Gift Guide To Best Gifts To Give In UK

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Gifts Guide UK

Bunches: Send fresh flowers to any address in the UK from £20. offer great value flowers from £20 including free UK delivery! From flowers to hampers, we enjoy a high conversion rate. You can be a part of this and earn 8% commission on sales!

Product range includes:
– Flowers delivered from £20
– Hand Tied Bouquets
– Letterbox flowers
– Hampers
– House Plants & Outdoor Plants
– Seasonal flower ranges including Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day and Christmas
– Same day despatch on orders placed before 17:30pm Monday-Friday and 11am Saturday

Optional Extras include:
– NEW range of personalised greetings cards
– Candles, cakes, chocolates and teddy bears and more!


Gifts Guide UK

Award winning family brand, Cardology, have been designing intricate 3D Pop Up Cards since 2014. Our mission is to help people create unforgettable moments with their loved ones, with our jaw-dropping range of over 200 intricate Pop Up Cards

Award winning family brand, Cardology, have been designing intricate 3D Pop Up Cards since 2014.  Our mission is to help people create unforgettable moments with their loved ones, with our jaw-dropping range of over 200 intricate Pop Up Cards. In a fast, digital world of fleeting electronic communications, these miniature works of art are memorable gifts in their own right, and are designed to leave a lasting impression.  

Alongside our own designs, we also create officially licensed cards for popular franchises like:

  • Harry Potter
  • Friends TV Show
  • DC
  • The Big Bang Theory
  • Elf
  • Battersea
  • Peter Rabbit
  • The Snowman
  • The Original Stormtrooper

And work with big brands like Warner Brothers, Penguin and Battersea Dogs & Cats Home.  So, whatever the occasion, we’ve got you covered!

A Quarter Of

Gift Guide To Best Gifts UK

A Quarter Of is a nostalgic online sweet shop which replaces the corner sweet shop that everyone remembers growing up with. We have around 600 old favourites and we’re adding more all the time – if a sweet is still around, we’ll find it!

A little bit about A Quarter Of…
A Quarter Of is a nostalgic online sweet shop which replaces the corner sweet shop that everyone remembers growing up with, which is sadly disappearing. Our sweets bring back fond memories of childhood days when the sun shone for longer, when you went everywhere with a whoopee cushion in your back pocket, and when your 6p change from your weekly dose of penny chews went on a copy of Whizzer and Chips.

We have around 600 old favourites – from Space Dust to Cherry Lips, Sweet Tobacco to Anglo Bubbly Bubblegum, Candy Necklaces to Blackjacks… And we’re adding more all the time – if a sweet is still around, we’ll find it and stock it!

Are we popular? Yes! We’ve been featured on BBC (Good Food Live, Working Lunch), ITV (This Morning), SKY News, Radio 5, The Sun, The Mirror, Daily Telegraph, The Times, The Guardian, The Mail…. the list goes on and on. In fact, we’re recognised by many in the national media as the voice of the industry, so media coverage has always been one of our strengths…. we’re a modest lot!

Fabulous Gifts!
As well as offering a huge range of sweets, we offer some fantastically original gifts – from our best-selling Wooden Boxes of Nostalgia to our beautiful printed gift boxes (always sent out with a fabulous fuschia ribbon wrapped around it), to jars in all shapes and sizes. We’re being used as an original gift resource more and more, so this is creating really exciting growth within the company. We’re also constantly adding to our Gifts section.

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