What happy people do each day to remain happy

Daily habits for happiness with CheeringupInfo

Feelings Acts Smiles

Transform Your Mood in an Instant: The Surprising Power of “Fake it till you Make it” If You Are Struggling with Unhappiness

Don’t act out the way you feel currently. Even simply smiling more even though you don’t want to smile will make you feel happier in return. Act as if you’re happy even if you don’t feel happy and you will begin to really genuinely feel happier. How you act is how you will feel.

The connection between our emotions and our behavior is undeniable. The way we act can often influence how we feel, and this is a powerful tool that we can use to improve our emotional well-being. This idea is known as “fake it till you make it.” It refers to the idea that by acting as if we feel a certain way, we can eventually change our underlying emotional state.

One of the most famous examples of this is the simple act of smiling. Even if we don’t feel particularly happy, simply smiling can have a profound effect on our emotional state. Research has shown that the act of smiling activates the same muscles in our face as when we are genuinely happy, which in turn triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. This means that even if we don’t feel happy initially, by forcing a smile, we can create a positive feedback loop that eventually leads to genuine feelings of happiness.

Similarly, other studies have shown that by adopting an open and confident body language, even if we don’t feel confident initially, we can improve our confidence and self-esteem. For example, walking tall and with purpose, making eye contact, and speaking up can all help to improve our mood and emotional well-being.

The key to using this technique effectively is to be consistent and persistent. Initially, it may feel awkward or unnatural to act in a certain way when we don’t feel that way, but with practice, it becomes easier and more automatic. The more we do it, the more we train our brain to associate those actions with positive emotions, making it easier for us to feel that way in the future.

In conclusion, “fake it till you make it” is a powerful tool for improving our emotional well-being. By intentionally acting in a certain way, we can train our brain to associate those actions with positive emotions, eventually leading to genuine feelings of happiness and positivity. So, if you’re feeling down or unmotivated, try forcing a smile, adopting a confident body language, or engaging in other positive behaviors, and you may find that you begin to feel happier and more positive in return.

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Transform Your Mood in an Instant: The Surprising Power of “Fake it till you Make it” If You Are Struggling with Unhappiness

How to remain happy in life

Critical to being happy each day is recognising the little things you already have in your life to be grateful for. Some other top tips to be happier include:

  1. Giving to receive. Helping others will make you feel better about yourself.
  2. Laughing! Forcing yourself to laugh outloud can feel false and stupid but it works physically and emotionally to make you feel better. So if you cannot find something in your day to laugh at then laugh outloud anyway to feel a little boost.
  3. Move! Yes exercise unless your doctor advises against it is going to make you feel better and happier. If you can not laugh at least smile! Nobody can stop you smiling.
  4. Engage. Take all opportunities to engage with others. This can be in the shop at the petrol station or at work. Wherever you come across people instigate an engagement. The interaction will not make you a friend but may make you happier.
  5. Go outside. Being outside will not only give you a chance to interact just the freshness and change of scene will lift your spirits.
  6. Mindfulness. Try to use all your senses to enjoy more of your day. Smell taste touch see hear every little detail of your day as much as you can.
  7. Wake up early. Many people who are successful in life swear by being an early riser. You could knock off earlier and still benefit as many people are more productive in the morning.
  8. Meditate. Try meditation. Many people find more relaxed less stressed and therefore happier by adopting daily habit of meditation.
  9. Eat and drink well. You are what you eat and drink. If the fuel for your body is wrong then you will not function as well and this could make you unhappy.
  10. Work life balance. Few people get to the end of their life and wish they had worked harder. Most wish they had taken time to smell the roses more.

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Feel more satisfied and fulfilled with your life by implementing some of the tips on happiness above. Subscribe to CheeringupInfo for free happiness ideas to your email inbox.

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Being free of resentful thoughts will give you contentment

How to live a happy life with CheeringupInfo

Resentful thoughts is self inflicted pain. The only person who suffers from your resentful thoughts is you. Giving up resentment can give you more contentment with your life. Do not let resentment overshadow your life goals.

Become more satisfied with your own life less judgemental of others lives and develop a more constructive thinking process that creates more feelings of contentment.


See how you can be happier with what you already have instead of constantly pursuing happiness from something you do not have and may not make you happy.

If you want to be happier accept life as it is. Dispel negative thoughts and being resentful of what others have or have done to you. Manage your thoughts better. Make sure you set smart goals you can achieve. Help yourself to be happier by being less resentful. Do something each day that may help you be prouder of yourself in future but remember you are good enough today.

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Helping others makes you feel good

Why giving makes you happy. The secret to happiness is helping others. Find new ways to improve your life in the UK. Connect and engage with others online to improve life living and business in the UK.

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CheeringupInfo Being free of resentful thoughts will give you contentment

Is life boring for you?

Bored with life need a change with CheeringupInfo

Change how you think and feel about life in the UK

How to make life less boring in UK. Find out what to do about it with CheeringupInfo. Get out of the rut you are in. Life can be boring for a number of reasons. It maybe your personal life or current situation. Find new ways to break out of the boredom!

  • Review your career development opportunities
  • Spruce up your relationships with family or friends
  • Improve your health and fitness

Put more life into your life in the UK. Make your life great again! Stop living groundhog day over and over again. If it is not working for you fix it! There are always opportunities for personal development and increased happiness.

Things To Make You Happy
Explore what makes you happy in life on cheeringup.info

You only get one life so live it as best you can! Live life to the fullest. You may not have as much money as the next person but make sure what you have is focused to give you the best results.

Build on your existing skills and abilities to access more life opportunities in the UK


Make a better effort at living life in the UK with CheeringupInfo. Do not rely on other people to do what you love to do. Take responsibility for your life today.

  • Introduce new activities and skills into your life. This will create opportunities for personal growth you expected and some you did not expect.
  • Make sure you take time each day to be grateful for what you already have. Most people are more fortunate than they think they are. If you feel more fortunate you will be happier with your life in the UK.
  • Exercise and move more! You do not need to train to compete in the next Olympics to feel better from increased exercise. Indeed just moving more getting out and about and pushing yourself a little more will produce a feeling of greater happiness. Do not do more than your doctor would recommend for yourself but try to do more than you currently do.
  • Engage with people you know and people you do not know. More communication and contact with friends or strangers will create new opportunities for you to learn more from other people who are often interesting.

Life your life with more purpose and you will have less boredom intruding in your life. That should make you happier.

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To Live Your Life is the Rarest Thing in the World as Most People Just Exist

The quote “To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” is often attributed to Oscar Wilde, but there is no definitive evidence that he actually said it. However, the sentiment behind the quote is certainly true. Most people go through life on autopilot, never really stopping to experience the world around them or to fully embrace their own lives. They simply exist, going through the motions without ever really living.

So, what does it mean to truly live? It means to be present in the moment, to experience all that life has to offer, and to make the most of every opportunity. It means to be passionate about your goals and to never give up on your dreams. It means to love and be loved, to laugh and cry, to feel the full range of human emotions.

Living your life to the fullest is not always easy. It takes courage, determination, and a willingness to step outside of your comfort zone. But it is worth it. When you live your life fully, you experience the world in a whole new way. You become more connected to yourself, to others, and to the universe. You find your purpose and you make a difference in the world.

So, if you want to live your life to the fullest, here are a few things you can do:

  • Set goals and make a plan. What do you want to achieve in your life? What are your dreams and aspirations? Once you know what you want, you can start to make a plan for how to achieve it.
  • Take risks. Don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone and try new things. The only way to grow and learn is to challenge yourself.
  • Surround yourself with positive people. The people you spend time with have a big impact on your life. Make sure you surround yourself with people who are supportive, encouraging, and who make you feel good about yourself.
  • Give back to others. One of the best ways to find meaning and purpose in life is to give back to others. Volunteer your time, donate to charity, or simply do something kind for someone else.

Remember, living your life to the fullest is a journey, not a destination. It’s about enjoying the ride and making the most of every moment. So, get out there and start living!

Did Oscar Wilde say to live is the rarest thing in the world most people exist?

As mentioned earlier, there is no definitive evidence that Oscar Wilde actually said this quote. However, it is a sentiment that he would likely agree with. Wilde was a strong advocate for living life to the fullest and for not settling for mediocrity. He believed that everyone has the potential to live a truly extraordinary life, but that most people simply choose not to.

What does the quote to live is the rarest thing in the world mean?

The quote “To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all” means that most people go through life on autopilot, never really stopping to experience the world around them or to fully embrace their own lives. They simply exist, going through the motions without ever really living.

To truly live means to be present in the moment, to experience all that life has to offer, and to make the most of every opportunity. It means to be passionate about your goals and to never give up on your dreams. It means to love and be loved, to laugh and cry, to feel the full range of human emotions.

What is the rarest thing in the world is to live?

The rarest thing in the world is to live. It is not about having the most money, the biggest house, or the fanciest car. It is about living a life that is true to yourself, that is full of passion, and that makes a difference in the world.

If you want to live a truly rare life, start by following the tips above. Set goals, take risks, surround yourself with positive people, and give back to others. And most importantly, never stop living.

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Happiness comes from within yourself

Getting to know yourself with Cheeringup.info

Cultivating Happiness From Within

Happiness comes from within not from others. Do not look for happiness from external sources. Happiness will not come from other people places or possessions. The place to find true happiness is from within.

Cultivating Happiness

Stop seeking happiness peace and contentment from external sources be it people things or places to be truly happy with your life. You need to work on your own body and mind to find true happiness regardless of your wealth or lack of it.

Knowing what your purpose in life, however small or grand, may help you make the mind and body choices you need to achieve your purpose and be even happier as a result.

Loving yourself, your mind body and purpose will reveal a deeper more profound and lasting happiness and contentment with your life.

Look after your body and mind and it will look after you. If your mind and body is warning you that you are not living a good life, listen to it before it is too late. The only thing in your life you can control is how you think about your life, so make sure you are thinking wellness and wellbeing for yourself.

Get help to discover who you really are. Stop looking for external things to make you enjoy life more until you do. Find happiness and contentment within yourself.


Discover a new more positive you when you look more closely within yourself.

  • Realise you are more capable of more than you thought
  • You are important. Your life is important. Get a better perspective of yourself
  • Discover how great your life actually is and how it could get even better

Pick up tips to improve your lifestyle in UK yourself. In addition find a life coach to help you realise your life goals.

Happiness is not sustainable through material things or even other people

Both things and people can make you happy. However true happiness will always come from within. So even when you are in the worst of situations you can still find happiness within.

Seeking happiness from outside ourselves means that you are held prisoner by things or people you can not normally control. You can control your own happiness.

Happiness is a state of mind you can construct yourself from looking within to discover who you really are and what makes you happy.


True happiness comes from within yourself not from someone else.

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Happiness comes within you.

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CheeringupInfo Happiness comes from within yourself

Solve Life Troubles

Daily life problems and solutions

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How to solve problems in life? Life troubles can be real or perceived. Discover how to solve life problems more easily. Most people occasionally have life problems in every day life that need solving. How to solve life problems can be straight forward or complex.

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Mastering life’s troubles is the key to your happiest life possible

Mastering your life troubles without expecting trouble-free life as the later is not available to anyone at any time no matter how wealthy you are

Life is full of ups and downs, and no one is immune to its challenges. Whether you are wealthy or poor, successful or struggling, you will face difficulties in your life. The key to mastering life’s troubles is not to expect a trouble-free life but to learn how to deal with problems effectively and build resilience.

The first step in mastering life’s troubles is to accept that problems are a part of life. No matter how hard we try to avoid them, problems will come our way. Instead of resisting or denying them, we need to face them head-on and learn from them. We can’t control everything that happens in our lives, but we can control how we react to them. We can choose to see problems as opportunities for growth and learning.

The next step is to build resilience. Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks and adversity. It’s a crucial skill to have in life because it allows us to persevere through tough times and come out stronger on the other side. Building resilience involves developing a positive mindset, being adaptable, and seeking support from others.

One way to build resilience is to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment and non-judgmentally observing our thoughts and feelings. It can help us develop a more positive outlook on life and reduce stress and anxiety. Mindfulness can be practiced through meditation, breathing exercises, and other techniques.

Another way to build resilience is to focus on our strengths. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, and focusing on our strengths can help us feel more confident and capable of dealing with challenges. We can identify our strengths by reflecting on our past successes and achievements, getting feedback from others, and taking personality tests.

Seeking support from others is also essential in mastering life’s troubles. We all need a support system, whether it’s family, friends, or a therapist. Talking to others about our problems can help us gain perspective and find solutions. It’s important to remember that asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

In conclusion, mastering life’s troubles is not about avoiding problems but learning how to deal with them effectively. We can build resilience by accepting that problems are a part of life, practicing mindfulness, focusing on our strengths, and seeking support from others. No matter how wealthy or successful we are, we will face challenges in life. But with the right mindset and skills, we can overcome them and thrive.

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Mastering Life’s Troubles Is Key To Happiness

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With tips from life coaching experts and ordinary people who have already found solutions to your problems they have also experienced in UK.

How To Deal With Problems On Your Own

How To Handle Problems In Life UK

Life problems quotes

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Some problems have to be accepted as part of daily living in the UK

Not all problems have an easy solution. If you can not identify a solution ask for help from someone you can trust whether it is your friend doctor or someone else who is not friend or family that you trust.

Before you look for the solution make sure you are clear on what the problem is. That is where others can help. You may be too close to the problem to truly assess what the causes are.

Every one has problems in life. The may be small or massive problems. Solutions if available may be simple or complex. Getting help may make the the solution more easily achievable.

For most people life is all about a series of small and big problems to overcome. Ask for help to solve your life problems. Most people will feel pleased you have respected them enough to ask for their help. Few will be annoyed you asked.

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Having problems in your life can feel overwhelming. Few problems are critical so should never be seen as life defining. Finding the answer to all your life problems may not be possible here. We offer tips and advice from many experts and people who have found solutions that have worked for them and may work for you. Solve problems easier with help from CheeringupInfo.

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