We the UK public do not value people and social care properly

Problems with social care are not based on UK immigration policy CheeringupInfo

UK Politics

When people say we mistake salary for the value of peoples jobs the are wrong. Salary should reflect the value of the job you do. Trouble is UK society does not take responsibility for rewarding our workers with a fair salary.

We do not value social care workers. They are not paid a true living wage.

  • Social care employers do not pay a fair living wage
  • Councils do not reward social care providers with a fair contract payment to deliver reliable safe quality social care services
  • UK governments for decades have not provided enough money to fund quality social care
  • The UK public are not prepared to pay tax or other means of funding quality social care in the UK.

We the people in the UK are happy to perpetuate poor social care services. By allowing our politicians on all sides and all colours to use social care as a political football we allow them to pass the buck. We need to grab hold of social care.

The people that winge about restricting low skilled workers to UK on basis that our social care services will collapse are missing the point. We need to pay our social care workers more to ensure people are prepared to work in social care services.

What that means is that we the UK public need to pay more to properly fund social care. Secondly the UK government needs to change how we manage social care. This if done properly can actually improve NHS services and even save money. Either councils or central UK government need to give more money to social care providers or bring that into public ownership. Social care providers or local or central government must pay people working in social care more to improve the quality and consistency of social care in the UK.

We need to stop blaming everyone else for poor social care in the UK. It starts with people in the UK paying more to fund social care in the UK. Then we can say that social care workers get paid what they are worth.

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We the UK public do not value people and social care properly CheeringupInfo Politics

Habits you exercise today dictate the person you will become tomorrow

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Being motivated will make you change your life. Developing good habits will ensure the change lasts. Habits define who we are. The changes you make in your life need to become habitual to make lasting difference to your life.

Making changes to your life does not make you a better or worse person. Making changes that last will dictate whether you create a better lifestyle for yourself. Changes that last are changes that you habitually do every day almost without thinking.


What you do today is a good step. However it is almost worthless in terms of changing your lifestyle. What is worthwhile is what you can realistically do every day to improve your life.

New Years resolutions fail because you have not been real with yourself. You first need to take stock of what you want in your life. The next step is to decide what you can realistically do every single day to take you closer to what you want your life to be.

You probably already know what your bad lifestyle habits are as you are already doing them every day! What you want to do every day in future is trickier because the key is to be realistic about what you can do to improve your lifestyle in medium term future. Long term future sure reach for the sky but it will take months to create good lifestyle habits. Your lifestyle habits will improve your lifestyle tomorrow but it is not an overnight successful change you should aim for.

Incremental lifestyle gains every day are better for you in long run than big gains overnight. If you want a break from your current lifestyle then great. However if you want to improve your life think incremental gains every day. Stopping drinking for a month might be good for you but it is unlikely to have any lasting benefit to your lifestyle. What you do today and every day thereafter is what improves your life.

If you really want to change your life for the better you need to make a conscious change to what you can honestly do every day to improve your life. It will not just happen. You are not destined for anything. You can choose your own destiny but you have to put the building blocks in place every day to become who you can realistically become.

Design simple achievable daily changes to your life that you know will eventually change your life for the better in UK.


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Better living health coach tips on CheeringupInfo

Cheeringup.info is a platform that provides valuable insights and tips on health and wellness through its experienced health coaches. Health coaching is a relatively new concept that involves helping individuals make lifestyle changes to improve their overall health and well-being. Health coaches provide personalised guidance to their clients and help them set and achieve realistic health goals.

Cheeringup.info Health Coach offers a variety of health coaching services that cater to the individual needs of its clients. The platform’s health coaches are highly experienced and well-trained professionals who provide support and guidance to individuals looking to improve their health and wellness.

In this article, we will discuss the various health coaching services offered by Cheeringup.info Health Coach, the benefits of health coaching, and how to choose the right health coach for you.

Health Coaching Services Offered by Cheeringup.info Health Coach

Cheeringup.info Health Coach offers a range of health coaching services that cater to the individual needs of its clients. The platform’s health coaches are experienced professionals who specialise in different areas of health and wellness. The following are some of the health coaching services offered by Cheeringup.info Health Coach:

Nutrition Coaching: This service involves providing guidance on nutrition and helping clients make healthy food choices. Nutrition coaching focuses on creating personalised meal plans that cater to the individual needs of the client.

Fitness Coaching: This service involves providing guidance on fitness and exercise. Fitness coaching focuses on creating personalised exercise plans that cater to the individual needs of the client.

Stress Management Coaching: This service involves providing guidance on stress management techniques. Stress management coaching focuses on helping clients identify the root cause of their stress and providing them with tools to manage it effectively.

Sleep Coaching: This service involves providing guidance on sleep hygiene and creating personalised sleep plans that cater to the individual needs of the client.

Weight Management Coaching: This service involves providing guidance on weight management and helping clients set and achieve realistic weight loss goals.

Benefits of Health Coaching

There are numerous benefits to working with a health coach. Health coaching can help individuals make positive lifestyle changes and improve their overall health and well-being. The following are some of the benefits of health coaching:

Personalised Guidance: Health coaching provides personalised guidance that is tailored to the individual needs of the client. Health coaches work closely with their clients to create personalised plans that cater to their unique needs.

Accountability: Health coaching provides accountability and motivation to help clients stay on track with their health goals. Health coaches provide ongoing support and guidance to help clients stay motivated and achieve their goals.

Support: Health coaching provides a supportive environment that encourages clients to make positive lifestyle changes. Health coaches provide non-judgmental support and guidance to help clients overcome any obstacles they may encounter.

Education: Health coaching provides education on health and wellness that helps clients make informed decisions about their health. Health coaches provide valuable insights and tips on nutrition, fitness, stress management, and more.

Long-Term Results: Health coaching focuses on making sustainable lifestyle changes that lead to long-term results. Health coaches help clients make gradual changes that are sustainable over time.

How to Choose the Right Health Coach

Choosing the right health coach is an important decision that should not be taken lightly. The following are some tips on how to choose the right health coach:

Credentials: Look for a health coach who has the necessary credentials and certifications. Make sure the health coach has completed a reputable health coaching program and has the necessary certifications.

Experience: Look for a health coach who has experience working with clients who have similar goals and needs as you. Experience is important because it shows that the health coach has a proven track record of success.

Compatibility: Look for a health coach who you feel comfortable working with. Health coaching involves a close working relationship between the client and the coach, so it’s important to choose a coach who you feel comfortable sharing personal information with.

Communication: Look for a health coach who has strong communication skills. The coach should be able to listen actively and provide clear, concise guidance.

Philosophy: Look for a health coach whose philosophy aligns with your own. Health coaching is a personalised experience, so it’s important to work with a coach who shares similar values and beliefs about health and wellness.

Cheeringup.info Health Coach offers a variety of health coaching services that cater to the individual needs of its clients. Health coaching provides personalised guidance, accountability, support, education, and long-term results. When choosing a health coach, it’s important to consider their credentials, experience, compatibility, communication skills, and philosophy. Working with a health coach can be a life-changing experience that leads to improved health and well-being. Cheeringup.info Health Coach is a great resource for anyone looking to make positive lifestyle changes and improve their overall health.

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Habits you exercise today dictate the person you will become tomorrow CheeringupInfo

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It is important to take time to research changes to your life before you decide to change. However procrastination maybe preventing you from enjoying your life to the full. When you have done the research it is then time to prepare for the change you decided on to make sure when you action the change it will work well for you.

Change is scary for most people. If your life is all flowers love excitement and contentment then there is no need to change. If you are happy or at least content with your lot in life then there is no need to change. However if you are putting off change just because you are too scared to change then you need to plan the steps to changing your life and then implement it determinedly.

Just because each step of your change process does not feel good does not mean change is not right for you. If you need to change to grow into your life more than you need to stick to your plan. The longer you wait to change the more likely you will have regrets in your life. Is it better to have tried and failed than to not try at all?

Planning to change to grow into your life better should not be done on a whim. However constantly procrastinating about about change could be the worst of all worlds. Do your research and plan for change. Then you should either accept your life as it is or action the changes to your life in your life plan.

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Time bundling for happiness

Time bundling is a time management technique that involves grouping similar tasks together and completing them in a single session. For example, you might bundle all of your errands together and run them all in one trip, or you might bundle all of your household chores and complete them in one session. While time bundling is often used to increase efficiency, it can also have a significant impact on your happiness. Here’s how.

Reduces Stress: One of the biggest benefits of time bundling is that it helps reduce stress. When you have multiple tasks to complete, it can be overwhelming and cause anxiety. However, by grouping similar tasks together and completing them in a single session, you can reduce the number of decisions you have to make, minimize the amount of time you spend on each task, and reduce the overall stress in your life.

Saves Time: Time bundling saves time in several ways. First, by grouping similar tasks together, you can reduce the amount of time you spend on each task because you are in a focused state of mind. Second, you eliminate the time you would spend transitioning between tasks, which can be time-consuming and mentally draining. Third, you avoid the time you would spend thinking about the next task or remembering what you need to do next.

Boosts Productivity: When you group similar tasks together and complete them in a single session, you increase your productivity. You are able to work more efficiently because you are in a focused state of mind and you can complete the tasks more quickly because you are not switching between different tasks. Additionally, by reducing the number of decisions you have to make and the amount of time you spend on each task, you free up mental energy, which you can use to tackle other tasks.

Improves Mood: Time bundling can also improve your mood. When you complete tasks efficiently and effectively, you experience a sense of accomplishment, which can boost your self-esteem and improve your overall mood. Additionally, by reducing stress, you are less likely to experience feelings of frustration and anger, which can have a negative impact on your mood.

In conclusion, time bundling is a simple yet effective time management technique that can make you happier. By reducing stress, saving time, boosting productivity, and improving your mood, time bundling can help you live a more balanced and fulfilling life. So, if you’re looking for a way to increase your happiness, consider trying time bundling today!

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Career coach tips for developing your career in UK faster and better

Career coaching and career advice tips with Cheeringup.Info

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New Year New Job

New Year is often a great time to review your career. More than half of all UK employees are planning on changing jobs in 2020. Maybe its time for you to change jobs too?

Are you paid enough for your skills and experience? Is your current employer taking advantage of your reluctance to change jobs? Could you boost the standard of your living in the UK? Find your dream job in 2020 in UK. Give yourself the best chance of improving your life next year.

Look out for interesting career development opportunities.


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Career Gap: Good or Bad

A career gap can be a touchy subject for job seekers, especially in the UK where the job market is competitive and employers often look for a continuous work history. However, the answer to whether a career gap is a good or bad thing for UK employers is not a straightforward one. Both sides have their pros and cons and ultimately, it depends on the individual situation.

One advantage of a career gap for UK employers is that it can demonstrate a candidate’s ability to pursue personal interests or to take care of family responsibilities. This can show that the candidate has a balanced life and is motivated to succeed both professionally and personally. Moreover, it can also highlight a candidate’s independence, adaptability and resourcefulness, as they may have developed new skills or pursued new interests during their gap. These qualities can be valuable to an employer and make the candidate stand out among other applicants.

On the other hand, a career gap can also raise concerns for UK employers. Some may view it as a lack of commitment to work, or a potential red flag that the candidate is not serious about their career. Moreover, there may be concerns about whether the candidate has kept up with industry changes and advancements during their gap, which could impact their ability to perform well in the role.

In conclusion, whether a career gap is a good or bad thing for UK employers depends on how the candidate presents it and how it is perceived by the employer. To ensure that a career gap is viewed in a positive light, it is important for job seekers to present it as a time of growth, learning and personal development. They should also highlight any transferable skills or new experiences they gained during their gap that are relevant to the role they are applying for.

In the end, UK employers are looking for candidates who can bring value to their organization, regardless of whether they have a gap in their work history. So, instead of focusing on the gap, job seekers should concentrate on showcasing their skills, achievements and passion for the role they are applying for.

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Career Gap: Good or Bad
UK Jobs Report October 2021

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