in your own business or working for someone else may just be the change you really need.

Lastly, you may not fancy going back to work in any form, for any length of time but are bored in retirement. This can be emotionally challenging too. Finding something to enhance your retirement lifestyle and stop you being bored may require a little effort. Falling into the best retirement lifestyle for you is unlikely for most. Small adjustments to major surgery to your retirement lifestyle may be required to make you truly happy in retirement.

How To Retire UK

Retirement Health and Wellbeing
Feeling Better In Retirement

What to do when you retire UK?

  • What do you like and what do you not like?
  • Have you the money to do what you do like?
  • How flexible are you and your retirement budget?

You do not need money to be happy in retirement but you may need more money if what you want to do requires a bigger retirement lifestyle budget. You may consider that it is better to retire emotionally without the budget you need rather than continue working to build the retirement fund you need if you hate what your job entails. Only you can decide but we aim to give you the information and opportunity to inform your retirement lifestyle decision making.

Struggling with retirement UK

Unretirement Magazine
Retirement Age Workers In UK Returning To Work With Help From

Nothing has to last forever and that includes retirement in UK?

Maybe for you, you need to unretire yourself?

What not to do in retirement in UK

Thinking you canā€™t change your mind or change yourself. Change is not just open to the young! Just because you are closer to the exit than your entrance does not mean you canā€™t totally change – if you want to change. You have earned the right to be who you want to be, do what you want to do or not do things you donā€™t want to do or be. If you canā€™t live the life you want now, when will be the right time?

Things to do when retired and bored UK

Happy Retirement with Cheeringup.Info

Retirement is a time of great change and opportunity. It can be a time to relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor, or it can be a time to start new adventures and pursue your passions. No matter what you choose to do, there are a few things you can do to make sure your retirement is happy and fulfilling.

  1. Get your finances in order.

One of the most important things you can do to prepare for retirement is to get your finances in order. This means making sure you have enough money to cover your expenses, as well as having a plan for how you will save for healthcare and other long-term needs. There are a number of resources available to help you with this, such as financial advisors and government programs.

  1. Stay active and healthy.

Retirement is a great time to focus on your health and well-being. This means eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and getting enough sleep. It is also important to stay socially connected and engaged in activities that you enjoy. Staying active and healthy will help you to enjoy your retirement years to the fullest.

  1. Find new interests and hobbies.

Retirement is a great time to explore new interests and hobbies. This could mean anything from taking up a new sport to learning a new language. There are many opportunities available to retirees, so take some time to explore your options and find something that you are passionate about.

  1. Give back to your community.

Retirement is a great time to give back to your community. This could mean volunteering for a local organisation, mentoring young people, or simply being a good neighbour. Giving back to your community is a great way to stay active, meet new people, and make a difference in the world.

  1. Travel and explore.

Retirement is a great time to travel and explore the world. This could mean taking a long-awaited vacation or simply visiting new places closer to home. Traveling is a great way to learn about different cultures, experience new things, and make memories that will last a lifetime.

  1. Spend time with loved ones.

Retirement is a great time to spend time with loved ones. This could mean visiting family and friends, going on vacations together, or simply spending time at home. Spending time with loved ones is a great way to stay connected, build memories, and enjoy your retirement years.

  1. Take things slow.

Retirement is a time to slow down and enjoy life. This means taking things at your own pace, relaxing, and doing the things you love. Don’t feel pressured to do anything you don’t want to do. Just relax and enjoy the ride.

Retirement is a wonderful time of life. It is a time to relax, enjoy your hobbies, and spend time with loved ones. By following these tips, you can make sure your retirement is happy and fulfilling.

Here are some additional tips to help you have a happy retirement:

Stay positive. A positive attitude can go a long way in helping you enjoy your retirement years.

Be flexible. Things don’t always go according to plan, so it’s important to be flexible and adaptable.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you need help with anything, don’t be afraid to ask for it from your friends, family, or community.

Celebrate your successes. Retirement is a time to celebrate all of your accomplishments. Take some time to reflect on all that you’ve achieved and be proud of yourself.

Retirement is a wonderful time of life. Make the most of it by following these tips and living your best life.

Retirement Living UK
Are You Living In Retirement Or Rotting In Retirement In UK

Be inspired to live a better life in our retirement magazine

How to mentally adjust to retirement UK

Spending most of your life working means that not working is going to be challenging as well as fulfilling. Working out your best retirement lifestyle need not be rushed and only you can plan your best retired life. Give yourself time to adjust emotionally and physically to a different life. Living your best life in retirement does not mean your life will be happy all the time. Donā€™t beat yourself up that your life does not look idyllic from outside. Your not bothered by what other people think of you by now. What do you want your life in retirement to look like for you?

Having some structure to your retirement life can help you to frame what your retirement lifestyle needs to look like for you. You know roughly each day what needs to be in your day to feel you are living well in your retirement. Completing your daily retirement goals will help to trigger endorphins that will contribute to a happier day of retired life. For you to experience this daily buzz of satisfaction your daily goals need to be specific and measurable – you know what you need to do each day and know when it is done. The daily goals need to achievable and realistic, so need to take account of your financial, physical and mental health. The daily goals need to do what the say on tin – need to be completable within the day. They should not be grand plans to be tackled over the rest of your life unless the grand plan can be broken down into small daily bites that are specific and measurable.

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Retirement Mindset

How To Embrace Ageing Positively In The UK

How to be positive about ageing in UK with CheeringupInfo

Embrace ageing. Stop worrying about ageing. Change your mindset. Live happier in retirement in UK. Getting older is something we should embrace joyously. Strike a positive view on ageing. The UK news often portrays the older generation as a burden on society. Filling hospital beds we are bed blockers not positive contributers to society. We are probably both in reality! However nothing is guaranteed in life except death and taxes so we must seek out the best life we can later in life.

Defying ageing is a losing game. It is expensive and ultimately unfruitful. However embracing ageing can be inexpensive and achievable for most people with more effort.

Advances in health care in UK have helped people in UK live longer. It does not mean we are living better. CheeringupInfo is working with partners to support people in UK to age well.

Enter code #EmbraceAgeing

10 tips for healthy aging
How to maintain good health as you age enter code #EmbraceAgeingWorkshops

Ageing Well With CheeringupInfo

Change your whole approach to ageing well in the UK. The proportion of people who are older is increasing all the time in the UK. That will bring problems but this does not mean we should not welcome older age.

Fight against anti ageing philosophy and instead embrace all the things it brings including longer to enjoy life and living in UK!


Positively embrace older age with CheeringupInfo. The later stage of life can be as mobile exciting and as enjoyable as any other age. In fact older age fro many offers greater opportunities to enjoy life more not less.

It is only a few generations ago that people in the UK retired in 60s lived for a couple of years then died! Now most people can live for another 20 to 30 years.

Would you write off your early life

Hopefully not so do not write yourself off in older age. Live a healthier happier life with CheeringupInfo. Use the extra time positively the UK has worked hard to give most people living in the UK. You should expect to live into your mid 80s at least. More of us will live to over a century than ever have.

Enjoy every moment of your life including your retirement years. Figure out what you can do and then plan clearly how you are going to do it. Lead as full a life as you can.

Know who you are and what you want from life in UK

If you have not taken time to figure out what you want from life now is the time to start! Clearly financial resources and health conditions can place limitations on what you can realistically do. However if you do not try to life a better life in retirement then it is unlikely anyone else can do it for you.

If your internal voice is doubting your ability to change your life then start moving more engaging more and eating better.

  • Exercise within your own limits will make you feel better.
  • Interacting with people you meet more will give you a sense of belonging.
  • Eating and drinking better will boost your wellness and energy levels

The next step may be to look at what you can do differently in your life that will make you enjoy life and feel happier.

Do not accept the many negative messages about ageing that are prevalent in society and the media. Just look at the runners and riders in 2020 to be next president of America. Most are in mid 70s or older. If they can run USA you can find one thing to bring a sense of joy accomplishment or satisfaction each year?

Embrace the challenges of life and set out to try and overcome them. Build your strength resilience and independence as you age instead of letting them slip. Age well with a positive outlook on life in UK.

What ageing well means for each of us will vary on personal circumstances. However everyone can make small changes to improve retirement or older lifestyle. Embrace ageing with a positive mindset.

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How to reduce the risk of dementia with CheeringupInfo

Reducing your risk of dementia with Cheeringup.Info

Control what you can control to improve your health and reduce the risk of dementia

Is it possible to prevent dementia? For some no but most people can reduce the risk of suffering from dementia. Pick up tips to reduce the risk of dementia.

Take control of your health. There is little point worrying about the things you cannot control like genetic predilection to dementia if you are smoking socially isolated not exercising physically and mentally drinking too much and have poor diet.

Common dementia risk factors

There are things that increase your risk of dementia. If you tackle the dementia risk factors then you have a better chance of not suffering from dementia at any age as it is not just older people who have dementia.

Reduce risk of Alzheimerā€™s

Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive and degenerative brain disorder that affects memory, thinking, and behavior. It is the most common cause of dementia in older adults and is characterised by the loss of cognitive function and the ability to perform everyday activities.

Symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease typically begin with mild memory loss and difficulty completing familiar tasks, but as the disease progresses, symptoms can include confusion, mood and behaviour changes, and difficulty speaking, swallowing, and walking. There is no known cure for Alzheimer’s disease, and it is ultimately fatal.

There are many risk factors for developing Alzheimer’s disease, including advancing age, genetics, and a family history of the disease. However, there are also several lifestyle factors that can increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, such as smoking, physical inactivity, high blood pressure, and poor diet.

To reduce the risk of experiencing Alzheimer’s disease, there are several steps you can take:

  1. Exercise regularly: Physical activity has been shown to improve brain function and may reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.
  2. Eat a healthy diet: A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and low in saturated fats and sugar may help reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.
  3. Stay mentally active: Engaging in activities that challenge the brain, such as reading, puzzles, and games, may help keep the brain healthy and reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.
  4. Don’t smoke: Smoking has been linked to an increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.
  5. Control your blood pressure: High blood pressure has been linked to an increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.
  6. Get enough sleep: Lack of sleep has been linked to an increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.
  7. Stay socially active: Socializing and staying connected with others may help protect against the development of Alzheimer’s disease.
  8. Manage stress: Chronic stress has been linked to an increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.
  9. Avoid head injuries: Traumatic brain injuries have been linked to an increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.
  10. Consider taking certain supplements: Some studies have suggested that certain supplements, such as vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, may help reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. However, it is important to speak with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplements.

While there is currently no cure for Alzheimer’s disease, taking steps to reduce your risk of developing the disease may help protect your brain health as you age.

Pick up tips from CheeringupInfo to reduce risk of dementia.

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A healthy lifestyle can help lower your risk of developing dementia. Keep your brain healthy and your body healthy.

What are the first signs of Alzheimer’s and how does it differ from dementia?

How can you tell if a person has Alzheimer's or dementia? How do you check for early Alzheimer's? What can early stages of a dementia Alzheimer's often be confused with? What are the 4 A's of Alzheimer's symptoms?
What are the first signs of Alzheimerā€™s and how does it differ from dementia?

Alzheimer’s disease is a type of dementia, a general term for loss of memory, language, problem-solving and other thinking abilities that are severe enough to interfere with daily life. Alzheimer’s is the most common cause of dementia, accounting for 60-70% of cases.

The first signs of Alzheimer’s can be subtle and may go unnoticed for some time. However, there are a few key symptoms that can be a red flag. These include:

  • Memory loss. This is the most common early symptom of Alzheimer’s. People with Alzheimer’s may have trouble remembering recent events, names, or faces. They may also forget things they used to know how to do, such as how to cook a meal or how to get to a familiar place.
  • Language problems. People with Alzheimer’s may have trouble finding the right words, or they may use words incorrectly. They may also have trouble understanding what others are saying.
  • Problem-solving and planning. People with Alzheimer’s may have trouble making decisions or solving problems. They may also have trouble following through on plans.
  • Changes in mood and behaviour. People with Alzheimer’s may become more withdrawn or irritable. They may also have trouble controlling their emotions.

It is important to note that these symptoms can also be caused by other medical conditions, such as depression, vitamin deficiencies, or side effects of medications. If you are concerned about your memory or thinking skills, it is important to see a doctor to rule out other causes.

How can you tell if a person has Alzheimer’s or dementia?

There is no single test that can definitively diagnose Alzheimer’s disease. However, there are a number of tests that can be used to rule out other causes of dementia and to assess the severity of the condition. These tests may include:

  • Neuropsychological testing. This type of testing measures cognitive skills such as memory, language, and problem-solving.
  • Brain imaging. This can help to rule out other causes of dementia, such as stroke or brain tumor.
  • Blood tests. These tests can check for vitamin deficiencies or other medical conditions that can cause dementia-like symptoms.

If you are concerned that you or someone you know may have Alzheimer’s disease, it is important to see a doctor for evaluation. Early diagnosis and treatment can help to slow the progression of the disease and improve quality of life.

How do you check for early Alzheimer’s?

There is no single test that can definitively diagnose Alzheimer’s disease in its early stages. However, there are a number of things that your doctor can do to assess your risk and to rule out other possible causes of your symptoms. These may include:

  • A complete medical history and physical exam. Your doctor will ask about your symptoms and your family history of dementia. They will also perform a physical exam to look for any signs of other medical conditions that could be causing your symptoms.
  • Neuropsychological testing. This type of testing measures your cognitive skills, such as memory, language, and problem-solving. This can help your doctor to assess the severity of your symptoms and to rule out other possible causes of dementia.
  • Brain imaging. This can help your doctor to rule out other causes of dementia, such as stroke or brain tumor.

If your doctor suspects that you may have Alzheimer’s disease, they may recommend that you see a specialist in dementia care. This specialist can help you to understand your diagnosis and to develop a treatment plan.

What can early stages of a dementia like Alzheimer’s often be confused with?

The early stages of Alzheimer’s disease can often be confused with other medical conditions, such as depression, vitamin deficiencies, or side effects of medications. It is important to see a doctor to rule out these other possibilities before making a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease.

Some of the conditions that can be confused with Alzheimer’s disease include:

  • Depression. Depression can cause symptoms such as memory loss, difficulty concentrating, and changes in mood. However, depression is usually treatable with medication or therapy, while Alzheimer’s disease is not.
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency. Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause symptoms such as memory loss, fatigue, and numbness in the hands and feet. Vitamin B12 deficiency can be easily treated with supplements, so it is important to see a doctor to rule out this possibility.
  • Side effects of medications. Some medications, such as sedatives and anticholinergics, can cause symptoms that mimic Alzheimer’s disease. If you are taking any medications, it is important to talk to your doctor about the potential side effects.
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How to reduce the risk of dementia with CheeringupInfo

Unretirement Jobs Find New Job During Retirement Years In UK

Discover the best jobs after 55. Develop a new career after 55 with CheeringupInfo.

How can retirees in the UK return to work?

What is unretirement?

Unretirement is where retired people or people close to retirement decide to be part of the workforce through choice or necessity. The decision on unretirement is driven from financial, lifestyle, social and mental or physical health needs.

Career advice over 55s

Find the best jobs after 55 in the UK. Develop a new career after 55. Take a part time job in retirement. Or simply unretire yourself! What matters is what makes you happy and if that means working then maybe unretirement is best for you.

Unretirement Jobs UK Benefits

Unlock the Secrets of Semi-Retirement: How to Balance Income and Leisure in the UK

Unretirement jobs, also known as semi-retirement jobs, are a great way for retirees in the UK to balance income generation with free time to enjoy their retirement. These jobs are typically part-time or flexible, allowing retirees to work on their own terms and schedule.

One popular option for unretirement jobs is consulting. Retirees with a wealth of knowledge and experience in a particular field can offer their expertise as a consultant. This can be done on a part-time basis, allowing retirees to take on projects as they desire. Many retirees in the UK find consulting to be a great way to stay engaged and active in their field of expertise while also earning extra income.

Another great unretirement job option is teaching. Many retirees in the UK have a wealth of knowledge and experience that they can share with others. Teaching can be done on a part-time basis, and many retirees find that it is a great way to stay active and engaged while also earning extra income.

Many retirees in the UK also turn to small business ownership as a way to balance income generation with free time. Starting a small business can be a great way to use your skills and experience to generate income, while also enjoying the freedom and flexibility that comes with being your own boss.

For retirees with an interest in the arts, freelance writing, photography, or other creative pursuits can be a great option. These types of jobs can often be done on a part-time or freelance basis, allowing retirees to pursue their passion while also earning extra income.

In summary, unretirement jobs, also known as semi-retirement jobs, are a great way for retirees in the UK to balance income generation with free time to enjoy their retirement. Consultancy, teaching, small business ownership, and creative pursuits are some of the most popular options for unretirement jobs, which can be tailored to match the retiree’s skills and interests, allowing them to stay active and engaged in their fields of expertise while also earning extra income.

Is it worth working after retirement?

It depends on each persons particular circumstances. Working full time maybe necessary or advantageous for different reasons but full time is not only option in UK for retirees or those close to retirement from their traditional career path. Working part-time can give you a sense of being part of something constructive in your semi retired life without being tied to a career or stress of working longer hours.

How do retirees spend time in UK?

Some have chosen to work. Others prefer to relax full time. Picking up a new hobby or finding more time for an old hobby can be satisfying. Giving back via volunteering can be rewarding. Others just like to enjoy daily activities or the passing of time. If you can simply enjoy the passing of time without boredom, pain or pressure to do stuff that may be true retirement wealth.

Retirement Lifestyle Improvement UK

Retirement Club Brighton and Isle Of Mull

Develop a new career to improve your unretirement years in UK

Reentering the working world in UK after you retired. If you have had enough of retired life or are being forced back into work for personal finance reasons get more on Unretirement here. Get tips and tap into resources to find post retirement employment.

A lot of people in UK are returning to work after retirement Unretirement


Join the thousands of unretired in UK. Retirees are changing their minds and unretire. Get back into work from retirement years in UK. Many people who retire in UK have checked retirement life out and decide to start working again part time or full time.

People working in unretirement years could help solve the growing skills gap crisis in the UK economy. Retirees knowledge could boost the UK via increased taxation income and better productivity.

Read articles and watch videos on what older workers are doing and what they want from a job in retirement years. Find the right opportunity to work again at retirement age.

Register for job alerts and lifestyle tips for your unretirement years in UK

Make the most of your health and energy during your unretirement years in UK. Consider whether returning to work after retirement is right for you.

  • What work benefits do you need to attract older workers in UK?
  • What flexible working conditions can you offer retired people?
  • How do you attract retirees in UK back into work?

Register to attract retirement age workers more easily if you are an employer. Register if you in retirement age want to find a new career opportunity and improve your lifestyle in UK

Unretirement Jobs and Lifestyle Tips
Register for job alerts and lifestyle tips for your unretirement years in UK entering code #UnretirementJobs

Surviving Retirement In UK

Out with the old life and in with the new life of fun with help from
Are You Just Surviving Or Living The Best Life You Can

Flexible Retirement Ideas

Is your retirement life full and satisfying? What structure will your retirement life have so that it fulfils all your dreams of retirement? Are you sure full retirement is what you want? Could partial retirement be better for you? Working part of the time will bring tax efficient income with flexibility of more time to do other things with more leisure time.

Unretire Yourself

Sign up for free to unretirement job vacancy alerts. Go back to work on your terms – part time to full time job vacancies in the UK. Fill the skills gap employers are desperate to fill now. Our service is free for you to use and you stay in control of the hours you work.

You donā€™t pay us a penny! We simply keep you up to date with businesses who want to recruit more experienced people to fill the gaps in their business. You decide if you want to apply for part-time to full time jobs and deal direct with the businesses wanting to recruit people with the skills and experiences you already have. You may want to switch out of the career you have to date and start a new direction of employment. Pick a business which offers you a chance to start something new based on how they like you as the person you are now without any direct experience of the job but the ability to adapt.

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Increasing numbers of over 50s returning to work in 2022

Some retirees are seizing on the lack of skills or high employment and record number of job vacancies to reenter the jobs marketplace. They were previously excluded from employment.

Some people who thought they could retire comfortably during the pandemic are now having to unretire and find work again to bring in some extra income and top up their pensions whilst they still can.


Others are experiencing now or fear imminent cost of living crisis impacting on their retirement lifestyle and are having to unretire to make up the lifestyle they want that has been under attack due to 40 year high record inflation eating into disposable retirement income.

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Retirement Planning UK Magazine
Improve your lifestyle in retirement in UK

Change the way you think about work and living in retirement in UK

Unretire yourself with more confidence with tips advice and support. Find more meaning from life and increased financial security during unretirement years.

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Cheeringupinfo Unretirement Jobs Find New Job During Retirement Years In UK